A/N: I said it wrong at the end of the previous chap, Hao's backstory will be revealed in the NEXT chapter whoops~
Hidden beneath the ground,
Is the spring that feeds the creek,
Invisible as the wind,
That you feel upon your cheek.
And every breeze that whispers,
Believe in all that can be,
A miracle starts whenever you dream,
Believe and sing from your heart,
You'll see your song will hold the key.
'Your song is so beautiful! Thank you for teaching it to us' said Jeonghan. He and Jisoo were sitting on the ground, gardening long forgotten. They were talking and singing with Minghao, admiring the boy inside the mirror. Minghao even taught them a song.
'You have such a great voice!' added Jisoo. Minghao blushed slightly.
'Thank you-'
However before he could've finished the sentence, suddenly noises were heard from above them. Minghao's eyes widened when he spotted something in the sky over Jeonghan's shoulder. 'Oh my god! It's him! He found me!' he gasped in panic.
'Who? What-?' began Jeonghan. Jisoo turned around and looked in the direction Minghao was looking.
'What the hell?! A dragon!' he exclaimed. 'They usually don't come to the forest' he added.
'He is here for me! Quick, you need to hide! You guys are in danger as long as he sees you with me!' said Minghao. The two boys jolted up from their sitting positions and rushed inside their house. Jeonghan peeked over his shoulder. The dragon was indeed flying in their direction. It wasn't a particularly big dragon, it was green and he would've even called it kinda cute if it wasn't for it trying to hunt them down. He needed to figure something out to get rid of it...
'Jisoo! Take this!' he exclaimed and shoved the mirror with Minghao in the younger's hand. He slammed the door behind themselves.
'Quick, to the basement!' instructed Jisoo, but he stopped when he saw Jeonghan rushing up to their shared room. 'Hannie!'
'I'll be there in a second! I have an idea!' said Jeonghan. Jisoo held the mirror and opened the door to the basement, running down the stairs. It was dark down there, but they didn't need light. They've been living in that house since forever, they knew all the steps of the stairs, the ones that are loose, the ones that are missing, the ones that are squeaking.
A minute later Jeonghan joined them with something in his hand and closed the door, complete darkness engulfing the basement. They could hear a loud thud which they assumed was their front door breaking, and then the noises of the dragon roaming around the house and items breaking could be heard.
'I'm so sorry' whispered Minghao. 'This is all my fault... I shouldn't have shown myself to you-'
'Shut up! We are glad to have met you and we are going to get you out of here!' said Jisoo stubbornly. Jeonghan nodded in agreement.
'Come on, let's go to the back door' whispered Jeonghan and they began sneaking towards the basement's exit that led to the back of the garden. Jeonghan stayed behind a bit, and when Jisoo successfully reached the door, he knocked something over on purpose. The object fell on the ground and broke loudly. Jeonghan began running after Jisoo, leaving the item he brought from their room (a mirror similar to Minghao's) on the floor.
Slyder meanwhile turned around swiftly when he heard the sound of something breaking. He knocked a chair over with his tail in the process, making the wooden chair fall straight into the fireplace, slowly catching fire.
'Of course, the basement' muttered the dragon devilishly and he began crawling towards the basement door, breaking it like how he did with the front door earlier.
He crawled in the darkness of the basement until his eyes got used to it. Then he spotted the back door that was slightly open, immediately suspecting that the boys have escaped. He went in that direction, but then his eyes landed on the mirror Jeonghan left on the ground. He looked back towards the door and saw the two boys who had the mirror earlier, run on the path towards the forest.
'Minghao, you keep trusting the wrong people' he said mockingly and picked up the mirror from the ground. 'Looks like your new friends already abandoned you. What a shame' he tsked and went outside, spreading his wings, a second later already flying high above the forest back to Lydia's hiding place.
However the chair he knocked over earlier was completely on fire by now, making the flames reach other pieces of furniture too, quickly spreading all over the small house.
Slyder arrived back to the cavern of dark magic.
'I have him' he announced. Lydia walked up to him expectantly.
'Finally! Where's he?' she asked. Slyder held up Jeonghan's fake mirror.
'He hid in this mirror... probably using his magic' he said. Lydia smirked and took the hand mirror from Slyder.
'How convenient it is to hide from our problems, isn't it?' she sang, touching the mirror. 'Minghao... where are you? Show yourself!' she said. Nothing happened. She began shaking the mirror. 'Minghao! I know you are in there! I order you to show yourself while I'm asking nicely!' she said. Still nothing.
Lydia glared at Slyder, the dragon flinching under her intense gaze.
'I swear he was in it! I saw him with my own eyes when he was talking to those boys!' protested the dragon. Lydia thought for a second.
'What boys?'
'These two boys, they had the mirror! I chased them to get it, they escaped without him...' explained Slyder. Lydia looked at the mirror, then back at Slyder. She groaned and threw the mirror on the ground, breaking it into pieces.
'You were fooled again, you idiot!' she yelled. 'If those boys are his friends, they probably tricked you to get him out of there... we have to find the boys and get them and the mirror, Slyder!'
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net