"You can tell me the truth."
That's the same exact thing Connor kept telling me for the past thirty minutes. Sadly, Riley was seriously asleep in the living room with Tank. Toby, he refused to go out from that small room until Connor told him to give us a moment. That's...weird. Turns out I came here only to be grounded with Connor in a cold creepy room for an even creepier talk.
"There's nothing left to talk about."
"There are. Plenty of it. You just told yourself not to tell me." Connor spun his chair. "But okay. Give me a call if you change your mind."
"I'm completely fine." I sighed.
"A fine condition wouldn't have that kind of sigh to come along with."
"Wow, psychiatric."
"Wow, the older brother." He smirked. "Alright go away find your Toby."
"My what?" I turned around, but then I saw that smirk still plastered on his silly face. "Never mind."
"Yeah exactly, I know what I'm talking about!" Connor shouted happily.
Sure yes he's the happy person. Spent half an hour torturing me was a good time for him. He's even finished with the music editing stuff. And the torture was only the side-job. Connor's making music and torturing people, then he called it multitasking. Welcome to my not-so-fancy life.
"Done?" Toby chewed some popcorn.
"Connor's a pain." I rolled my eyes.
"Try to talk to Riley because you'd likely end up twice as exhausted." Toby stroked my hair. "But I'm sorry for my brothers. They eager to talk to you."
"Can we talk somewhere? Private?" I begged.
"My room would be perfect." He nodded and grabbed my hand in an instance. "But wait, it's not that- I didn't mean to-"
"Toby." I chuckled. "I get it."
"Okay cool."
I had an idea that I should tell him. So I followed Toby to his room - not that I asked him to bring me up to his room, okay don't get it wrong. I should admit I was a bit surprised that his room wasn't as messy as I imagined. He's quite organized. Hats were hung on the wall, small family pictures collage on bedside table, everything was super fine.
"Tobs, I..."
"I think we should stop seeing each other like this."
"I just can't-" My voice's cracked. "Things are heating up. I just don't want anybody to get hurt. I mean that's okay if for some legit reason, like the English project, or anything else like that."
"Are you serious? I can't. I want to see you. Normally."
"Please just believe me that for now, this is the best way for us-"
"What did Simone tell you?"
"See? Stop asking same questions like Connor because I've had enough. Simone told nothing. I just think it's better for us to calm down for a moment." I turned around and whispered. "Your class will end in a week anyway."
Toby froze. Dammit. Guess he heard what I just said. We both statued in silence. I cried a bit. Maybe for now I wish Toby didn't come into my life in any forms or circumstances. I was dead confused at this stage. Everything would've been just fine.
I think I was ready to give up.
"Why should we give up?" Toby broke the silence. "I thought we didn't plan to."
"It's not entirely a give up plan-"
"Toby, can't you see? You'll be gone again with the band in a matter of a week. You'll live on. Go on tour. Play shows again. And graduate. What are the odds?"
"I'm not living on without you." He shook his head. "It's not what I've planned."
What did he just say?
Toby walked toward me and held my hands. We're both confused and exhausted, I know. I couldn't blame him for having a secret little thing with Simone because none of it was my stuff to acknowledge. He's also sad about how Simone treated him like a bad guy after all these years. If only Simone let go of her ego.
If only.
"Hannah... I just want you to trust me. Or if you can't, just give me some more time then. I'll fix this for us. But don't ask me to step away. I can't."
"You're wasting your time for nothing." I whispered. "I promise you, once you let go, you'll feel a lot better in couple days."
"Yeah? How?"
"Let go-"
"How I supposed to give up on a girl I like?"
It's like a thunder. I barely heard it. But his eyes said it all. Those brown eyes held so much sadness and hopes, that if he gave them a blink, they would let some tears fall. And my heart was aching too. It sucks.
"You don't like me." I buried my face down.
"You don't believe that? Okay. Tell me. Why do you think I bother to take a far detour on my morning jog only to get to your neighborhood, when what I've done for the past 17 years was jogging around that small park? Why I bother to make a chance last week?"
"I don't have time to play. My brothers wanted to invite you to this house everyday because we all know that we have no time. So this is me begging for your trust." Toby brought my hands closer to his heartbeat. "I love you."
I lost my words. Toby just pulled me into his giant hug and we stayed still for some minutes. Deep inside, I wish we could freeze the time like this.
But then I realized, Simone has made me promise.
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