CHAPTER 9: Fractures

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Taichi: You are ... - Said seeing up in the trees

Yamato: But ...

Everyone saw where Taichi kept his eyes and saw an unknown digimon perched on a tree branch.

Sagomon: At last, we know each other, Chosen Children left over, my name is Sagomon

Koushiro: Sagomon? -He said confused as he pulled out his laptop

Tentomon: We have never seen a digimon like that before

Sora: Like what leftovers? - Said confused and fearful

Sagomon: Yes, you four left over - He said with a smile

Taichi hid behind Yamato with fear while looking at Sagomon.

Yamato: Taichi? - He said confused by his attitude

Taichi: He has been following us. He said scared

Yamato: Have you been ...?

Sagomon: The other three are with you? It's better not to hide them -he said laughing

Koushiro: Here it is - Said while finding Sagomon's data on his laptop - It's a digimon virus at its perfected level

Takeru: Do you have to do with what happened to our friends?

Sagomon: Sure, I took them

Everyone was surprised and scared to hear that, the digimon did not even care if they knew it or not.

Yamato: Why ...? Why the hell did they do it ?! - Angry scream

Sagomon: Do you really want to know? - He said with a sinister smile as he started to laugh

Then he rose from the branch of the tree and appeared in his hand a huge weapon in the form of a half moon.

Jumping from the tree and with his weapon, he went straight to Yamato and Taichi to attack them.

Gabumon evolved at the moment to Garurumon and jump on the digimon to move it away.

Sora: What are you doing ?!

Koushiro: Tentomon, help him-He said taking out his digivice and Tentomon evolved to Kabuterimon

Sagomon: Do you want to stop me? Do it, who they put in danger is their friend who is there-He said pointing to Taichi

Takeru: Danger? You are the danger-He said taking out his digivice and Patamon evolved to Angemon

Sagomo was about to use his weapon again, always having Yamato and Taichi in his sights. Angemom unfolded his staff and stopped the attack.

Sagomon: It's fun, fun-He said laughing and then push Angemon and hit him with force with his gun-Just give me the child, there's no reason to fight

Yamato: Get him? -He said angrily between his teeth.- What the hell are you trying to do?

Sagomon then went to Kabuterimon to attack him, he was able to dodge in time.

Then Garurumon jumped on Sagomon and sent an intense flare over him, but it did not affect him and he came out of the flames and attacked Garurumon in surprise.

Koushiro: It is quite fast

Sagomon: Do not waste my time, -he said as he leaped back from Yamato, and with a kick, hit his back and threw him away from Taichi

Sora: Yamato! - Scream worried running to the

Taichi: Brother! - He shouted in the same way with intention to go after the

But before doing so, Sagomon held him in a shirt collar and lifted him to his height.

Piyomon: Taichi!

Takeru: Drop it!

Sagomon: No and it does not matter if I tell you that he is dangerous, they will not take care of this problem

Yamato: Why the hell does he say dangerous?

Taichi: No! Let go!! Let go!!

Kabuterimon flew towards them and with an onslaught between Sagomon and Taichi, managed to release him and Angemon could go in time to catch Taichi.

Piyomon evolved in the instant to Birdramon and with his attack, fleeting meteors, directed to Sagomon, managed to hit him with force and could create at the same time a large layer of smoke in front of him in order to escape.

They went into the forest, hoping he had not followed them.

Kabuterimon: We are already safe

Yamato: Who was that digimon?

Angemon: Are you okay, Taichi? -He said as he lowered him to the ground.

Sora: That was very close

Agumon: Taichi. Did you know that digimon?

Taichi: He bothers us a lot

Sora: Does it bother us?

The place shook again with great force, then stopped, as before, then, the boys were surprised, that out of the bushes came running Joe, Mimi and Hikari, all again as small as five years.

Everyone ran towards Taichi to hug him.

Takeru: Everyone ...!

Gomamon: Joe is too small!

Palmon: Mimi!

Tailmon: What's happening?

Sora: What's up? Why are you so scared?

In the instant, from among the woods, the same hooded subject jumped right in front of everyone.

Yamato: What ...? - He said very angry, then, Taichi and the others ran to hide behind Yamato

Mimi: Brother, help us

Joe: We do not want to go back

Taichi: Please Yama nii-chan

Hikari: It's cold

Yamato: Guys ...

Angemon, Birdramon, Garurumon and Kabuterimon were positioned to attack the subject while protecting the boys, they did not want to cause a fight again, if their strength was compared to Sagomon's, they were at a disadvantage.

??: You do not decide it, they are just a fracture

Takeru: Fracture?

??: Yes, waste of your friends' depression, they are not just illusions from the memories of the Chosen Children that the idiot Sagomomn could not stop

Sora: Illusions of your memories?

Joe: You are an illusion! - He said angry but scared

Mimi: We are real, -he said as he pulled Taichi's cheek

Taichi: Haaaow! - Scream sore

Mimi: Yes we are

Tailmon: Did you come to take them?

??: No, to destroy them

Yamato: Destroy them ?!

??: We do not want to get rid of the Chosen Children, and we do not want their fractures to wander around- He said while watching the little ones

Hikari: Do not look at us like that, -she said scared

??: If I do not destroy them, the memories of their friends will be shattered and they will no longer serve us

Koushiro: We want? - He said more to himself

??: They want their friends, so, either I destroy them or you do them, otherwise those dwarfs will destroy them. He said to extend a long silver cane with a golden tip from the sleeve of his hood.

Sora: That ... - She said very scared while watching the children

Takeru: Destroy you or us? Why should we believe that ?! You took them!

Yamato: That decision is not from anyone, -he said between clenched teeth as he clenched his fists

- Even though what he said is horrible, it's the truth

The voice of a man just behind was heard. They turned to see who spoke to them and saw a man in a suit completely unknown to them.

Palmon: A human

Takeru: What?

Koushiro: Who are you to say that?! - Angry scream

Nishijima: My name is Daigo Nishijima and if none of them do it, I will do it - He said as he pulled a gun from his back and pointed to Taichi

Sora: What ...?!

Taichi: What is that? What will they do to us? -He said scared as he looked at Yamato

??: I will not give you time to decide-He said to then take a big leap on them to attack

Gomamon: We will not let them hurt you!

Agumon: Get away from here! Baby flame!

All the digimon attacked at the same time with their attacks on the strange subject, they managed to make a smoke campaign around them allowing them to escape with the help of Garurumon, Birdramon, Kabuterimon and Angemon.

Yamato lifted Taichi, Sora to Mimi, Koushiro to Joe and Takeru to Hikari and they started running as fast as possible.

Takeru: Brother, what we do!

Yamato: Do ​​not ask me! I do not know if I believe them or what! -He said really worried

Sora: Do not believe that! It must be a lie!


Taichi's screams could be heard all over the forest, Mimi could not guess where it came from.

Then, while looking around the place, on a small hill, he saw Hikari walking backwards.

I went straight to her running to warn her of Taichi.

I reached her with my hand, but instead of touching her, she disappeared like a ghost and she fell on a large amount of snow.

Mimi: What ...? What? - Said annoyed as he got up and hugged by the cold of the snow-I can not with this-said depressed

He covered his ears with despair as he did not stop hearing Taichi's scream, but then everything was quiet. Mimi looked around, then looked forward and saw a little girl in the distance, it was not Hikari.

Mimi: What? Who you are?

He got up and went to her, when he began to approach, was scared to see who it was.

Mimi: No ... can not ...

The little girl turned around and it was about herself 10 years old, she had the same outfit, the dirty dress and the pink hat.

Mimi was frightened when she saw his face and fell backwards.

Mimi: What ...? - She said terrified

But when he saw that his smaller version was crying, he calmed down.

Mimi: This ... can not be real, but ...- She said to herself as she got up from the floor. -What's the matter? You're good?

- Who are you? - He said without ceasing to cry, his voice was heard cutting

Mimi: I just want to help you. Did something happen to you?

- It's late

Mimi: Late?

- It's too late for him

Mimi: Who are you talking about?

Once again Taichi's strong cry of pain was heard. Mimi panicked and looked around.

- Of the

Mimi: Huh? Taichi-san?

- They already have it - He said closing his eyes and then disappearing as Hikari

Mimi: What ...? What? What does this mean?

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