~JackPot Ending!~

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After the events of Ardyn's downfall, a year has passed and you and Dante have disappeared.

Rodin and Enzo ponder your  whereabouts in the Gates Of Hell.

"I can't believe it's been a year since both Dragon-Phoenix and Dante disappeared. I got all those  work just piled up and they ain't around with any of it." Enzp drinks his wine. "I might just have  to find a new racket. Hey Rodin, so do you think that maybe they could be gone for good?"

"Who to say..." Rodin replied. "....I poor drinks and I make weapons for killin' Angels and Demons. That's all I do..."

Enzo sighs. "That's a shame.."

{~With Noctis~}

Noctis is by his father's graveside along with his brothers placing a bouquet.   "Sorry I didn't visit sooner father. Our home is destroyed and maybe I can be a better person to live among the poor. I've done horrible things I wish I could fix my mistakes with the people who were wronged. And I'm going to change that....lend me your wisdom when I'll have the courage to beg for forgiveness to (Y/n)."

Promto and Gladio were behind as Ignis strolled next to Noctis. "You sure you want to leave?" Ignis asked.

"I deserve to be punished by my own selfish pride I have put against everyone. If not for the invasion, I guess I'd be the first one to atone my sin for my family's in heritage.  The Crystal is gone. (Y/n) deserve freedom  more than I do. My father have left me with her when all I did was cause more pain after I didn't let her explain her backstory. I should've done something to change everything, if I could just reach out to her in that dark room.... she would never have these nightmares that I...we put her through. I don't think I'm able to face-"

"Talk to her," Ignis cuts him off. "When the times comes. She's mostly part of the family along with the Esara's."

Noctis shook his head. "I can't. Just not now once I rebuild a better country in the Crown City. After what I did, I still have myself to be blamed for the decision I've made in the past," he sighed. "I got her killed because of me. If it wasn't for Dante who filled her dark soul with Light, I can never get rid of my nightmares of torment...."

"Tell her..." Ignis muttered.


"Let's all go to Redgrave!" Promto suddenly appeared, jumping into their conversations. "You may not have a family, but we're still here for you Noct. We're your brothers."

"Yeah..." Gladio agreed. "You may not be King anymore, but your still our Noct. Let's just find a home and maybe then you'll visit (Y/n). I'm sure she's living with her boyfriend with her new life."

Noctis smiles. "You're right...we have each other." he looks to the sky. "Wherever they are, she's safe with him. He's good at loving her than any of us. I wonder where they disappear to.... but...that's okay. I know we'll meet again as a better family."

And he hoped he would. He may not be better for you to love him, but at least to give a chance to be a loving friend and mostly a brother to you.

{~With Dante & (Y/n)~}

Elsewhere, you  and Dante talk about going back to their other lives as Demon Hunters before a flock of demons appear on the horizon. 

"Welp, they're certainly tenacious." Dante comments. "Just look at those chickens with wings. Better start going home and have pizza. I'm starving."

"I hardly believe  you still favor pizza. Do you wanna try something new, like hamburgers?" you asked.

"Your filling your mans empty stomach, babe. Right into my heart." Dante flirts.

"You can't do this on your own and you made me do all the dishes." You cross your arm.

"I like seeing you work!" Dante exclaims.

"But did you ever help me?!" You huff.

"I do help you. I'll even treat you in Strawberry Sundaes!"

You sighed but still, you can't help but to fall in love with him. Dante leans against you with a smile plastered on his face. You smiled back and leaned your head against his chest. "You destroyed the Crystal when you met up with me at the tower did you, Dante?"

Dante quickly averted his eyes away and nods, "Yeah."

You smiled and raised your chin so you can take a look at his face, "Are you mad at me?"

He turned towards you and both of you stared into each other's eyes, "Why would I be?" he whispered.

You shrugged. "In the Dark when I'm trapped in Etro, I heard your voice. What did you say?"

 "I said 'hey'. You on the other side. Let her go." Dante's eyes met with yours - they were watchful of your every movement, glistening and alluring. His fingers were trembling, reaching out to grasp the ends of your hair. He rubbed the strands in between his thumb and index finger, feeling the texture of each fibre. It soothed him; his concentration was completely in the material between his fingers rather the conversation at hand. He twirled the thin strand of hair around his index finger, playing with it continuously until he decided to speak up.

"Because for her...." Dante leans his forehead to yours. "For her...I'm going to cross over.....and then you'll be sorry."

You looked up at him where his blue eyes gazed into yours. It was unlike his usual, flustered demeanor where he would avert his attention to something else as soon as he possibly could, but he seemed to hold himself together, displaying how serious he was about you.

You chuckled at the heartfelt sight, reaching to feel his firm biceps and pulling him in closer. It seemed that you weren't the only that felt intensely flustered as his skin was glistening with a thin layer of sweat. He was too adorable in this moment.

You gently pressed your lips against his cheek, a feint, pink stain coating his pale skin. "You've done the same to me."

"Don't tease me like that." Your ears rang with each whisper of his words. His fingers gripped at your chin as they roughly guided your lips to his, pressing them aggressively against your lips. It was becoming hot in the room whilst his lips continuously rubbed against yours, leaving sloppy kisses over your lips.

His other hand reached to pull your waist closer towards his hips, your skin rubbing against each other. There was a rising tension and passion that rose in the room. He slowly pulled away like he was starving, taking a moment to breathe in his haste. His eyebrows were knitted together, furrowed tightly as his eyes narrowed at the sight of yours. He pressed his forehead against yours, the loose hairs that fell on your forehead rubbed against his soft and pale skin.

In the heat of the passionate moment, his breath met with your skin.

"Speaking of which..." Dante suddenly pulls you into a tight embrace, his hand clutched firmly behind your head. He  pulled out Ebony to shoot them down trying to ruin his moment with you.

"Care to teach these bad boys a lesson to remember us by?"He flashes you a confident grin.

You mirror his smirks and ready your saber-bade and your gun. "Certainly."

You two  team up once again to have one last fight before you both head home together back in Devil May Cry.

Dante winks while holding up Ivory.

"Alright, let's ROCK BABY!"

[~THE END...FOR NOW...~]

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