Chapter 13

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What's the Blood Ritual? Ren questioned, hoping the goddess would answer the question in her mind.

A soft tinkle of laughter sounded inside her mind, Nothing you should truly be worried about. Your husband is simply annoyed over the fact that you will need to spend the next seven days without him.

"Seven days?!" she cried out loud, her fingers suddenly reaching for a wall to support herself against.

It would take place after the Coronation Ceremony. The Ritual consists of meditating, the essence passing to each kingdom. You remember the pillar that was present during your wedding?

Ren nodded, images of the green stone with glowing symbols dashing through her mind.

It holds the source of my power that protects the kingdom. I will not tell you until the exact moment of the ritual. Now go, train.

Ren hesitated for a moment before grumbling under her breath, "I don't know why I bother to listen."


"To your left!" Atlantis drilled, his sword clashing against hers, nearly sending her flying. Ren's muscles protested against the force behind the sword. The usual sweet and caring Atlantis she was accustomed to, now reminded her of an army drill sergeant. She had spent most of the day being pushed to her limits.

"You need to hold your sword correctly or you'll break your wrist," the merman muttered.

A low rumble from the pit of her stomach sent blood rushing to her cheeks, "Sorry but I'm a little hungry."

"Ren! Atlantis!" Morgan's voice echoed through the training room. They turned, the slender mer dashing in, his hands piled with plates, "I've brought food!"

Ren's fingers reached out for the meat the sent her stomach begging, "Oh thanks Morgan! I've been starving, I could literally eat a horse!"

Morgan giggled, "You better! Since you're eating for two!"

Ren felt her heart stop, "For two? What do you mean?"

Morgan blinked, "You mean you don't know?"

She shook her head, her brows furrowed in confusion, "I have no clue what you're talking about."

Morgan and Atlantis glanced at each other, a message hidden in their eyes before Atlantis shrugged a bashful grin on his face, "Heh, I forgot."


Destan arrived back to his quarters, the four guards bowing in respect before leaving their posts. He entered, Cassio suddenly approaching him his arms flailing about, "Master!"

"What is it Cassio?"

The faery's light glowed brightly before going back to it's normal state. Cassio leaned in his high voice barely reaching his ears, "It's about Lady Aceso."

Destan immediately darted towards Ace's side, his eyes searching for any signs of physical damage. Her skin remained pale, dark hair neatly tucked beside her, blue scales glittering across her back and shoulders. The woman's eyes remained shut, a soft and even breath coming from her full, parted lips.

"I don't understand," he spoke, his eyes landing on the tiny faery, "What has you so alarmed?"

Cassio's golden light flashed pink, "Well, I'm not sure if you may or have noticed Master but Lady Aceso is expecting an merchild."

Destan's heart froze, his eyes growing wide, "She is expecting? H-how do you know?"

The faery flew, his fins landing above Ace's slender abdomen, "I can feel it. A new life forming inside her."

He ran his hand through his hair, "How? It was only one ni- oh."

Cassio looked at him, his eyebrow raised, "What is it Master?"

"The marriage ceremony," he gasped out, "She must've recieved the light piece."

The faery's golden eyes widened, "What does this mean? Will she have to stay with us forever? Will she become the next Diamond Queen?"

Destan felt conflicted all of a sudden. He was delighted that a child of his own had been conceived, but a mournful sentiment filled him at the thought of Aceso rejecting his proposal of becoming queen.

He sighed softly as he buried his face into his hands, "Being King is so difficult Cassio. My father left behind a kingdom that had been ruled by fear. This is all my fault, I did his bidding."

A hand fell on his back, soft and small, sending a warm feeling through his being. He straightened, his eyes falling on the now conscious Ace who's hands gently massaged his back, "Aceso," he whispered softly, "You're awake."

She said nothing, instead her arms wrapped around him, her soft form pressing against his, just like the night they first made love.

"Aceso," Destan whispered, his voice suddenly low.

"Shh, Destan," she spoke, her voice tender. His eyes fell on hers, golden specks dancing in her brown eyes, tenderness coming from within.

Destan raised his hand and cupped her cheek, his eyes dropped to her parted lips just before he pressed them against hers.

Like the tides that rise by the command of the moon, he clutched her close, their lips moving against one another in unison.

"Aceso," Destan gasped out once they parted for a breath of air.

"Yes?" Ace spoke, her lips swollen from their sudden kiss.

"There is something I need you to know," he murmured, taking her hands into his, his eyes looking at everywhere but her face..

"What is it?"

"You're pregnant with my child."


"Your Majesty!" a messenger gasped out from the other side of the throne room. Elric's eyes darted to the merman, whose dark hair was pulled back by a pair of braids, revealing a tattoo on his forehead.

"What is it Angelo?" The Onyx King muttered, his elbow resting on the armrest of his throne, the other holding his onyx scepter.

"The Diamond King! He has announced that he will be taking a wife," the merman said, his blue eyes wide.

Elric watched his king's eyes glitter with interest. The Onyx King was young, with his dark hair and sharp features giving him a dangerous look.

"What do you know about the bride to be?" the king spoke, leaning forward.

The messenger's face paled, "She is a human but now a mer. Rumors have circulating that she also hosts the Diamond goddess."

A dark aura circled the king's body, his black irises filling with hate, "Another human!" he growled, his head whirling to Elric, "Bring me my drink and ready my army."

(Tattoo on the messengers forehead)

Hehe vote and comment my lovelies! ^.^

-The Anon

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