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Mr. Kim fixed his glasses "So everybody, we have a new transferred student-" Mr. Kim said and looked at you through his glass and fixed it.

Why everyone's so handsome here?

He kept on looking at you for a minute or so and you awkwardly smiled at him, and then you realised he was asking your name, "l/n y/n, sir" you introduced yourself to him with a bow "Let's welcome y/n with a warm appluase" he said and clapped, and the class joined soon.

You grinned uncomfortably only to be returned wih awkward stares and waves. "Now we have to choose a seat for you..." He said looked around the class trying to find a seat for you.

"how about next to Jake?" He looked at you, you looked around the class.

how the heck am I supposed to know Jake?

"I'll be glad if I had a seat first, my legs are hurting" you forced a smile at Mr. Kim "Okay, Jake raise your hand" he called out and a handsome boy raised his hand,

Wow, I love this school already.

That Jake guy smiled at you as you sat next to him, ofcourse you smiled like an idiot. "Okay today, we're going to see and study about Binomial distribution and theorem" he said and turned towards the board.

the fuck is that?

you looked at Jake who was concentrating on the lesson, you turned back to see the same honey orbs glaring at you, a wicked smile forming on your lips "heyyy" You waved at him enthusiastically keeping your voice barely above an whisper.

He rolled his eyes and looked away.

You continued to listen the class but decided to check on your dearest friend who had the same look as yours. You sometime wonder if you both have a connected nerve or a soul, because you both always seemed to do and say the same thing. Like he got a signal, sunghoon looked at you,

"you're teaching me this later"

you both mouthed to each other at the same time, you scratched your head and looked at Mr. Kim who was still scribbling something on the board "Hey Jake, can you please teach me about this later?" you asked, "Sure y/n" he smiled at you.

"you're the best!" You squealed a little too loud for Mr. Kim to turn around, "why do I hear people talking here?" He aksed annoyed but your mouth replied in an instant "because you have ears" but quickly covered your damn non-stoppable mouth.

The whole class snickered and covered their mouth to stop themselves from receiving any detentions or punishments.

Mr. Kim cleared his throat, "be glad that it's your first day here Ms. l/n" he turned around and started scribbling something on the board again. You rolled your eyes, "I thought he was taking biology" you said and shrugged. Jake snickered.

"You're cool y/n, let me tell you that, no one has ever spoken to mr. Kim like that" he whispered to you still amused by your reply "damn y'all pussies" you sighed smugly "I'm cool though" you grinned giving a side eye, shrugging again.

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