Chapter #41 ~ Into Futaba's Palace

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(A/N: I don't know, what to say... Lol XD. LET THE FUN BEGIN!)

~Your View~

(Y/N) face planted her face on her pillow. "Icanbelieveididthat!!! Icanbelieveididthat!!!"  (Y/N) face planted even deeper, and someone appears. And it was ghost-girl.

"Long time no see." Ghost-girl greeted. "You again!?" (Y/N) stop face planted, and look at Ghost-girl. "What do you wan't again?" (Y/N) asked. "Well nothing, i'm just gonna say that; You have some guts." Ghost-girl said. And (Y/N) head pop out a questioned mark (❓).

"I can believe that, you did that to Akira~kun." Ghost-girl said it between laughs, she's talking about, what happened on Sojiro's place. And (Y/N) immediately blush. "Oh shuddup!" (Y/N) shouted. And Ghost-girl laugh so much harder than before. And (Y/N) face is hitting up.

And Ghost-girl wipe her eyes, and chuckle. "By the way, Ghost-girl." (Y/N) said. "What is it?" Ghost-girl stop laughing. "Who really are you?" (Y/N) changed the subject.

Ghost-girl face is serious now. "Like i said, I am you..." Ghost-girl said that simple. "But. 'What kind are you?'." (Y/N) asked another questioned. And Ghost-girl sighed. "To be honest, i really don't know, who i am." Ghost-girl said. "Wha..." (Y/N) sweatdropped (💧).

"But, i'm sure that. I am you." Ghost-girl said. "But, how exactly." (Y/N) asked. "I don't know..." Ghost-girl said. "Seriously?" (Y/N) sweatdropped again (💧). "Anyways, my time is running out. I should go now... Until next time." Ghost-girl disappeared.

And (Y/N) just stayed silent, until she heard a voice rang to her head.

"You killed him!"

"It's all your fault!"

"Go and die!"

"Get lose, bitch!"

And (Y/N)'s head starts hurting. "What was that?" And another voice rang to (Y/N)'s head.

"(Y/N) stay strong..."

And (Y/N) voices stopped. "What was that, just now?" (Y/N) muttered, and asked herself.

~THE NEXT DAY: At Leblanc (No One's View)~

"The assembly was a bored of tears." Ryuji said. And Anne noticed that Yusuke is wearing he's school uniform. "Huh? You have school, Yusuke?" Anne asked. "I was doing laundry, and these are the clothes, i can wear." Yusuke said. "You need to buy more clothes." Anne said.

"Now, we didn't come here to have a little talk." Makoto said. "Let's get into Alibaba's case." (Y/N) changed the subject. "Well then, i'll start. Looks like Futaba was eavesdropping in on Leblanc." Morgana said. "But why she wants to listen in on the cafe?" Anne asked. "No clue." Morgana said.

"Like, what boss says... She's a tough nut to crack." Ryuji said. "In any case, her hacking skill is amazing if we wish to stand up to Medjed. And she also said that, she may be able to know, what their identity's is." (Y/N) said. "We have to trust her." Makoto said.

"Anyways, we found out that Futaba has a palace... But can someone who isn't evil have one?" Anne asked Morgana. "That doesn't matter. A Palace is full of cognitions... That's all." Morgana said. "She's so young though... The pain is probably why she ended up a strong distortion." Makoto said.

"Maybe that has something to do with why she calls herself Alibaba." Anne said. "According to the chief's story. Futaba have a visual hallucinations, right? And may be is related to some important memories. It's hard to explain... But those memories is warped with distortion." Morgana said.

"Basically we just have to steel her Treasure, right?" Ryuji asked. "Well, yeah." Morgana said. "So do we all agree about taking on Futaba's Palace?" Anne asked everyone. And everyone nodded, which means they agree. "All right, it's decide then." Morgana said.

~At Sojiro's House~

"This is Futaba's room." Morgana pointed at the door. "Hey, Futaba? You're in there, right?" (Y/N) knocked on the door. But nobody answered. "No answer..." Morgana said. "Futaba. Are you there?" (Y/N) knocked on the door again. "I'm sorry if i scream yesterday, it was so dark and i got scared." (Y/N) apologized.

"No responds..." Ryuji said. "This is gonna be hard..." Anne said. "You're listening, right, Alibaba?" (Y/N) knocked on the door one more time, and Akira got a texted message. "Is it Alibaba?" Makoto asked.

Alibaba: Why are you here?

"Why's she only reacts to that name...?" Morgana asked. "You're Futaba Sakura, aren't you?" (Y/N) asked. And no respond again. "She's not responding again." Yusuke said. "Does she not like us saying her name?" Anne asked. "We have no time here. We need her keywords now." Morgana said. 

"We need to know you more, if we don't, we can't steal your heart. The reason why we came here, 'cause we need your keywords." Makoto said. "We wan't to talk to Futaba Sakura not Alibaba." (Y/N) said. "You don't have to show yourself, chat messages are fine." Makoto said.

Alibaba: OK.

"All right then... Our leader, the guy lives in Leblanc's attic, wants to speak with you. I'm counting on you..." (Y/N) said.

Alibaba" What do you want to hear?

Akira: How is living in this house?

Alibaba: It's painful...

Akira: Why don't you go out?

Alibaba: I can't leave this place.

Alibaba: I'm going to die here.

"Wha-- Die...!?" Anne was shocked.

Alibaba: Is this going to continue?

Akira: Why do you think that?

Alibaba: Why?

Alibaba: This place is my tomb.

"Tomb?" (Y/N) said. "You think that's it?" Ryuji said. "Try entering 'tomb.'" Morgana said. And Akira entered the tomb, and the Nav responds. "We got it...!" Morgana said. 

Alibaba: Was that enough?

"Yes. You haven't forgotten your promise, right?" (Y/N) remind the promise.

Alibaba: I haven't. We made a deal.

~Ends The Text Message~

"Well then, let's hurry up and go. Aaaand clicky." Ryuji grab Akira's phone, and activate the Nav. "You idiot! Don't activate it here!" Morgana said, but it was too late.

~At The Metaverse~

And they are inside the Metaverse, and there we're shock that, they saw a desert. "It's a desert..." Fox said. "Yeah, we see that." Skull said. "Wait, what the-- Our clothes are still the same?" Panther  noticed that their we're still wearing their normal clothes. "Futaba asked as to steal her heart. And she thinks that we're not enemies, are clothes will not change. More importantly, why'd you activated like that!?" Mona asked Skull.

"Is that why we ended up in this desert? Where's the tomb? It's so damn hot here." Skull said. "Even we entered right in front her room, we didn't end up inside it." Panther said. "She must want to keep people away from her." (Y/N) said. "I see..." Queen said. "*Sigh* Let's hurry up and get goin' to her Palace." Skull said. "But where's the Palace?" (C/N) asked.

"Is it that way?" Mona pointed, and they looked and saw something shiny. "Oh yeah, there's somthin' shiny." Skull said. "A tomb in the desert... I see. Anyway, let's make our way there." (C/N) said. "Isn't that kinda far?" Anne asked. "Are we gonna walk!?" Skull asked.

"Of course not! My paws will burn!" And Mona turned into a car. "I've been waiting for this." Fox said. "I'll make sure to put the AC on full blast!" Mona said. "You're so considerate!" Panther said. "Hehe, r-right..." Mona said. "All right! Let's go!" Skull said.


And they we're still traveling to get into Futaba's Palace. And they looked so dead, because of the hotness, and (C/N) and Joker, we're sleeping and cuddling.

"It's so hot." Anne is sweating right now. "Don't say that loud. Opening the windows would just make it more hotter." Queen said. And Panther was doing this...

(A/N: I don't know, how yo explain that... SOMEONE HELP ME!)

"Hey, do you have some mineral water?" Queen asked. "I drink it already." Panther said. And Queen sighed. "How's the back?" Queen asked. And Panther looked a up, and saw Skull's and Fox's faces and Skull's was like this...


"Take this!" And Panther pulled the lever, and that cause the car to move crazy. And Skull and Fox, got knockdown, and (C/N) and Joker wakes up, because the car moved crazy. "Morons!" Panther said. And (C/N) rub her head, so as Joker, because of the pain. "Ow, what the heck happened?" (C/N) asked. (A/N: If you don't understand this, just watch the video up there.)

"Is that..." Fox said. "Here we go." Queen said. And it revealed that Futaba's Palace is a pyramid.

~After A Long Travel~

And they finally made it, into Futaba's Palace. "It's SO hot..." Panther looks so dead. "I feel like i'm being cooked." (C/N) looks dead as well. "The AC ain't workin' at all!  The hell was that lukewarm air about!?" Skull complained Mona. "That was the best i could do, so quit your yapping!" Mona said "For real, you are so half-assed!" Skull said. 

"What was that!? You wanna fight, moron!?" Mona said. "Geez, shut up! It's hot, so don't make me more irritated!" Panther said. "To think her Palace is a pyramid..." Makoto looks dead as well. And they looked at the pyramid, and it was huge.

"Hey, a pyramid's a tomb, right?" Skull asked. "Yes. It's a pharaoh's tomb." Fox said. "That's how it's mostly known. There are a variety of theories on it." Queen said. "It's beautiful nonetheless... It's perfectly conformed to the golden ratio..." Fox is talking about art. "Hey, guys, can we go in already?" Skull asked. "I'm gonna melt, also..." Panther said. 

~Inside Futaba's Palace~

And they walk to the very long stairs, and when their walking they saw something... "Hey, is this...?" Skull asked. "That's Futaba's Shadow." Mona said. And Futaba's Shadow designed was:

eyes are golden, and she wears clothes that looks like an Egyptian Pharaoh.  

"So you're Futaba Sakura..." (C/N) asked the Shadow. "......." Shadow Futaba just stayed silent. "Hey, where's your treasure?" Skull asked.

"It's doubtful that you wouldn't know where is it." Queen said. "Hey, say something." Skull said. "Don't be like that!" Panther said to Skull. "Sorry, Futaba. It's OK, there's no need to be afraid." (C/N) said. "So, can you tell us where is your treasure?" Queen asked. But The Shadow Futaba didn't say any word.

"This is going nowhere." Fox said. "Let's just leave her." Skull said. "Will you guys shut up for a bit!?" Panther said. "Those who plunder my tomb. Why have you come?" Shadow Futaba finally talked. "She talked... But..." (C/N) said. "What are you sayin'? You wan't to steal it, right?" Skull asked.

"If you believe you can steal it, then try as you might." Shadow Futaba said. "That's rather defiant sounding." Mona said. "Perhaps this is that 'tsundere' thing were someone harsh or sweet depending on the mood." Fox said. "Considering the state that my Palace is in... ...There is no way that you can steel it." Shadow Futaba said.

"Freaking child."

"You killed her."

"Your a plague."

(A/N: I don't know, if there right.)

"What are these voices?" Fox asked. And the Shadow Futaba knelt down, and hold her head.


"Why don't you say something!?"

"Murderer...?" (C/N) said. 

"Your the one who killed her!"

"It's your fault!"

"This is horrible..."Panther said. "Hey, the hell is this?" Skull asked. 

"Don't come near me!"

"Don't you stand there, and say something!"

"It's your fault!"


"...That's right. I did it." And the Shadow Futaba was floating, and her body looks like a ghost. "What...?" Skull said. "I am the one who killed my mother." Shadow Futaba said. And their was a loud sound, and the place was getting shaky. "What was that!?" Panther asked. "My mother exists here. I will remain here. I will do so until i die." And the Shadow Futaba disappeared.

And everyone's clothes changed. "Our clothes...!?" Queen was surprise. "She sees us as a threat now... What's going on!?" Fox said.  

~Futaba's View~

"Hm? This... Again..." Futaba said.

"Freaking child."

"You killed her."

"Your a plague."


"Why don't you say something!?"

"...That's right... I killed Mom. I don't deserve to be alive... This place is a tomb... I'll die here..." And there was more voices, and Futaba hold her head.

"Don't come near me!"

"Don't you stand there, and say something!"

"It's your fault!"


"No...! Someone help me..." Futaba can't stand this anymore. (A/N: DON'T WORRY FUTABI, THE PHANTOM WILL HELP YOU!)

~Ghost-girl View~

And Ghost-girl was watching Futaba, with her magical TV. "So... She regrets herself to her mothers death..." And Ghost-girl summons a card, and pick one card, and looked at it. "I see..." Ghost-girl closed her hand, and the card disappeared.

~After Escaping To The Palace~

And everyone was in Leblanc, and they watched at the TV, and they announced that Medjed alleged cleanse is 8/21. "In order to stop them, we need to help Futaba Sakura before the 21st." (Y/N) said. "So are deadline is 19th." Makoto said. "I'm thinking that this place should be our hideout, for a while." Ryuji suggested. "Convenient." Akira agreed.

"Alright, then this place will be our hideout for a while." Makoto said. "We must be careful not be discovered by Boss." Yusuke said. "Man, this is gonna be one crazy summer vacation." Ryuji said. "How can you be enjoying this? Plus, you were staring at me with a dirty look, you perv." Anne said. And (Y/N) and Akira pop out a questioned mark (❓), which means they don't know, what happened.

"Shuddup! It was a great view! You saw that too, right Yusuke?" Ryuji said. "Indeed. the pyramid's golden ratio was truly a sight to behold." Yusuke is talking about art again. And Akira and (Y/N) don't know, what Ryuji is saying.

"That ain't what i'm talkin' about..." Ryuji said. "Uhh... Hey, what exactly happened?" (Y/N) asked. "Well... Uhhhh..." Ryuji is speechless. "I wasn't looking at Lady Anne. I'm gentleman, after all." Morgana said. "It's not that you 'weren't', but that you 'couldn't' since you were transformed, am i right?" Anne asked. And Morgana sweatdropped (💧).

And Makoto sighed, and Akira and (Y/N) we're still confuse. "No legit, what happened?" (Y/N) asked again. "Well, Ryuji was looking at me with that dirty looked, when we are in the Mona car." Anne said. "Why only me!?" Ryuji shouted. "Shuddup, moron!" Anne shouted back.

"And not only that, you two we're cuddling when we are in the Mona car." Ryuji added. And you to pop out a exclamatory mark (❗️). "WHAT!?" (Y/N) shouted, and they both blushed madly. "I ain't even lying, you can tell it to Yusuke." Ryuji said. "Indeed. You two we're cuddling, and sleeping peacefully." Yusuke said. And Akira and (Y/N)'s face is heating up. "Will we be all right like this...?" Makoto muttered.

~Futaba's View~

Futaba was texting to her phone, when... "Not again..." And something appeared to her back, and speaking something. "Rgh... Agh... Ngh..." And the thing behind her, disappeared. "Mom..." Futaba can't take this anymore.

(A/N: END THE CHAPTER! Hope you all like it, i really don't know what else to say. Have a wonderful day, and...)

ANIMEgirlfan173 IS OUT~!

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