Chapter #14 ~ He Is My Other Self

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(A/N: I have no words, LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!)

-----At Leblanc-----

"Another day of work *Sigh*." Sojiro let a deep sigh while smoking a cigarette and watching the news on TV.

"And now on our hot topic for today is..." The newscaster began, "People suddenly disappearing out of the blue, especially teenagers of the age of 16 and above. According to the police, there have been 890 people per day gone missing, the police don't know what are the cases why people suddenly vanish and still investigating this problem."

"This news is not new at all, the police said that people start disappearing on April 9; 500 people have been disappearing on that day and it keeps increasing every month. What is going on? Is there a culprit behind all of this? We will know soon enough."

"Woah..." Sojiro got speechless after watching the news on TV, "People began missing? Man, what's going in the world now?"




-----At Madarame's Palace-----

The Phantom Thieves enters a weird looking place were many bamboos decoration on the doors revealing inside another big decorated door.

"Yo, any luck?" Skull asked.

"Not yet." Joker responds, "I couldn't find any kind of mechanism."

"Me neither." Panther spoke, "I figured I could at least shut down the sensors."

"I also checked, but couldn't find a keyhole in the door." Mona sighed in distress.

"I couldn't find anything either." (C/N) spoke.

"Seriously? Then what're we supposed to do?" Skull asked.

"Doesn't seem like there's much we can do from here." Mona replied.

"What's that mean?" Skull curiously asked Mona.

"We need to form a plan." Mona looked at his teammates.


"How're we supposed to get past that door?" Ann asked.

"I dunno... You think there's some kinda off switch somewhere?" Ryuji said. 

"Looks like this is where I come in." Morgana spoke, "I have a suspicious place in mind. Remember? This shack is the basis for Madarame's Palace. I actually scouted it out the last time we were here."

"Whoa... So this was your plan from the start...?" Ryuji asked.

"Correct." Morgana said.

"...You only went 'scouting' because you were bored." Ann said. 

"So? Where's this suspicious place?" Ryuji asked Morgana. 

"It's on the second floor. I noticed an unnaturally hefty lock on a door up there." Morgana replied. 

"If it's locked, that means there's something in there he doesn't want people to see." Ann added. 

"But don't we wanna be opening the door in the Palace?" Ryuji asked again. 

"Yes, and we're going to do that by opening the real one in front of Madarame's eyes. Basically, we're going to change his cognition that the door is unopenable." Morgana explained.

"In other words... When we open the ones in Madarame's house, that area in his Palace will open on its own?" Ann said.

"I'm not really getting it... Is that gonna work?" Ryuji scratches his head. 

"Trust me! There's no chance it won't open!... I think! You understand, don't you, Joker?" Morgana asked. 

"It can't hurt to try." Akira respond.

"Well yeah, but..." Ryuji said.

"Why don't you trust me!? It's worth to try!" Morgana said.

"But even then, there's still that hefty lock we have to deal with in reality, right?" Ann said.

"Oh, that'll be a breeze. Just give me a hairpin and I'll handle it. It will take some time though. Doing everything by myself in front of Madarame's would be impossible. If only there was someone who could distract him for a while..." Morgana looked at Ann.

"...Huh?" Ann titles her head. 

"Oh... Ohhh! Man, how are we even gonna get into his house? We'd get reported for sure if we forces ourselves in..." Ryuji also look at Ann. 

"What?" Ann still didn't get what they meant.

"I guess the only way is... Having you go nude." Ryuji said casually.

"WHAT!?" Ann shouted as she blushes. 

"Fancy you say that, Ryuji. I was just thinking the same thing." Morgana agreed.

"This isn't funny!" Ann was blushing in mess.

"We're not saying you should really get naked." Ryuji said.

"It's simply the best excuse for entering Madarame's house without raising suspicions... So, we'd like for you to play the role of decoy, Lady Anne." Morgana said.

"This is way to sudden... I mean, i don't even know where the locked door is." Ann  is trying to defend herself. 

"Don't worry, Lady Ann. If anything happens, I'll protect you." Morgana said casually. 

"But that's still technically only me... Worst comes to worst, what if I get found out...?" Ann is still trying to defend herself. 

"You can just run for your life" (Y/N) replied. 

"Is that really gonna work!? I mean, you're not giving me much confidence in this plan! Do I have to be the bait...?" Ann doesn't like this plan. 

"It's for your justice... Probably." Akira spoke.

"Why can't one of you guys go nude!?" Ann asked, "What about (Y/N) anyways!"

"Oh hell no I'm not doing that!" (Y/N) suddenly snaps.

"......" Akira's glasses suddenly reflects.

"You're coming with--" Ann didn't finish her words.

"If you do that to me I'm going to one o' one combat you Ann." (Y/N)'s aura suddenly turned dark and scary as she cracks her knuckles.

"O-O-O-Okay, j-just don't kill me, please?" Ann rolled a cold sweat on her face after seeing (Y/N) very angry.

"Beside's he ain't what he wants." Ryuji spoke. 

"Then make it so he does!" Ann said, "Maybe Akira would be the bait instead!"

"What?!" Akira suddenly jaw-drop his face.

"He did say he has no interest as someone of the opposite sex." (Y/N) pointed out, "Maybe his gay"

"That is not the problem right now!" Akira snaps at (Y/N).

"In any case, you just gotta trick Yusuke, have him take you to that room, then just open the door." Ryuji changes the subject. 

"You make it sound so easy...! But if there's no other way... I don't... I don't... I don't have a choice... Urghhhh! God! Fine, I'll do it! For justice! Seriously, you better pull this off!" Ann was blushing in mess.

"If it's for your sake Lady Ann, I won't stop scratching even if all my claws were to break!" Morgana said. 

"We'll be counting on you, Morgana! Don't let Yusuke notice ya, all right?" Ryuji said. 

"If he tries to force my clothes off... I'll tear that house down! I'm really gonna lose it if we do all this and the Palace door doesn't open, Got it!?" Ann was so serious. 

"We're working to get dirt on that guy's crimes either way. It won't go to waste. All right, let's get down and dirty tomorrow." Ryuji said. 

"Tomorrow!?" Ann winded her eyes. 

"Earlier the better." Ryuji said, "Um, b-but... Will Kitagawa-kun agree?" Ann asked. 

"I dunno, just say something like 'I really need it to be tomorrow.' That should work, yeah?" Ryuji said with girly voice tones as Ann sweatdropped.

-----The Next Day-----

"Ann, Morgana, we're counting on you. Me, Akira, and (Y/N)'re banned from going there, so all we can do is wait here..." Ryuji said. 

"Actually, Akira and (Y/N). You two have something different you'll need to do." Morgana said, 

"What is it?" (Y/N) asked. 

"You have to wait inside the Palace. Once the door opens, sneak in and look for some kind of control room. We need to make sure the door can't close anymore after it's open." Morgana said, 

"Why I'm not part of the plan?" Ryuji asked. 

"Because if something happened to us, we can call you just in case of emergency." Morgana said, 

"Uugghh... Fine." Ryuji said. 

"Alright, you can count on us!" Akira said firmly.  

-----Another Time Skip-----

"To think you'd really come... I assumed you were lying when you contacted me." Yusuke smiled as he was fixing his paintings.

"I'm sorry it was so sudden." Ann apologize.

"Oh, it's not a problem. But as I told you yesterday, Sensei will be returning in about twenty or thirty minutes. So um... I'm sorry if that causes some anxiety on your part." Yusuke said. 

"That's why I'm here today, dammit." Anne whispered angrily. 

"What was that?" Yusuke turn around and asked. 

"Oh no, it was nothing!" Anne reassured. 

"By the way... Have you gained some weight?" Yusuke notice Ann was fat but in reality, she was wearing a ton of clothes. 

"You think so? I weigh the same as always... Maybe I'm bloated today?" Ann said. 

"So, then... Can you, um... Get ready here?" Yusuke asked.

"I... need to take my clothes off, right?" Ann asked embarrassingly. 

"Y-Yes please.." Yusuke looked away as he as a thin blush on his face.

"I'm embarrassed. Could you look the other way...?" Ann blushes madly then Yusuke turn around. 

".......!" Yusuke notices a t-shirt thrown from his side.

"Oh...!" Yusuke notices a Shujin skirt.

"Phew, that was tight..." Ann tries to catch her breath. 

"Tight...?" Yusuke questioned, "No, I'm doing this for art...!"

"Don't look ever here, OK...? H-Hey, your sensei's coming back soon, right?" Ann asked nervously as other clothes thrown away.

"I believe so..." Yusuke replied. 

"Hm... Do you think we could do this somewhere else then? A little more atmosphere would be lovely..." Ann starts acting.

"This should be good enough..." Yusuke said.

"But wouldn't a room with a lock be a bit better?" Ann asked. 

"A lock...?" Yusuke questioned.

"Must a girl say more...?" Ann throws other clothes.

"Wha!? But the only one with a lock is... Sensei's room..." Yusuke trailed. 

"Then why not there?" Ann asked. 

"I can't intrude... Besides, I don't have the key..." Yusuke said. 

"He says he doesn't have the key." Ann whispered quietly to Morgana

"It's OK. That's why I'm here. I'm just gonna use this hairpin.." Morgana whispered back.

"Takamaki-san, are you about--" Yusuke finish his sentence as Ann threw a blue bra at Yusuke direction.

"T-Takamaki-san!" Yusuke felt his heart beat faster and faster, "Can I look now?"

"......." No response

Yusuke just finally decide to turn around revealing a million of clothes was on the floor, "You were wearing all of this?"

"Takamaki-san?" Yusuke called Ann as he was stepping outside the room.

-----At Madarame's Palace-----

"Are they gonna pull this off...?" (C/N) questioned.

"I don't know." Joker response.

"......" (C/N) looked at Joker for a second but look away again, "By the way have you heard the news?"

"Hm?" Joker looked at (C/N).

"People suddenly disappearing out of the blue, according to the police 890 people per day gone missing." (C/N) said.

".......!" Joker winded his eyes.

"Do you think because of the Metaverse?" (C/N) asked Joker.

"Why you said that?" Joker asked back.

"I don't know, maybe because we don't know much about the meta-nav." (C/N) said.

"........" Joker held his chin, "We should ask Mona about this."

"OK." (C/N) agreed.

-----Back To Madarame's house-----

"You're still not done!?" Ann whispered to Morgana. 

"It's hard to do this... With cat paws!" Morgana is trying to open the lock.

"Please, can you just wait and--" Yusuke tries to catch Ann.

"Takamaki-san?" Yusuke called Ann.

"You have to stay away from that room. Only Sensei can go in there." Yusuke said.

"What's in there?" Ann asked. 

"It's a storage area for old paintings." Yusuke replied as Morgana made a noise

"What was that noise?" Yusuke was about to check out.

"Never mind that! I have to finish undressing right?" Ann asked as she was blushing in mess.

"Here?" Yusuke blush also.

"But I'm at the end... What should I do?!" Ann thought herself as she was about to take off her shirt.

"I'm home." Suddenly Madarame was already home.

"Yes! I got it!" Morgana exclaimed before running inside.

"Yusuke?" Madarame approached the two were standing, "What are you doing there?!"

"I-It's... It's not what it looks like!" Yusuke said nervously.

Suddenly  Ann drags Yusuke inside the room. "Wha!?" Yusuke caught by surprise 

"Not in there...!" Madarame tries to stop them.  

-----Back To Madarame's Palace-----

As the two teenagers were inside the Palace waiting for the door to open, then suddenly the door opens. They looked at each other nodding meaning they're both ready to get inside.

They both approached the entrance seeing a guard at the entrance, "They got past the security system?! You cannot go any further! You are trespassing on Lord Madarame's Territory!"

"What do to do Joker?" (C/N) asked.

"You go shoot him until I find his weakness." Joker commanded.

"Roger." (C/N) agreed before pulling her rage weapon and pointing to were will she aim then she pulled the trigger which causes the enemy to take damage but not enough, she then continue shooting the enemy.

"Obariyon!" Joker summons his person, "Use snap." He commands his persona who followed then the enemy felt weakened meaning Joker found the enemies weakness.

"It's not enough!" (C/N) said to Joker.

"Your turn!" Joker called as he passes her a high-five meaning it's (C/N)'s turn to battle.

"Persona!" (C/N)'s called her persona, "Taste my medicine!" (C/N) commands his persona to attack who also followed which the enemy finally vanished.

"Nice one." Joker said.

"It was nothing." (C/N) replied without any expression.

"Anyways, let's turn off the security system." Joker said before run as (C/N) followed.

-----Meanwhile: At Madarame's Place-----

"Takamaki-san, this is bad...!" Yusuke spoke as Ann turned on the light. 

 "What the...!?" Yusuke gasped upon of a ton of Sayuri's inside the room.

"Isn't this... 'Sayuri'? Why are there so many of them...?" Ann also gasped as well. 

"Get out!" Madarame said angrily.

"Sensei, what is the meaning of this...?" Yusuke asked. 

"I suppose I can't keep quiet now that you've seen this... Truth be told... I'm in serve debt. I handmade these 'Sayuri' copies and have been selling them through a special connection of mine..." Madarame covered his face. 

"But why...?" Yusuke asked again. 

"The real 'Sayuri'... Was stolen by one of my pupils long ago. I assume they begrudged my strictness... That moment was quite a shock for me... Since then, I've been mired in a terrible artists's block... Because of this distress, some of my pupil handed their ideas over to me from time to time..." Madarame tried to avoid an eye-contact.

"......" Ann felt something doesn't feel right.

"I knew I couldn't keep that up, so I attempted to recreate the 'Sayuri' a number of times. However, it resulted in nothing more than replicas... That's when someone came to buy the paintings, knowing well they weren't original... It's all my fault, i couldn't pay the price of being famous. As expectations for me rose, it reached a point where i had no choice but to keep making them... I... Needed money to further your talents... I ask that you please forgive your cowardly teacher..." Madarame pleaded. 

"Please don't...!" Yusuke said nervously. 

"Hold on... Something doesn't add up. If the original painting got stolen, how did you make copies of it?" Ann asked.

"I... Happened to find a finely detailed photograph of it in an artbook." Madarame replied.

"So you managed to sell copies of the original? I'm not sure how this work, but... Don't people who buy paintings generally have a keen eye for the fine arts? This sounds like a lie to me." Anne said. 

"What would you know!?" Madarame asked angrily. 

"Something just doesn't feel right!" Ann replied.

"Lady Anne. This one seems different!" Morgana whispered at Ann who turns around and saw one more painting that's cover to a purple blanket, she pulls out the blanket revealing another Sayuri painting. 

"'Sayuri'...? This... This is the real 'Sayuri'! But you just said a moment ago that it was stolen...!" Yusuke asked Madarame.

"That's a replica!" Madarame said. 

"No, it's nothing of the sort! This painting kept me going... It's the reason i made it this far... Sensei... Don't tell me..." Yusuke noticed that Madarame is been lying the whole time.

"It's fake... Yes, a counterfeit! I heard there was a counterfeit spreading around, so i bought it!" Madarame's face rolled a cold sweat.

"So you're telling me the actual artist behind the painting bought a counterfeit? That's pushing it." Ann said. 

"Your lying, Sensei... Please just tell us the truth..." Yusuke begged.

"You too...?" Madarame pulls out his phone, and reported the two teenagers, "I've reported you to my private security company!"

"What!?" Ann gasped. 

"I had it set up to deal with some problematic paparazzi, but I never thought it'd come in so handy." Madarame said.

"Please, wait! Let's talk about this...!" Yusuke asked politely.

"You talk all you want to the police... That includes you, Yusuke." Madarame said.

"Lady Ann, let's run!" Morgana said before running outside the room followed by Ann 

"A cat!? Where did it-- There's no point! They'll be here within two minutes!" Madarame shouted. 

"Takamaki-san!" Yusuke runs as well.  

-----Back To The Palace-----

"Aaaaaaaaahhh!!!" Joker and (C/N) went back to the entrance as they heard someone screamed from the sky, they look up seeing Panther, Skull, Mona, and Yusuke falling from the sky.

 Panther thought she was about to crash from the ground so hard but luckily Yusuke caught her and landed on the ground while Yusuke holding her in bridal style.

"Nice catch." (C/N) said casually.


Joker and (C/N) heard a loud crashing on the floor, they turned around seeing Skull crashed on the floor looking like his body crashes into pieces.

"O-O-Owwww! I think I broke my back!" Skull trying to

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