School Play

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It had been two weeks since your tutoring lesson with Kyoya, and sadly, you had not won the Interschool Mathletics Championships, instead proudly scoring a high rank among the top five. This has not been without much coaching and egging from Kyoya, who, to his irritation, found himself getting more and more used to seeing your cheery smile everyday before, during, and after school.
This week, however, your reasons for staying behind at school had nothing to do with extra tutoring lessons; the school play had commenced, run by the decumbent Drama Club, who described this year's play as "a riveting experience." For this reason apparently had they cast random students without their knowledge, demanding they show up to practice after school on Wednesdays. Alas, Kyoya had unfortunately been taken up for the role of 'dashing alien prince' (How a prince could be both alien and dashing baffled him to no avail) and you were solely a lightning person.
As the actors took place upon the stage, you flicked on the large stage light, centering Kyoya into the spotlight.
"Ahh, object of my lowly lighting affection!" You called out, the back of your hand raised to your forehead dramatically. "'Tis a star crossed love!! The actor, and the backstage girl..." Sad violin music swelled around you as suddenly your spotlight switched off and you turned to face the bedazzled leader of the Drama club, Hansu, eyes wide. "You are fit for stage!" He exclaimed, pushing your stuttering form into the harsh lights.
"This isn't how it's supposed to happen in the love story." You grumbled, picking up the hem of your yellow dress as you trudged towards Kyoya.
"I suppose I could see you as an actor, (Y/N)." He said simply, turning to look down at you with a flash of his glasses. You were about to reply when you were shushed by the lights turning off. A white light switched on, glaring at you as you stumbled slightly, looking up at Kyoya.
"Uhhhh.... Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 5 Line 175?" You blurted out, staring at Kyoya with a raised eyebrow. (A/N: check story media)
"STOP, STOP!" Hansu yelled, rushing up to the lights people with a flurry of angry words rushing from his mouth.
"It seems you know your literature." Kyoya remarked, a slight questioning look on his face. "Were you implying something when you quoted Act 3 Scene 5 Line 175, (Y/N)?"
You blushed lightly, the pink demeanour of your cheeks deathly visible under the harsh lights. "No, no... Just.. Practical quoting." You turned away, furiously embarrassed. "Stop looking at me, the light brings out my pores."
The hint of a knowing smile propped onto Kyoya's face as he looked at you, knowing you were facing away from him out of humiliation. Internally, you were cursing yourself. Why did you have to quote the only line you knew out of the play?
"It's not my fault Britney Spears plays are raunchy!" You retaliated.
"It's Shakespeare, (Y/N), not Britney Spears." He reminded you, to which you let out a huff.
"Whatever! Same thing!"
All of a sudden, Hansu's high pitched voice rang above the crowd. "Okay everyone, good work! Same time next week. Everyone go home! Except for the lighting people." He shot a dark look at the cowering set of two young girls in the corner of the stage.
As you walked out with Kyoya, you let out a sigh. "Glad I got out of the lighting crew early." You noted, to which he remained silent save for a curt nod. Suddenly, he swivelled around, grabbing both your hands making you shriek.
"Was there really no reason for quoting that line?"
You stared, wide eyed, as you noticed the strange, desperate look in his eyes and shook your head. "N-no!" You squeaked. "Snake Pee just happens to be one of my favourite playwrights.."
Kyoya looked into your eyes for a moment, appearing to be searching for something, then dropped your hands and turned back to keep walking. "Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow."
He left you, standing alone in confusion. What had gotten into him? Time to get home and Google male hormone levels affecting behaviour.

To be continued...

(A/N) lol soz these are so short. If you're confused about the Romeo And Juliet Act 3 thing, look at the story media!

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