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Hey guys !!! Omg I am so sorry. It has been FIVE DAMN YEARS SINCE I UPDATED LMFAOOOOOO tbh school n life got in the way and i forgot about this fic :(
have read a lot of endearing comments about how some of you read this fic in school and are now in college. Makes me SO happy :))
i'm so sorry i cut it short like this; i probably will not be updating in the near future, as i am now in my last years of college as well and no longer a high school freshman :'(
that being said, i have half (?) a draft here that i never published, so here it is lol i have skimmed but not properly read it so if it is total garbage, i am so sorry LOL i wrote it when I was 16-17 and I am now almost 22 so excuse the trash LOL, it would most likely be similar to what I wrote back in the day anyways; the reason I wouldn't update now is because my writing style has changed a lot and I don't know if I would be able to continue doing this fic justice as I did when i was a teenager :((
All in all thank you SO much guys for the support, i've read every single comment and I am overjoyed to see you guys enjoy a little fic i used to write on the down low during class time lol.
If i do happen to rewatch OHSHC, i MAY return to this fic, purely to finish it off and give you guys the closure u badly deserve T^T
in the meantime here is the half draft I found :)) thank you all sososos much for still reading this FIVE YEARS !!!! down the line. ily all so <3 <3

"War journal: Entry 1.
Dear journal.
Today I have been put into silent isolation. I would rather be forced to wear one of those gold plated Madonna bras to school, The torture continued for only six more days now. Six days = Satan? Coincidence, I don't think so."
You slammed the notebook shut, heaving a sigh as your eyes darted around the room. Girls of all senior grades were laughing flirtily as the hosts darted around. Today was the busiest day the host club had seen this year, never mind that it was only February. The end of the winter holidays had brought a boom of new strangely promiscuous students - in a matter of a couple of months, bookings were so full Kyoya had started charging fifty cents per "appointment" (as he formally called it) which were quickly adding up.
You stuffed your notebook into your bag, not breaking eye contact with the girl sitting across the coffee table from Kyoya. There he was, sitting as primly as ever with that ever so faint smile on his cheeks, and there she was; cheeks rosy and abashed, long soft hair draped over her shoulders which she occasionally flitted her around. You snarled (quietly), not even looking at Honey as he approached you with little padded footsteps and set a plate of brownies on the table in front of you. You grabbed one, smashing it into your mouth and chasing it down aggressively with a gulp of Mountain Dew. Flustered, Honey backed away quickly yet you wouldn't remove your eyes from Kyoya and that new girl. Out of all the new girls, she was the most threatening. And because of that stupid pact, you couldn't do anything.
You called after him and he paused, terrified, swivelling around. "Y-yeah?" came his little voice.
"Will you sit with me? you asked, not tearing your gaze from Kyoya and his little play date.
Honey hesitated before quickly propping himself up on the chair in front of you.
"What's up, (Y/N)-chan?"
You finally glanced at him, desolately pushing the brownie plate towards him as he gratefully grabbed three and started munching on them.
"Literally nothing, and literally everything." you sighed.
"What do you mean?" he asked, his mouth full.
"Literally nothing is happening involving me and literally everything is happening without me." you looked down, pushing your pencil and watching it roll back towards you.
"Cheer up, (Y/N)-Chan!" he exclaimed. "Think of how much fun you'll have at the end of the week."
"It's so hard!" you whined. "I haven't performed a number from High School Musical one, two, or three in approximately six hours!"
He looked at you pitifully. "I dunno what to say! I'm sure you'll be okay! We all have faith in you."
He looked at the brownie plate and then at you and you nodded. He cheerfully grabbed the entire plate and waltzed away as you sank down on the coffee table, head in your arms.

"Jeez Tamaki, (Y/N)-Chan is really suffering." Honey spoke as he made his way over to The King who was reading over the booking orders at a table in the back of the room. He looked up, a look of sympathy crossing his face as he looked at you.
"I know how she feels." he sighed dramatically. "I wish there was some way we could help her.
"Well." came a voice from the back, making the both of them jump.
"Mori-Senpai!" Honey squealed, and Mori glanced at him.
"There might be something you can do."
"Mori has an actual vocabulary!" Tamaki gasped. "Tell us your idea!"
Mori reached into his pocket, pulling out a small box and opening it. "Tranquillisers."
"Wauuuuuu!" Honey gasped, eyes widening as he peered at the little white pills.
"Why do you even have those?" Tamaki asked, taking the box from his hands.
"Hikaru was in dire need of them." Mori replied quietly, turning away. A look of pain crossed his face.
"Oh my god, he's over talked himself and now he's physically exhausted!" The King gasped, ushering Mori away. "Lie down, lie down! Oh my god, what if he has a heart attack??!"
Honey looked down at the pills set on the table, reaching up on his toes to grab them then trotting over to the twins at a table in the corner.
"Sorry to disturb, but do you guys know where (Y/N)-Chan keeps her Mountain Dew Cans?"

You looked up to a little hand tapping your shoulder.
"(Y/N)-chan, I know you've been looking down because of that pact..." he drifted off as he looked at the expression of misery in your eyes. "But but, Tamaki and I got you a special Mountain Dew."
Your head shot up, sniffling. "Diet Mountain Dew? You know the bubbles taste better when it's Diet..."
"Yeah yeah, it's diet!" Honey pushed the can towards you.
"Why's it already opened?" you asked, looking it up and down suspiciously.
"Ummmm...." Honey shot a terrified expression at Tamaki and Mori who were hiding in the shadows at the other side of the room. Tamaki made a variety of wild hand movements and Honey looked back at you, an even more frightened look in his eyes.
"It's um... Because..." He looked back at Tamakic who was still waving around. "The cat... Took... No no, the cat.. Wanted a taste?"
Tamaki shook his head wildly, slapping his hand against his forehead.
"Eh, good enough." you replied, taking a massive gulp of the Mountain Dew can as all three boys watched you with wide eyes. When you finished the can, Tamaki gasped and retreated into the curtains as Honey cowered.
"That was strangely... Invigorating!" you exclaimed, as Honey's eyes widened.
"R-really... Was it??"
"Yep!" you said, your voice rising. "Oh my god, I feel like I could just--"
All of a sudden, you slumped down onto the table with a massive bang as the small boy jumped back.
A large crowd had amassed around the table as Kaoru jumped forward, hesitating before poking you.
You groaned and the entire crowd gasped and jumped back, but you didn't shift.
"I think she's knocked out." Hikaru noted as Kyoya emerged from the crowd.
"Alright, what happened?" he asked, a small sigh escaping his lips.
Honey piped up. "We just put drugs into her--"
Tamaki jumped in front of him, blocking Honey's mouth with his hand. "She fell asleep! Yes, of course. Of course! Isn't that right Mori?"
Mori was silent.
"U-uh.." Tamaki rubbed the back of his neck nervously as Kyoya shook your shoulder lightly.
"You'd have to take me for a fool if you thought I'd believe she was asleep. I saw you drugging her can."

A/N: THIS IS WHERE I FINISHED WRITING IM SORRY  [insert cliffhanger that lasts another 5 years]
Originally written March 2016, published November 2021 KSKSKDKJDJSJD

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