Chapter 30: Attack on Niflheim

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The burning sensation that had come with drinking the liquor down had all but vanished and the potent smell of its warmth had filled your nostrils as if it were stuck to your clothes.

Sleep had caught up to you quicker than you expected and the morning sunrise had followed faster. Your head ached and you shielded your eyes from the sun as you shifted in bed, pulling the sheets with you. Your foot had brushed against something, more specifically someone else's leg and you squinted your eyes shut as you pouted.

This was just a dream; one that you would wake up from feeling relieved, you thought. A sigh escaped your lips as you cracked your eyes open and turned towards the person.

The head of white hair against a pillow and the muscular back that greeted you were unsettling for more than one reason. You glanced away and lifted the sheet covering your body to peak at your clothing, or the lack of it as it seemed. 

You dropped the sheet and cursed softly to yourself as you ran a hand through your hair before glancing at your companion.


You couldn't help but chew at your lip in nervousness as you stared at Dante's back. The sound of his heavy, deep breaths was a blessing; at least he was still asleep, it would make slipping out of the room that much easier.

Slowly and quietly you moved towards the edge of the bed, dragging the bed sheet with you. Your feet touched the dark stained hard wood floors and you continued to move as you carefully kept an eye on Dante.

You change into your purple assassin tunic and head to the balcony window feeling the wind in your long hair.

This will probably the last day being here in your old home and then you resume your mission to defeat Ardyn and destroy the Crystal.

You cook your own breakfast and Dante woke up with a sniff and yawned before he sees you outside. The sweet smell of food roused Dante from his sleep and slowly he moved towards the balcony. He dragged his feet and he froze in the doorway to admire you. He stared, blinking back the tiredness of his eyes.

The way you wore a tunic with purple color, it made you show your true self that nothing can ever seem to trap your numb emotions. His eyes were drawn towards your legs. He could see the curves of your backside.

"Babe." Dante startled you that you almost drop your toast and jerk your head to him.

"Gee Whiz, you scared me!" You munch your food aggressively.

"I'm not sorry." Dante shrugged and took a piece of toast in his mouth. "I miss my pizza order."

"No kidding." You grumbled.

Dante remained silent as he watched you. You cleared your throat awkwardly as you continue to eat your food. Awkward as it seems and you had no idea that you literately kissed the Devil Hunter.

It wasn't so bad, Dante thought. He just wished you would try and sober a bit and then you can tell him how you feel.

"So last night," Dante began as you perked up. "Was a hell of a night."

You opened your mouth to say something in response but he had beaten you to it. "Nice suit."

A light thinned smile touched your lips. You weren't really in the mood to have this conversation nor did you want to, you were afraid that things would be different between you, a bad different.

"It's not everyday you show your color meaning. You like red, I like purple." you muttered

"Considering how drunk you are last night, it suits you." he retorted with a slight smirk as he rose from his seat.

"Wait, I was drunk?" you were blown in surprised.

"Yeah, a drunken fighter that beat the ass of the king."

You blinked in disbelief.

Dante stood before you, eyes searching your own curiously.

"You do remember right? I was hoping you wouldn't run away babe, but ya did. Didn't even think you'd make it back..."

You were tense. A lot more than usual and Dante could tell. His eyes had darkened slightly and waited expectantly.



".......Uh huh, ummm...." you scratch your head. "What exactly happened, after that?"

Dante jaw dropped. "You really don't remember?"

"All I remember is that some guy offer me was a black cherry drink which happens to be rum. I was hoping you could help me fill in the blank spots from last night." You answered truthfully.

"I shouldn't have done that..." Dante muttered to no one in particular.

"Done what?" you asked. "Did I hurt you after I was drunk?"


"Then what did I do?"

Dante looked you dead in the eye, obviously not expecting you to still be sitting there. "You confessed to me and then out of the kissed me."

A hot blush touched your cheeks upon hearing what he said.

You had kissed Dante?!

Like a broken record, you replayed the Gold Saucer and rode on a Chocobo ride  the two of you shared, the way he held you, the way he stares at you.

Dante started after a moment, like he had finally found the words he had been looking for. Your eyes were fixed on him, curiosity painting your face. The man turned away for a moment, looking out into the Crown City.

"So....I guess Noctis and his brother saw that. Especially Prompto-"

"Nope, he passed out after we got back, we weren't loud at all." Dante said as he continued to eat. "I thought you remembered."

The memory had hit you fast like a train and your eyes widened. You remembered the feel of his hand clamped over your mouth in an effort to keep each moan that escaped you quiet; even the red tint of his cheeks from the alcohol and his face so close, you could feel his heavy breaths against your flesh as he rocked his body into your own.

A hot blush dusted your cheeks and Dante offered you a pearly white smile. "Damn it.....and I thought this was nothing but a  nightmare." you muttered.

"Does that mean we can do it again?"

Your eyes met his own and you couldn't help but offer him a glare. Just as you were about to give him a piece of your mind, the lights had flickered before the entire castle

"Ah great," Dante grumbled. "Well we at least have the place to ourselves. You can be as loud as you want." Dante said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

You couldn't help the sigh that passed your lips at his words. "Shut up. We can just pretend it never happened."

"I don't think I can." Dante smirks.

"Then why didn't you stop me?" You gritted your teeth.

"Why did you kiss me?" Dante retorted.

You could practically feel the heat from your blushing face when you kissed him.

Why did you kissed him?

More importantly why had he kissed you back? The way his hand tightened around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your hand gently cupping his cheek - thumb grazing over the smoothness of his skin. His hair looked like it should be rigid and uncomfortable to the touch - like it was frozen in place with hairspray, but it was soft, fluffy in an endearing way.


You words were cut short when gasp and suddenly you saw something coming your way as  you looked up from the sky.

Dante was rushing towards you, hands reaching for you. The world brightened from behind you and you were pushed forward. A loud force shattered the windows and a great heat touched your skin. You were on your back, sprawled out on the floor. Your head was ringing and you couldn't hear a sound.

Every bone and every muscle in your body ached. There was a heavy weight over you and a muffled voice reached your ears, but your mind darkened and the last of your thoughts left you.

Dante had reached you in time, shielding your body with his own, but you hadn't gone unscathed. Blood trailed down the side of your face and you were completely still.

You cough and he shield you from the fire and smoke.

"(Y/n), you okay?" his hands were on your waist, your shoulders, shaking you.

"I'm fine." you cough more. "It's them! They're here!"

The Niflheim army were attacking the castle with the catapults and the soldiers marched in attacking others.

"Damn, those guys came in a bad moment in a time like this." Dante commented.

"There heading to the throne!" You rushed out the room with Dante tailing you behind calling out to you.

You nearly duck from a gun shot when the army of mechinisim soldier killed the people inside. You grab your gun-blade and stab it's head. You shouted a few maids to run who were scared the exit through the secret door to lead them out.

You attack them all when most of them were to hit you, Dante shot them all and you both were back to back when your surrounded by all of them.

"There everywhere!" you stressed and you wished that Rodin can hurry up and get you your black sword back.

"Then let's race across the halls." Dante suggested. "I don't wanna miss the party!" he pulls out the Rebellion as you and Dante work together taking all the soldiers and head to the Throne Room.

First you go down a level of stairs and then turn left and right when some of Noctis' guards are fending them off.

Helping those who can't fight you told them to head to the secret passage way as they left.

As you and Dante made it to the throne, Noctis and his party were fighting off the demons. The gigantic demon was a basilisk and it's fangs shoot towards Noctis when he dodge on time but slowly growing tired.

Another in is approaching and you waste no time running and slash it's fangs before they bite.

"Take Noctis and  go!" You shouted to nobody in particular.

"I don't need your god damn help-"

"Shut up and get out of here, I had no time to argue with your goddamn attitude!" You snapped.

You dash towards the basilisk in two when you don't have to see Noctis' stunned stares when all he could do was feel guilty.

The other basilisk went to attack you, but Dante shot it with his two guns  and you pull out your USB and shot its tail before firing it's fangs.

"Time to shed those skins in half, Babe!" Dante mocks and you both jump and with it Dante throws you towards the mouth inside as you poke inside it's throat. A perfect cut straight down it's end and it's dead.

Dante has already killed the other one in no sweat and put away his sword before turning to you before his alert of his eyes seen someone behind you.  "(Y/n), behind you!"

When you turn around to see none other than Ardyn holding his sword, he throws it towards you but a another female decided to rush in front and took the blow.

Everyone was shocked and you were in disbelief. Sally went to shield you from harm.

"Sally!" You caught her body when she's losing blood. You press the pressure to stop the blood, but she coughs. "Sally...."

"Princess..." she rasped.

"Don't talk, save your strength. You're going to make it, okay?" You tried to  save her.

"Princess..." she hold your hand where her stomach is. "Thank you....and save us the order ...of our late King....Regis..." with her final breath passed her lips. Blank eyes stared up at the ceiling and your heart dropped.

A defeated breath escaped you and lost all control to suppress your emotion. "No...." you shook your head and let out a scream.

You hold Sally's dead body and cry in tears. It was gut wrenching and you couldn't do anything to save on life. Dante watch you cry while the others and Noctis watch in sadness.

Noctis could not help but to look at you in tears. It was the first time he sees you crying for someone who died. And it was his fault.

Ardyn chuckles. "This takes me was the same thing my brother Somnus killed the one I love."

You breath shook and your rage blinded you as you glared at Ardyn as you put Sally down gently before you activate you demonic arm.

"And so it begins." Ardyn continues. "Those are the true eye's that Etro has left your demonic ones. Loss, chief among them. It engulfs fleeing moments of joy, transforming them into rage, sadness, hatred.Never have I felt them so'll never see the truth with such clouded eyes."

"I'll kill you!" You charged at him clawing your ways to him as he blocks your demonic arm  with his sword.

"Ashamed for this mortal to save you?" he mocks.

You growled and you keep on throwing punches at him and kick when you chop off his arms and his legs, Ardyn grew them back and force his dark power to push you away, tumbling down the floors.

You stood up before Noctis stops you. "(Y/n), stop! You can't take much more!"

"Piss off!" You harshly pushed him away before screaming. Dante was calling out your name but you didn't listen, with your gun-blade  thrust towards Ardyn you strike forward, but the thrust was stabbed by another new comer and you blindly stab it's arm and was between you and Ardyn.

You glared to the one who is in the way of avenging Sally's death.

The man who resembled with his black hair and facial shape. He dressed in a long blue robe with buttons down the front, black sandals, a black cape, a guard on his left forearm and shoulder and a blue silk shawl around his hips attached to a strap that crossed his chest.

The Founder King.

The first king of Lucis.

Ardyn looks to Mystic in disgust.

"You had to ruined everything. My plan worked perfect when the Eye's of Etro will soon consume this girl and Chaos shall rule under my command. Here you are after a thousands of years, you've shown your face again....Somnus."

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