Sherlock and John

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(A/N): Man guys, from #545 to #233 in the Humor section! Bammmm. Can we get in the top 100's? Nah. xD  PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE UP "The Date: Part 2" PLZ UNTIL IT REACHES 50 VOTES
Also just a reminder that if these chapters seem to be only slightly connected is because this is a one-shot book, basically full of very short stories. Cheers m8 <3

"Yeah, and right after that, we had to call a taxi!" you exclaimed, eyes wide as your arms spread out to your sides, knocking over Honey-Senpai.
"A taxi..? That doesn't sound like Kyoya-Senpai." Haruhi said, eyebrows knitting together in a frown.
"Oh, that's only 'cause someone stole the car." you replied cheerfully, to which Tamaki swiveled around.


Everyone turned to face the traumatized Tamaki as he threw himself to the ground in desperation.
"So many memories..." he whispered tearfully, caressing the floor. "That time I accidentally knocked my elbow into Mori's stomach and he threw up the burger we'd had onto the seats..." He paused, looking up dramatically. "I remember it took Kyoya a couple million dollars to replace the whole seating, even if I insisted to wash it!"
In a second he was off the floor.
"Kyoya is a valiant man, we must find his car for him!" He resolved, to which you bounded up.

"Let me help! I mean, I owe him one. He paid for everything."

"(Y/N), Kyoya has money to spare. You don't." Haruhi noted blandly, realizing how offended you might have been by her statement but you shook your head gleefully.

"Yeah, but still! Tamaki and I are gonna do some sleuthing!!"

The instant the bell rang, the corridors were emptied, save for a few late students hassling to class. Silence seeped through Ouran High School, classroom doors shut as the faint sunlight streamed through the filtered windows. All quiet, when--


Tamaki leapt forward, catching the flower vase in his hands.

"Jeez. That was close. Thanks Tamagotchi." you whispered, eyes as wide as saucers as you took the vase you had knocked over and placed it back on the pedestal. You advanced on quietly, tip-toeing through the pink halls as Tamaki grumbled behind you.

"For the last time, it's Tamaki!"

You halted suddenly, Tamaki banging into you. "What's u--"
You turned, around, slamming your hand against his mouth.

"SHH! Class rep..!"

There he was, that pompous little guy strolling around quietly with a bunch of clipboards under his arms. Your eyes narrowed as you retreated behind a flush-colored column, dragging Tamaki behind you silently.
"What's he doing..?" you wondered under your breath, until he was out of sight and you leapt out.
"Move Tamagotchi, we're gonna follow him!"

"Wait, what!?" Tamaki objected, shaking his head rapidly. "No, no! Class rep scares me!" he whimpered fearfully, and you rolled your eyes.

"The fate of Kyoya's limousine is in our hands, and you're gonna let class rep scare you?"

"I mean, we're already skipping class, so..." Tamaki wrung his hands nervously and you frowned, grabbing onto one of them and dragging him down the hall and past the Chemistry classroom.

"No time to waste!" you whisper-shouted, hardly noticing Kyoya turning his attention towards you and The King at his window seating in the Chemistry classroom. Being seated next to the window had its downsides; the noise, the distracting students constantly passing by. In that moment, Kyoya had never  been more glad to be seated there. Why were you skipping class, with Tamaki..?

After a few futile hours of chasing Class Rep around, the two of you had been in the cafeteria, where Kazukiyo had made 'pleasant' conversation with the cooks. For half an hour. After that, the busy little guy had been dashing from classroom to classroom, making random announcements about the lack of rice shipment for a few days, and at last the two of you had given up, slumping against a column.

"I shoulda known Class rep was suspicious, but not suspicious enough." you sighed, and Tamaki shook his head.

"We tried, for the good of Kyoya!"

"We should probably head back to class." you stated miserably, as you tugged Tamaki towards your shortcut through the carpark. As you lead him on, he stopped suddenly.

"Look!! Kyoya's limousine!" You gasped, rushing towards it and running your hands over the smooth jetblack car.

"AHA! So it was Class Rep! Or at least, someone in this school!! How else did it get here?"
Feeling triumphant, you high-fived Tamaki and dashed off to your last few minutes of Chemistry class, when all of a sudden the bell rang. You winced. You had just missed eighty minutes of chemistry class.
Students were streaming out of the classroom and before you could dash in to rain a thousand apologies on your Chemistry teacher, Kyoya tugged you away by your elbow into a corner.

"Hey, ow!! Kyoya, guess what I--"

"Might I ask why you were wandering around the school in classtime with Tamaki, (Y/N)?" he asked, his eyes strangely cold. You frowned, confused.

"I was--"

"First of all, you were skipping class. Secondly, I don't see how you prefer Tamaki's company over mine. Thirdly--"

It was your turn to cut him. "Wait, Tamaki's attention over yours..? Kyoya, you don't need to be jealous, honest. We were actually looking for your limousine, because, you know, I owe you one." you looked down to your feet, cheeks flushing embarrassedly. "It was kinda was my fault that it got stolen."

Kyoya was silent for a moment, speechless. "So.. You were looking for my car."

"Yeah.. But good thing, I found it! In the carpark! Class rep must've--"

"(Y/N), I called up the theme park yesterday and they said my driver had taken off with it by accident. I retrieved it this morning and kept it in the carpark."

You froze.

"WHAT?! Are you kidding me?? I just missed out on eighty minutes of chemistry and now our teacher's gonna kill me!!" you whined loudly, looking up to the ceiling. "WHY ME??"

"I'm flattered you spent all that time looking for my limousine, (Y/N), but trust me, I had it under control."

"As you always do.." you muttered, looking up. "In the meantime, we have to discuss how you were totally jealous of me hanging out with Tamaki!" you exclaimed gleefully.

"It was not jealousy, (Y/N), but concern; I mean, I don't know what he could drag you off to be doing." Kyoya replied hastily to which you shook your head, a massive grin on your face.

"Hellll naw, you were totally one hundred percent jelly!"

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