A/N: This day has finally come, the Diamond Castle is over... Stay till the end to be informed about my future content :)
The Pledis practice room went quiet after Han Jihoon finished telling the fairy tale. Hanjin and Kyungmin were sitting there, listening to the end of the story with wide eyes and their mouths left open.
'Not gonna lie, that was kinda lit' whispered Dohoon over to Shinyu who nodded.
'And did they finally live happily ever after?' asked Kyungmin excitedly.
'Of course, it's a fairy tale after all' chuckled Jihoon.
'I can't believe their friendship was at risk over some silly argument! That was so selfish from both of them!' exclaimed Hanjin. He frowned and glanced at Kyungmin, remembering what made Jihoon tell this story in the first place. 'Um... Kyungmin-ah?' he muttered. Kyungmin looked at him too and they stared at each other for a moment.
'I'm sorry!!' blurted out both of them in sync.
'I shouldn't have said that to you!' pouted Hanjin.
'But I shouldn't have gotten so angry! I'm such a bad friend!' exclaimed Kyungmin. 'I'm so sorry!'
'Me too!!' said Hanjin in tears and they shuffled closer to hug each other.
'Aww, I need to save this moment' cooed Shinyu and he quickly snapped a photo. Youngjae, who was sitting next to Jihoon, hummed.
'Wait... the characters of the story! They remind me of-'
He couldn't finish his sentence because suddenly the door of the practice room flew open and with loud laughter the members of their senior group entered. The six boys gasped and stood up to greet them.
'Hi, sunbaenims!' they bowed. It was Seventeen's vocal unit.
'Hi! How are the comeback preparations going?' asked Lee Seokmin cheerfully.
'Great!' they all said in sync.
'We just came to get some stuff we left here, we are leaving in a second' added Hong Jisoo. Meanwhile the rest, Seokmin, Yoon Jeonghan, Boo Seungkwan and Lee Jihoon went to grab the things the Seventeen members left in the room after practice.
The members of TWS all looked at Han Jihoon. The second youngest of the group looked slightly embarrassed and he avoided their eyes.
'Your story was about them! You are a shipper?!' asked Shinyu quietly in disbelief. Jihoon began stuttering, expecting to be lectured by the leader.
'I-I just... I know it's said to be rude and disrespectful, but I... but they-'
'Oh my god, I ship them too!' exclaimed Dohoon and the rest of the members all nodded. They immediately glanced at Seokmin and Jisoo who were picking up the jackets of their friends, trying to figure out which one belongs to who.
'I mean, look at them! They are definitely dating' whispered Hanjin. Jisoo laughed at something Seokmin said and he pinched the younger's cheek.
'You're too cute, Seokmin-ah' he chuckled, and Seokmin blushed beetroot red, giving a side glance to their juniors who pretended they weren't listening.
'Hyung... there are others here' he pouted.
'Get our stuff ready, Cheol said they are leaving without us if we are not outside in 2 minutes' glanced at his phone screen Jeonghan, picking up someone's water bottle. It made Jisoo, Seokmin, Lee Jihoon and Seungkwan hurry up as Seungkwan complained that he doesn't want to walk like last time.
They gathered all their things and quickly said goodbye to TWS. The rookie group was left by themselves in the room and they stayed quiet for a moment.
'Joshua sunbae and Seokmin sunbae are definitely a thing' announced Kyungmin, which immediately broke the silence, making all six of them start talking, discussing their suspicions about their seniors' love lives with loud chuckles.
Final A/N: Thank you so much for sticking around for all these months and reading and loving Diamond Castle! We also reached 5K reads by this time - I'm impressed as always!
As for my future plans on Wattpad: after a lot of thinking I decided to take a break from these fairy tale rewrites. I know you all love them, I mean I didn't publish 10+ books in the past almost 3 years for nothing, but recently I started to feel pressured by myself to write all of these, and it became more of a habit and a struggle than actually something I do for fun.
HOWEVER, the long ass mermaid au I'm writing is still on, and I also have some other stuff I'd like to share with you. I've been preparing a Seventeen book, which is completely my own story. It's a multiship high school au. AND I also have a few short stories that I want to publish in the future, probably in the form of oneshot books. Some of them are even based on fairy tales, stuff that people requested me to write, but I don't want to, or won't have time to turn them into full books. These short ship stories are starred by SVT, TXT and ATEEZ, the groups I've been writing about these past years.
So in case you'd like to read and support my future content, follow me on my new account, @whatisamo . So far I haven't published anything, but it will only be a matter of time. Updates won't be as consistent as they are on this account, but I hope to see some of you there when it's time!
As for this account, this is definitely not a goodbye. As you know, I'm still writing the mermaid au, and don't worry, if I ever plan to rewrite a fairy tale again, you will definitely find me here!
Again, thank you for your unconditional love and support for this book!
Until next time,
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