Halloween ~ Part 2

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(A/N): Haha here it is at last lmao, and if the whole thing is weird af it's because I was listening to emotional Twilight soundtrack while writing it xD (Bella's Lullaby if you were wondering lmao)

"Do you think I look okay?" You turned, wide eyed as you pulled down at the costume around your knees and Haruhi looked you up and down.
"You look just fine, (Y/N). Stop stressing out." She replied, and you sighed as your gaze turned to her.
"Are you even going to wear the Queen outfit Tamaki picked out for you?" you asked, turning around to dig in your bag where you know she had stashed it the other day. Haruhi looked uncomfortable, rubbing the back of her neck.
"There's a frilly dress, (Y/N). I'm sure Tamaki can handle it if I skip out costumes for one Halloween."
You turned around, brandishing the large golden crown that came with her costume. "At least wear the crown!" when she pulled a face, your arms dropped to your sides in exasperation, the crown with them. "Aw Haruhi, come on. I'm making Kyoya wear a cloud costume to match my tree one. At least wear the--"
You were cut off by the sound of the doorbell. In an instant, your eyes lit up and you shoved the crown into Haruhi's stomach, dashing up to grab a bowl of candy on your table.
You opened the door violently only to be faced with Mori, wearing his usual emotionless expression, except this time it was accompanied with a pair of bunny ears.
"He's Usa-Chan! In case you were wondering." Honey added cheerfully as you directed your gaze lower towards where he was gripping onto Mori.
"Not Trick-Or-Treaters, even better!" you squealed. You stuck your head out your door frame. "Is Kyoya here?"
"He'll be late." Honey announced, marching in.
"Oh, (Y/N)-chan! I like your house."
You swivelled around, shrugging as you closed the door behind the two.
"Oh hello Mori-Senpai, Honey-Senpai." Haruhi greeted cordially, wearing the crown to your surprise. "What are you supposed to be?" she asked, eyes directed at Honey as he grinned.
"A cake of course!"
"Ah, explains the make up caked on your cheeks." she replied, to which you raised your eyebrows. It didn't explain it to you at all.
The doorbell rang again and you were about to dash for your candy bowl when Haruhi set out an arm to stop you.
"It's only 4pm, (Y/N). That'll be the twins."
You retreated glumly, sitting down on a chair at your table and dipping your hands into the candy.
"Awh, cheer up (Y/N)-Chan!" Honey exclaimed. "We even helped Kyo-Chan into that cloud costume. He put up quite a fight y'know! He-"
"I'm not sure 'fight' would be the right word but I have to admit I'm quite reluctant about this outfit."
Kyoya's voice rang out and you looked up excitedly to be faced with his flashing glasses and a beautiful sight - He was wearing the head piece, a little lopsided on his dark hair, yet you found the cotton headband complimented him quite well.
"What's with the suit thingy?" you asked, and he rolled his eyes.
"You ordered a female costume so I had to improvise. I did keep the cuffs though."
"Woulda liked to see you in a dress." you pouted, rather disappointed. "Nevertheless!" You linked arms with him and he didn't resist.
"Looks like we're all ready!"
You looked around at your crew proudly. The twins were dressed as Siamese cats, Mori was Usa-Chan, Honey was whatever the hell he had said he was ft. brown eyeliner on his cheeks, and Kyoya.. As for Kyoya, he was a very handsome fluffy cloud.
"Hold on, hold on." Haruhi interrupted. "It's only 4:15 and we're still missing Tamaki."
"About that." Piped up Hikaru.
"He said he'd only come if you were in costume." added Kaoru.
"But I am in costume." retorted Haruhi.
All of a sudden, there was a large clang outside as you all rushed to the door at the sound of a loud scream. Tamaki, bolted through the door, cape rushing after him and all.
"The skeleton outside your door tried to attack me!" He screeched, and Haruhi stuck her head outside.
"It's plastic."
"Still!" He squealed.
"It scared me!" You added, and Kyoya shook his head.
"I'm not surprised."
You let go of his arm, frowning. "What the heck is that supposed to mean?"
"Alright, perhaps it is best to leave now." Haruhi cut in hesitantly, pushing the loud rabble out the door. You linked arms with Kyoya again, all forgotten as you led him down the sunny streets.
"We'll be the first Trick-Or-Treaters on the road!" you exclaimed, eyeing all the colorful Halloween decorations garnishing your neighborhood.
"I have to admit this is a first time for me." Kyoya said, and you halted.
"W H A T ? ? ! ? !"
"Oh boy." sighed Haruhi.
"You haven't been trick or treating before???" you screamed, earning a look from a small boy fixing a jack-o-lantern outside his house. "Damn shame on you Kyoya!"
"I guess Halloween is a big thing among commoners, huh." Tamaki noted, to which you frowned decidedly.
"This'll be the freaking best Halloween you ain't never seen." you replied, eyeing Kyoya determinedly as you pulled a Diet Mountain Dew can out of your costume pocket (aka your tree trunk) and popped the can open noisily.
None of you had realised how quickly the sky had darkened as a small file of little trick or treaters passed you.
"Quick!!! We gotta be first!" you shouted, tugging Kyoya to the nearest house. You rang the doorbell, a small old lady answering.
"Good to see you kids still enjoying Halloween!" she said, filling your open hands with candy as you continually stuffed them into Kyoya's coat pockets.
"You know it ancient woman!" you replied cheerfully, waving goodbye as the others trailed behind.
"We're gonna get so much candy."

"We don't have enough candy!!!!!!"
"(Y/N), it's 10pm already, don't you think we should be heading back?" Haruhi insisted.
The twins looked exhausted and Kyoya's pockets were bulging but you were on a high.
"Can't help but wonder what was in those little pill candies that guy in the van handed out to us." Kaoru mused and you shook your head decidedly.
"But but.."
Kyoya spoke up, to everyone's surprise. "One more house, (Y/N)."
You smiled up at him appreciatively, grabbing onto his hand as he let you tug him slightly to the house at the end of the corner. The others watched from afar, save Mori who was attempting to pull Honey's candy bag off him.
"You'll get a cavity." he said quietly.
"I'm getting a cavity from how sweet Kyoya is being to (Y/N) today." Haruhi replied.
"It's gross." Hikaru added.
"Maybe he's on drugs." Kaoru said, and Hikaru sniggered.
"You know, if we leave, do you think he'll walk her home?" Tamaki replied, and the group all looked at each other. In an instant, they had all dashed away, leaving nothing but a trail of candy.

"Thank you! Have a nice night!" You replied as the man closed the door with a smile. You stuffed the stack of lollipops down your shirt, turning to walk down the house's doorstep.
"Overall a successful night!" You exclaimed, Kyoya stopping you short in your tracks.
"Ah." he said simply, and you looked around at the quiet, deserted street. "Wonder why they left."
You stood silently, gazing around. "Weird. They were just here a second ago."
Kyoya flicked his wrist up, glancing at his watch. "It's late. I'll take you home."
"But the others--"
"They'll find their way back."
You nodded, following slightly in his tracks.
"Hey Kyoya, you'll share the candy with me when we get back, right?"


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