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"I really like you Vee"

"I'm crazy for you Abarms"

Today was the day, the day Ivy dreaded to come, the day her lover was leaving for a long time. She was scared, petrified that their relationship wouldn't withhold the difficulties that came along with long-distance relationships. She was almost sure that the waves would take down the ship somewhere along the way. She didn't believe in long-distance relationships, if you asked her she would say they were doomed, nevertheless she knew that long distance was the only way with a singer, and with herself as well as different films and shows had, of course, different locations.

In conclusion February the first was not a day she was particularly excited about.

Ivy made her way to Gracie's house blasting the Pixies through her Jeep's speakers, her favourite band. She brought Aussie along with her, to keep Weenie distracted meanwhile she helped her girlfriend pack and do other things...

It was now 12:31, the actress had taken exactly half an hour to get to her girlfriend's house as she started her journey at 12:01.

Once she put the leash on her dog she stepped out of the car and walked towards the gate which opened as soon as she pressed the bell on it as she had texted Gracie she was here. She went up the cobblestone stairs and knocked on the door, some shouting was heard and then it opened.

She looked up and found herself with Audrey, Gracie's best friend which she had come pretty close to when she and Gracie were dating last year.

"Addie, oh my god how have you been?" the brunette engulfed Audrey, the two girls had not seen each other since the breakup and they became in some way best friends too, the blonde was always around and it was impossible not to like her.

"Vee so long, I've been great and you?" Audrey asked as they both parted from their hug.

"Well ever since Gracie great, oohp" Ivy replied, being interrupted by Aussie barking and running off as he saw Weenie.

"I'm so glad you're back, you were always my favourite" the blonde paused her tone now becoming threatening as her voice became low but yet sharp "- but remember if y-"

"If I as much look at her wrong you will hire a hitman to kill me and take away my dog, I know. You don't have to worry, I will never hurt Gracie willingly and you know that" The actress continued, she had heard that threat from Audrey so many times that she knew it by memory, nevertheless deep inside both girls knew Ivy would never ever hurt another human being.

"Tough scar" Audrey pointed out as she saw the scar on Ivy's forehead just above her eyebrow.

The actress frowned "Don't even remind me, my face is officially ruined"

The blonde went beside her ear and whispered "Gracie digs scars" This caused Ivy to frustratedly blush, her face now the deepest shade of red.
"Drey, is Vee here?" Gracie asked from upstairs, sounding out of breath as she was working quickly on getting her clothes in her suitcases, speak of the devil.

" I'm here babe!" Ivy shouted so the singer could hear her.

Fast steps could be heard as the older brunette came rushing down the stairs, a loud thud and a few curses were also heard, Gracie was so excited to see her girlfriend that she rushed way too much.

Ivy worriedly made her way to where the stairs ended as Audrey followed suit, "You okay babe?" Ivy asked, her brow furrowed deeply and lines of worry etched across her face.

"I'm fine, I'm fine - " the singer brushed off and paused for a second to catch her breath and then voiced "Hey baby!"

Ivy smiled at her girlfriend, her face going back to normal the worriedness now having dissipated she cupped the singer's cheeks "Hi Cici" she greeted and then went on to meet the older girl's lips that looked so kissable.

They were both enjoying the kiss until Audrey who was behind Ivy retched, pretending to puke and exclaimed "Go get a room!"

Gracie smiled in the kiss and then broke apart and nicely portrayed her middle finger to her friend sarcastically saying "You're so funny Audrey"

"Anyways, what's up are you done packing?" Ivy asked the singer who rested her head on Ivy's as she stood on the last step of the stair making her much taller than she already was. Concurrently the actress rested her hands on Gracie's butt because her waist was too high for her to put her hands comfortably.

"That was really funny Ivy" the third-wheeler laughed, never in history had Gracie packed on time.

Gracie playfully rolled her eyes at her best friend and replied"Not done, and I need as much help as I can get."

"For sure, I brought Aussie along to keep Weenie out of your hair" Ivy enunciated, she always thought things through, everything she did had a smart logic behind her, she was a true mastermind.

Gracie as a thank you kissed the top of Ivy's head making said girl smile, her dimples showing.

"Okay guys, can you stop being so cute and actually go upstairs to work," Audrey said, the two brunettes were sickeningly adorable and her single self could not take anymore. The blonde moved forward putting her hand between the two separating them "Okay, up, up come on"

The two lovebirds rolled their eyes simultaneously but nevertheless rushed upstairs to Gracie's bedroom.

The three girls finished late packing all the stuff, they even skipped lunch but time flew by as they talked and talked, especially as they caught up with everything and laughed at stupid memes Audrey had saved on her phone.

Ivy almost passed through the whole day without wanting to have a drink, however as she received a text from her dad she couldn't get the thought of one drink, of just a little bit of alcohol or a puff of a cigarette out of her head. She oftenly had problems with alcohol consumption she could not go through more than two days without having it, ever since she was sixteen her head was full of these thoughts, she fucking loved the high, confidence and floaty feeling it gave her.

Subsequently, the actress excused herself by saying something along the lines of "I'm gonna go order pizza, I'm hungry" which in part wasn't a lie, however, she didn't even ask for what type of pizza they would like or if they even wanted pizza at all.

Gracie knew something was wrong, ever since she looked at her phone she noticed the distant look on Ivy's face even if she hid it really well by laughing and going along with Audrey's stories. In consequence, she decided to give Ivy a minute or two and then made her way downstairs to go check on her girlfriend.

Ivy had just ended her call with the pizzeria and now grabbed her flask that was hidden in her jacket, it contained Jack Daniel's whiskey, her dad's favourite which she had learned to love as it was what always was at her house. She took two large sips turned around and started to close her bottle and she saw Gracie stood in front of her with a look far beyond disappointment.

Instead of getting mad at Ivy and shouting at her for drinking when she wasn't supposed to, the singer simply gave a reassuring look and stepped forward to hug her. Ivy swore she could start crying right on the spot from Gracie's kindness. "I care for you Vee, so you're gonna give me the flask because to get better you need to be sober this week okay?"

Ivy nodded breaking from the hug and once again taking the flask from her pocket but this time instead of drinking from it she gave it the the brunette "Thanks, just keep it even if I ask for it don't give in"

Gracie smiled whispering to her girlfriend's ear "I got you" and then planted a kiss on her cheek.
"Come on let's go, I'm almost done." the singer expressed, grabbing Ivy's hand and dragging her back upstairs.

Soon after they finished packing, thus the pizza arrived, thankfully neither girl minded Ivy's choice of the pizza so they all ate happily watching Outerbanks. The two best friends thought it would be really funny to watch something with Ivy in but much to their dismay Ivy complained the whole time. God, she hated watching herself on the screen, especially when she made out with her best friend and her almost bare ass was shown.

As a result, the two brunettes and the blonde ended up pillow fighting in Gracie's living room, or better said Ivy decided to attack the two in revenge for making her watch herself on Outerbanks. The house was filled with laughter and Ivy's need for alcohol was completely gone. Nevertheless, the play fighting didn't last long as Gracie accidentally hit the actress's bruises a bit too hard which made her wince which caused her to slip and hit her back "Time out- time out" the brunette croaked from the carpet clutching her ribs, regardless laughing from how funny it was.

"Oh, my God! are you okay" The singer panicked kneeling beside Ivy, meanwhile Audrey started laughing as she saw the actress laughing too, plus the way she fell was way too funny to stay with her mouth shut.

Gracie joined in soon enough, she couldn't resist her best friend's laugh as it sounded like a seagull dying. Ivy got to the point of laughing so much that her ribs hurt, but she couldn't stop herself so she ran outside, falling into the grass to be able to calm down. Thankfully it helped and her laughter died down.

It was 9 pm when Audrey left, the two brunettes insisted she stayed for more time but the blonde said she needed to finish packing a few things, as she was going with Gracie for the first few days of her tour.

After she left the two girls played a bit of cards and then went to bed as Gracie had to wake up early. As they lay in bed, cuddling each other, Ivy's head resting on the singer's chest listening to her every heartbeat she said "I told my mom about us yesterday..."

"You did?" Gracie responded surprisingly, the first time they dated it took a long time for Ivy to tell her mother as she had never told her that she was bisexual, coming out was scary but she did it anyways, for Gracie.

"Yep, she was really happy, said you should go and visit chat about greys anatomy , oh and she said she wanted to show you her garden, she's been growing tomatoes" Ivy finished, tracing her index finger up and down Gracie's abs

Ivy nervously paced around her kitchen as she clutched the phone in her hand, dialing her beloved mother
"Mi amor?"

"Hey mom!"

"Hey Sweetie, how are you?"

"Im good, I was just- i was calling to tell you something"

"Okay go ahead amor"

"So uh... I'm seeing someone?"

"I don't know are you asking me or telling me? Decidete!

"I'm seeing someone. Im back with Gracie mom"

"Gracie, as in Gracie Abrams the singer?"


Some cheering noices were hear, a few encouraging spanish curse words too

"I'm so happy for you mija! I always liked that Abrams girl, I knew you were meant to be"

"Thanks mom, I'm really happy too!"

"be a dear and come over with her, we need our gossips about greys anatomy so much has happened. Oh and I wanna show her my garden, you know my tomatoes have grown even with the bad weather, it's amazing...."

"I'm glad, tell her I'd love to go over to visit her once I'm back, we need to talk about Amelia and that new doctor ASAP" Gracie chimed in and then added, suddenly remembering what her dad had said, "By the way I also told my dad, he said he thinks it's great that we're back and that you should talk about Mission impossible cause he could give you some pointers"

"Oh cool, I would love that" Ivy replied. moving up to kiss her girlfriend who was already leaning down and their lips met halfway in a short sweet kiss.

"I really like you Vee" Gracie let out as her body was starting to be overcome by sleep

"I'm crazy for you Abarms" Ivy replied closing her eyes contently.

Words: 1907


omg thank you for 30k reads!

sobbing bc gracie and taylor sang i miss you im sorry without me there, i was so shocked, i didn't even know it was an option . their voices were angelic together like fr i have no words...

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