While saving Dante and the others with a blood art shield placing them you place them safely into the city whilst for you to land elsewhere.
"You're late. I've been waiting." Nara chuckles. "I hope you're going to entertain me this time."
"You'll find out soon." You took out your gunblade. "This time, I'll make you spill everything you know."
Nara smirks. "Do your best... if you can." You both fought and Nara easily broke your gunblade which makes you annoyed. "Isn't it a shame that you have to fight with such a useless weapon! I can still sense your fear.
"Fear?" You raised a brow in question.
"Your memory will make things clear. You instinctively fear the fate that you bear. "The intersection of light and dark would bring calamity to this earth." " Nara explains the origins. "It's an ancient saying. The calamity resulted in the downfall of the Asteria and the Nebulouses. The effects can be felt even now... centered around you, the Light of Cosmos. To put it simply, the Gods's power is known as the Dragon-Phoenix of Light that kills all mortals and immortals.
You light dwellers are gods precious chosen ones as the last bloodline ... Your the Dragon-Phoenix of Light." She points to you.
You glared at her with unreadable expression, rather you should feel scared but you ignore this feeling that she's just trying to get in your head.
Then all of a sudden a bright light changed the scenery and transported you to a world of ruins.
"What the hell is this?" You narrow an unfamiliar world.
"I've been waiting for you Light of Cosmos..." The demon of wings flown above you. "Dragon-Phoenix of Chaos; Nara, any actions that hinders the coming of Etro will never be tolerated."
Nara laughs. "Who gave you orders to tell a high rank demon around? Piss off!" She lashed with a whip at the demon.
"Insolent Dragon-Phoenix..I'll be waiting for you Light Of Cosmos." The wing demon angel leaves. "By the side of Etro and our master."
Suddenly, Rodin makes an entrance. "Nice place, if you have the purgatory.."
You huff. "Still a few steps away from your bar, Rodin."
Rodin chuckles and then he hears the demons attacking. "How many times I gotta tell these morons....? I AM NOT YOUR DANCE PARTNER!" he cries out unleashing his demonic power and easily destroy the demons.
"I've got a new weapon for you. The workmanship's solid."
You smirked. "Well then....I hope this new weapons will be a good match to satisfy my taste."
"It won't disappoint." After taking care of some newly arrived demons, he introduces new improve black sword and a purple sword. "Introducing The Dark and Light Matter swords, Fury and Inferno! New and Improve! These bad boys might've be hard for you to handle all!"
You catch them both with the purple wingless sword on your right and the new black sword on your left and strike that sword pose.
"See you at the Gate's of Hell." Rodin bids you and teleports away.
The real action begins!
You direct your attention to Nara. "Look like I'm going all out and take you out for real!"
"Well that was interesting. And Now it seems we're on the level of plain field." Nara stretch her whip.
You chuckle bitterly. "Oh don't worry, It's not like I'm going to show a little bit of mercy."
Nara grins evilly. "Be careful with your threats. You can't afford to lose, if you do the little girl would disappear and your devil boyfriend will end up getting beaten up by my handsome devil boyfriend."
You scoff at hearing this when this conversation involves Dante. The fight resumes as you both clash in sword fights. Both kicking at each other scurrilously, fire after fire you started to gain part of your memories of your old reincarnation.
"Yes, that's it! Don't hold back!" Nara praised.
You gasp while holding your serious expression. "Damn I should've know....." You remember your previous life but your not her when the Dragon-Phoenix of Light being reborn to pass down the gift of a hybrid and Nara's ancestor was known as Nataria.
And this land was the broken world of Asteria that was been destroyed by the Dark Planet of Queen Nebula.
"I've -no....my previous self Yuelloung has been here before when she destroyed Somnus by the Order of Goddess Celestia." You scrunched your face in pure anger.
Nara cackles. "At long last...we can finish where we started!" she starts whipping at you while you tackle away and clash again with your swords. "You finally understand why your seeing more of those memories. What's the matter? Still scared about your destiny?" She mocks.
You gritted your teeth and snarled at her when you swing Inferno at her neck as she pushed away from you.
You both shot fire multiple times while running. You cart wheel and did a jump to hit Nara directly at her shoulder blade. She falls to the rubble and gets back up as you keep slashing at her when you cut her thigh boots seeping out blood.
"Let go of that fear, accept your fate! Embrace the power coursing through your body! It is our duty as Dragon-Phoenix's to annihilate both world of light and darkness ! Even if it belongs to a filthy Waste-lander."
You furrow your brows. "You spoke of 'our duty'. But I'm not the person who would crave power."
You both were born to charge at each other as you let out a scream and you see Nara's every move and you deflect her sword whip and took the opportunity to slash down her chest with her golden wing pendant as she fell in defeat.
The scenery turns back to reality as you land gently on the ground and walk slow towards Nara, crouching her laying body. "Nara....you did this. You killed all of the Lucis descendants."
Nara smiled bitterly. "You lost your will to fight after your parents died. As the Third Dragon-Phoenix of Calamity it was either I had to look for you for a thousand of years to take your life away so I can have my fun tormenting you to death. My whole life as a Immortal, I've been waiting to meet you again...except you are not her but a spinning image of my dead friend."
"But I'm not her." You frown in sorrow. "I'm not your Yuelloung from your past life."
Nara chuckle tiredly. "But still, I do know you when you were new to this world, you use to talk about the little boy with white hair, how you wish to meet him when you get out of the Crown City with that silly dragon doll, just like I wish to meet my own soulmate by the handsome devil name Vergil."
You sighed. "So why did you chose Vergil, huh?"
"Oh no reason, I just love how he grabs my ass." She swoons and you rolled your eyes. "But in the end, I love Vergil. I wanted to be the best if it means that I have to destroy the most strongest fighter. " Nara look dully to your eyes with her grays. "Do not run away from your fear of destiny, kill Ardyn no matter the cause. And remember...always burn your cosmos towards the bitter end if you want to be free from the curse of Etro..."
She implores when she wants you to stop Ardyn and when she saw something coming your way she fires at you to move away before Ardyn's magic causes an explosion that presumably kills her. Well she is a half demon. She'll live.
"Nara!" you shouted and you landing in the tower smashing in the windows.
"I bet she escape too quick to go back with Vergil." You mumbled.
You heard a ding and turn around seeing Dante just took the elevator along with 4 parties and Clarestia.
Dante smirks and shrugged. "I got us here in one piece, but I guess there expecting us."
"Dante..." You were relief to see him when he helped you up.
"Oh? You do miss me. I guess I am your most favorite person who you want to see. Even though this was your idea of going all out on your own, babe." He mused.
You chuckle a bit. "You know I really don't know whether I should shoot you or to take you to Vegas for breaking a leg, Hellboy."
"Give me more credit than that. If you must know.... Where D.A.N.T.E. Dante the Devil Hunter is quite concerned that there's no such thing as luck. Only skill." While you were fighting against Nara Dante was having a blast. Shooting for incoming missiles on his way he ride them in style while carrying Clarestia while Noctis and the other are handing for their lives, screaming like girls.
"You did a James Bond style?" You asked.
"He did. I puke up." Noctis holding his stomach as Prompto brought a barf bag.
Dante chuckles. "You didn't expect me to trust bitches...well dick heads did you, babe?"
You shrugged and turn your attention to Clarestia. "Clarestia...what is it that you treasure you love most? Astro? "
Clarestia shook her head. "Astro is my best Friend." She shows you her purple wing amulet. "This one is my greatest treasure."
You nodded in understanding. "When you love something, never loose it. Take good care to keep it safe and close to you."
"I will! I made a promise to never cry anymore! I want to grow up brave and strong just as you, mommy. You're not afraid of anything, so I won't either." Clarestia smiles.
You smiled back as you look up to Dante again who hasn't left his smile. "So, still fired up, no?"
Dante huff. "Yeah, I gotta recharge to the main event. How about you? You think I'm not gonna let you have all the fun stealing the spot light? Make room for your handsome devil boyfriend." He offers you a flower.
"Oh?" You were taken a back, not expecting him to offer something for you as you took it with grace and walk along the way to Ardyn's place. "So, your saying I look dreadful, huh? You'll have to learn to wipe that goofy look on your face or I shall never let you keep on chasing me around the world having pizza and sundaes. Got that, Dante?"
"Oh don't worry, I have plenty of idea's to make you stay by my side." Dante leans in to your face, purring. "You'll be my partner till the end of the moon having Pizza and sundaes when I know I win chasing you around the world."
You chuckled before you make a move to kiss his cheek before you grab his hand in yours and continue to walk up stairs.
This is what Dante would've wanted, holding your hand and squeeze you tight. Never wanting to let you go. "I can kiss better than you."
"Whatever." You teased.
"Hey wait!" Noctis calls out on you two. "You guys are going to confront him on your own?"
"If I would say yes, you King Kong would still keep likely tag along right?" Dante asked.
"He better say no." You thought but in the end Noctis smiles which basically he and the rest of the brotherhood would gladly follow you two.
The whole gang is likely back together to face the final boss.
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