After part1 (p2)

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Lucifer woke up and notice that he is in his bed

Lucifer: huh I thought I was that my desk?

Lucifer got up and look that the time 

Lucifer: that was a long sleep,  it's 4:37

Lucifer walk to his desk and sat on his chair and continue working

Lucifer: well i don't have any meeting today, let just finish work

Lucifer have been working for hour, lets just say it's  8 something 👍

Lucifer finish his paperwork, faster than usual

Lucifer look that the clock

Lucifer: it's already 8? Well that's fast

Lucifer's phone rang

Lucifer took out his phone and see Diavolo is calling him

Lucifer answer the call

                                                         On call

Diavolo: Lucifer! Can you meet me that my castle, I have something to say but not on phone!(its D.D.D I know, phone is easier to remember)

Lucifer: okay, Lord Diavolo, but why a sudden call, we don't have a meeting today?

Diavolo: oh! I just wanted to tell you to come to my castle!

Lucifer: okay, Lord Diavolo, I will be there soon

Diavolo: okay I will be waiting! Diavolo sounded excited

Lucifer: bye for now Lord Diavolo

Diavolo: BYE! 

Diavolo ended the call as fast as he could

                                                The call has ended

Lucifer: let's start going

Time skip, Lucifer is infront of the castle

Lucifer knock the door then waited for Barbatos 

Barbatos opened the door

Barbatos: Lucifer, are you here for my Lord?

Lucifer: yes, Lord Diavolo said to come here

Barbatos open the door for Lucifer to get in

Lucifer walked in then stop to look that barbatos

Barbatos unstand Lucifer 

Barbatos: he's at his room

Lucifer continue to walk to Diavolo's room

Barbatos close the door ofc

Now Lucifer is infront of Diavolo's door

Lucifer knock on the door

Lucifer: may I come in, Lord Diavolo? Lucifer stop knocking at the door and wait for Diavolo answer

Diavolo: come in Lucifer!

Lucifer opened the door and close the door behind him

Lucifer: Lord Diavolo, what I'm I doing here

Word: 303

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