Nika: the shop

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"Actually Jake?" I said just as I was leaving.
"Yeh?" He responded holding my drynite.
"Do you wanna come with me? To the shop I mean." I asked.
"Uhm are you sure?" He said with a confused look on his face.
"Yeh! You could show me what diapers to buy. If you don't want to then that's fine. I just want someone to talk to about all this." I knew I was rambling so stopped talking.
"If your mom let's me then sure" he responded.
I could tell that he didn't want to go but didn't say anything cuz I knew that it was gonna be fun.


"Hey mom? Mom? Mom?" I repeated as she was talking to my Nana.
"Yes Nika? We're going as soon as William gets the left over cakes from the kitchen if that's what your gonna ask" She said with an annoyed look.
"It's not that. Can Jake come with me to the shops?" I said nervously.
"Aren't you going with your friends Nika? They don't know Jake do they?"
'Oh no' I thought. 'What do I say?!?!?'
Thankfully Jake chimed in.

"I actually know Lana and Summer" he said. "I see them all  the time on the way home from school and she's asked them if I could go as well so all you'd need to do is drop us off"
"Well if it's okay with your mom Jake" she responded.
"I'm in the room Emma." My Nana said while chuckling. "It's fine with me just be back by 9pm because you have school  tomorrow.
"Ok mom thanks" he said while hugging her.
Coincidentally, Will walked in just as Jake stopped hugging.
"Right then, let's get this cake home before Emma eats it all" he said.
Emma laughed and playfully hit him in the shoulder.
Jake handed me my jacket while putting his own on.
"Thanks" I said as I put it on.
"Nika, I've given you your coat so can you tie my shoes?”He asked, looking at the floor.
I laughed quietly. "Sure”
Me, Will, my mom and Jake all walked to the car waving at Jake's mom and brothers. For once, Jake sat next to me instead of at the window. He did get a confused look from my mom but I don't think  he noticed.

The car ride was nothing noteworthy. We just sat in mostly silence as Will's playlist played skillet in the background. It was a but annoying but we didn't tell him about it because we all knew ‘the driver picks the music’

We arrived at the shop and got out of the car saying goodbye to my mom and William. After they drove away, I asked Jake a question that I had thought of during the car ride.

“ Yeh?” He responded.
“What did you do with the drynite that I gave you?”
“Oh I was hoping you forgot.”
“Why?” I asked slightly worried.
He looked at me and patted his crotch when I heard a crackling sound.
“I'm kinda wearing it”

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