The Children of Today

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The children of today citizens of tomorrow, wise man says

They need natural atmosphere to grow from the early days.

A child wants to copy everything what happens at his near

The child, he or she may be fond of imitation by nature.

Parents play a vital role for their upliftment

Always do have a sincere rapport with them by little acts of good treatment.

We cannot go for any wrongdoings

At any cost, in front of the little offsprings.

At the time of school going age, send them to read

Every child has a right to learn, it's their basic need.

But for the interest of the little innocent learners

A rat-running competition starts among aspirant fathers.

Every guardian wants to get his child's admission into an elite school

Without caring capability of the child, acts like a fool.

A large size bag hangs behind from the neck

It fills up with huge books with heavy weight.

It may affect the backbone of the readers

We do not ponder over the fact with weighty cares.

Why do they need a special training?

In the name of private coaching.

A mother is the best teacher

A child can learn freely under her gentle care.

A family is a garden, children are the beautiful flowers

They need lots of love and carefree atmosphere to nurture.

No need to create any pressure

They need to learn by nature.

Heap of books don't matter to the new learner

They usually cry for tuition's bugbear.

Children are the best gift of the nation

We must avoid mouse running competition to protect them.

We know every child has a different merit

In every aspect, every child doesn't possess same wit.

Someone is good, someone lacks that kind

Someone is better, someone lags behind.

It happens by the Grace of the Supreme Custodian,

God is good and kind to everyone!

Sometimes we want to fulfill our lost dream

Which we could not achieve in our spring.

If we do have a pure and honest aim in life

In future everything will be fine and bright.

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