"What's the matter? Had enough games of cat and mouse?" Dante mocks the guards. "You boys can do better than that raising your pitch forks and all."
"Shut up you bastard! Don't screw with me!" The last one standing charged forward until Dante easily took him down kicking him hard.
More than six idiot soldiers he took down was enough to draw attention to more crowds at a time. As soon as he draw more people his actual plan was to get arrested and to find you will be a success.
It just continues on until he was pushed forward in handcuffs and drag him into the kingdom.
Dante looks around and whistles, almost impressed as he entered the throne room. "Nice place...for a grumpy king."
"Keep moving." One of the guards pushed him further until they were near the King's Throne.
Dante was greeted by a tired, exhausted Noctis with black eye bags. Noctis probably stayed up all night just to let out some stress and then when he sees a man with silver hair and a red coat.
So suddenly Noctis felt another powerless aura from Dante just like your a few weeks ago. Like the same as before he observes Dante's tall figure. Dante's surge of unknown caution was like yours and see the Devil Hunter a more threat than you are.
The same hard cold expression that would belittle him like he was on the verge of his own downfall.
Just what the hell is with people having such heavy atmosphere that makes him so puny all of a sudden?!
"Need some Nyquil? Or you're just gonna keep on having major game of staring contest?" Dante sarcastically say while cracking his neck.
"So I guess you must be the guy who runs this place. Talk about Déjà vu much, but let's cut to the chase. I'm looking for a babe that is taking a undercover mission and she has slight problems about some future that will happen to her if her life were to be sucked out by some weird prophecy. Which brings me to you, your spiky-ness." Dante points to Noctis.
"I'm here to get my babe back so I could help her remove whatever spell that cast by some evil warlord and then I'll just take her back to my shop where we could make out and live happily ever after. There, I have made a testament. Can you ask your boys to take these handcuffs off now?" Dante finished.
He waited for king's response. And like before, Noctis' pride gets the best of him like always.
"Kneel before your king before you speak."
Dante raised a brow unamused. His facial expression didn't falter one bit as he continued to bore his dark eyes into Dante's.
He guessed that this is how it happen to you when you try to console Noctis, but you didn't let anyone bullied you.
"Seroiusly -"
"Bow to me!" He snaps when his voice grew loud echoing the halls.
Dante yawns. "Sorry, no can do. My ass is quite itchy, I got other things to do than bowing to lazy ass gold diggers. I wanna know where is my babe so we can go on a sandy beach."
Noctis was stunned by the straight forwardness of Dante's response. Oh great! Another peasant who mocks him!
"Say that again..." Noctis snarled.
"What? Can't handle the truth? Or you're just ignoring my question when I ask you, where is my babe? No woman your age ain't gonna marry ya with that kind of attitude. Didn't your mom ever teach you to how to treat a pretty sexy lady." Dante mocks more.
Noctis looked taken aback at his remark.
Ignis stepped forth, wielding a pair of daggers. "You should not insult your King."
"He's not mine," Dante replied. "Honestly, he looks like a punk, and I wouldn't let him step foot near my palace."
"How dare you!" Noctis shouted. "Apologized!"
"Apologized to what? Did I hurt you feelings or do you need someone to give you a pet dog name Fido?"
"That's it! I'll kill you!" Noctis summons all his weapons and swiping it in one fluid motion until his palm thrust towards Dante's.
"Noct! Stop!/ Not again!" Ignis and Gladiolus' voices yelled out the second time and to there horror of what comes next is that clearly they were not expecting this.
Dante jumped on the swords and rode it like a surfboard cheering excitedly till he crashed into Noctis who ducked down in shocked and stab it into the king's chair. Landing on his feet, Dante laughs how exciting riding on a magic sword.
"Whoohoo! Man talk about a wild ride! Mind if we do that again?" Dante asked, smirking.
Noctis was far beyond annoyed and frustrated. The swords disappear as Noctis glared at the Devil Hunter. "Gladio!"
"Yes Noct?" Gladiolus immediately replied.
"Seize him! Lock him up where I can't see him." he orders. "Put him in a high security and let him rot."
Gladiolus sighed and marched towards Dante and pulled him up by the arms with a vice grip before placing them behind his back before pushing Dante with him to the door.
"It's been fun, but you still didn't answer my question punk, what did you do to my girl?" Dante asked again.
"I said get him out!" Noctis shouted not letting himself looking back at Dante.
"Yes, you're majesty." Gladiolus obliged and continued to walk Dante out the large double door before it closed behind the two men with a loud bang.
Dante was put in the same cell as you were in before. He could tell this was your scent and you were there just a few weeks ago. He is hot on your trail and getting close to find you.
"Make yourself comfortable, who know when you'll be in there for god knows what." Gladiolus stated.
Dante lay on a bed with his legs sticking up with his arms behind his head. "Kinda hard, but I had worse that this. Say mind if I ask you a question?" Gladoius nodded in response. "Have you seen a girl pass by in a castle? She has long dark twilight hair and her eyes are as dark and mysterious." He described. "Is she in this room?"
Gladious furrow his brow wondering who is he referring to. "Are you referring to Kaila Evan?"
Dante was confused. Did you lie to hide your real name? If so, it means that he is certain that you were on a undercover mission to destroy the Crystal. "Actually no, the girl I'm looking for is quite blunt and stoic. Her name is (Y/n) (L/n). Ring any bells?'
Gladious gasp. " (Y/n) (L/n)? As in the King's Glaive, (Y/n) (L/n)?"
"Yeah? Why?" Dante questions.
"Because that's impossible man, The Glaive Knight (Y/n) died when Ardyn killed her." he explained.
"You don't say...." Dante narrow his eyes. "Did someone told you she died? 'Cause she's not dead. She's alive and she has been living with me at Redgrave."
"What?" Gladoius was shocked. "You gotta be joking, right? She's alive?"
"It's the real deal." Dante answered.
Gladious hums and shook his head thinking that it's not true. "Sorry pal, but I have not seen her walking here. But I did meet this Kaila Evan meeting the Prince a few weeks ago and she is our new maid for the king. You look kinda hungry, I'll ask one of the maids to get you some food."
Without asking further Gladiolus left Dante's cell to himself and began to think.
So you are here and you used an alias to cover your real name and he just met your formal teammates from the photo you have of them.
"She's really here and the babe is really working as a maid to get revenge. I'm getting close to see you, (Y/n)." Dante said to himself. "And that Asshole Number One is really a douche after all..."
{~With (Y/n)~}
You were mopping the floors around the castle. The other maids were giving you a hard time like accidentally trip over a bucket or step on the cold floors with their feet and just laugh.
Luckily you taught them a lesson and set booby traps and dump some dirty water on them for pay back. With one strict cold words that if they ever dare to look down on you as a peasant servant girl you would crack their heads and bone crush their legs, limp to limp.
And they were in shivers and they all ran away like chickens and rhinos, but who gives a damn about those cowards? That's just life in the cruel cold selfish, prideful kingdom of assholes.
Never mess with this girl who has more fire power than other suckers.
While you were singing a song, you over heard some rumors that made you freeze in place but make sure you act that you are squeezing the cloth.
"Did you hear that King Noctis arrested another peasant commoner?'
"Yeah! Only this time it's a man! A very tall handsome man!"
"Wow! This is like the second time The King throws someone in the cell! What's he like!"
"I heard he has silver hair and a red coat! What the hell throws a handsome guy like that?"
"Beats me."
No one knows who fit that description but you do. The one who fits the description like that was none other than....
"Dante...." You realized. So he really is here and he's looking for you.
"Hey, what you girls doing?" Gladoius walks by and glared at the maids. "This isn't a place for gossip unless you wanna end up in cell too. So get back to work and no more chit chat."
The maids bow apologetically and do their own work as you continue to mop the floors.
"Hey, Kaila." Gladoius calls out your fake name.
"Yes." You turn around.
"Could you do me a favor and bring food to our new inmate while your finished cleaning? He looks like he's been having fun while skipping breakfast."
"Of course." You bowed and head to the kitchen.
You prepare the meal and head to the dungeons, but was stopped by the guards and just took the tray and shoo you away.
So must for a reunion, the will shoo you no matter how much you wanna see Dante so badly you wanna kick them to outer space.
You were walking back to the hallways until you hear little whispers reached your ears. You were having shivers and the whispers were calling to you.
You started to follow the sound and walk to the west part of the castle was more destroyed then the rest. You start climbing up the stairs, when you finally got to the top floors.
You then open the door and slipped in.
It looked like a bedroom. There was a large fire place by a large bed, and there was a balcony and a desk. But what put you on edge the most was that there were things that appeared to be broken and smashed.
You then noticed a portrait to the right of the door. The portrait showed King Regis and two children. You realized it was Lunafreya and Noctis. However the boy's face were scratched off.
You walked further into the room and saw an artifact of a strange crystal star underneath a glass case out on the balcony.
For some reason, you felt drawn to it. You walked out onto the balcony and lifted the glass case off. Reaching out by lightly touch the star.
As soon as you did, you were overcome with a series of flash backs.
The world is in ruin due to the emergence of daemons, but the nobles of House Caelum have gained influence and the masses' trust due to using their god-given powers to fight them, gaining the other lords' support to become the realm's leaders.
When gods sought a leader among men, a man from the Caelum line was the obvious choice, but they have two options: the young charismatic war hero and leader of armies against daemons, Somnus, or the righteous older brother who dedicates his life to the people, Ardyn. As the gods' mouthpiece among men, the Oracle is to deliver their decision, and awaits in the tower where the Crystal, the chrysalis for the soul of Eos, is kept.
A person infected by the Starscourge staggers into a village, alerting a villager.
Somnus leads an army to a wasteland covered in dark mist to attack the infected people who disperse into miasma and turn into daemons. Somnus and Gilgamesh later burn the bodies. A disgusted Ardyn comes to see the pile of charred human/daemon remains and is led through the ruined village by an old man who tells how Somnus had rounded up the infected, even those just suspected of infection, to be burned alive.
A woman begs Ardyn to save her daughter, and he goes to the girl who is turning into a daemon and heals her by absorbing the plague into his own body, hiding the effect it is having on him.
Ardyn lectures at people how the Starscourge is a disease for which treatment can be developed. He abhors the practice to exiling the infected. The people are divided, as even though Somnus's method of containing the outbreak is cruel, it is faster than Ardyn's healing of people one by one. A man swears fealty to Ardyn as the people's true king, but Ardyn is not interested in the throne, though he would accept it if it means he can save the people.
Ardyn meets with the Oracle, Aera, his fiancée, who has escaped the castle to see him. The two explore mystical ancient ruins whose history is shrouded in mystery. Aera assures Ardyn that even if everyone forgot about him due to the passage of time, she would always remember.
Aera returns to the tower and Ardyn is discovered by soldiers who chase after him. He hides but his infection is spreading and he begins to exude miasma and collapses. Aera goes to see the Crystal, which begins to shine as Bahamut delivers his message. Somnus seeks Aera to hear the gods' decision, but she is reluctant to tell him. He asks if the Crystal made its choice, but Aera says the stone has no will of its own. She relents and tells Somnus what she learned.
Ardyn has been saved by the villagers he helped when a mass of people comes to him and kneels before him, telling him the gods have chosen him as the king of people. He goes to the Crystal where Somnus declares himself as the gods' chosen king. Aera is shocked but is stopped from interfering by Gilgamesh.
Somnus explains declaring Ardyn as king was a ruse to get him to reveal himself, and manifests the Blade of the Mystic from thin air. Ardyn draws his own, red Rakshasa Blade, and the two duel. Ardyn seems to be winning but Somnus warp-strikes him with a spear and impales him. Aera runs in-between the brothers and is cut down by Somnus. She smiles at Ardyn as she dies in his arms.
As Somnus prepares to finish off Ardyn, the latter transforms into a monster in a fit of rage and the spectators flee the room. Somnus laments Ardyn has become the monster he had made him out to be.
Ardyn, carrying Aera's body, staggers toward the Crystal while being attacked by Somnus and Gilgamesh. He puts his hand on the Crystal to ask whom the gods have chosen as their True King, but the Crystal's light sends him flying down the stairs.
Ardyn realizes the gods have chosen Somnus because he is unworthy.
Somnus executes Ardyn whose darkness disperses into the sky, leaving Somnus to stand over the corpse of his dead brother and the Oracle with a solemn look on his face as he beholds the rising sun.
Ardyn had become immortal and Somnus had no choice but to imprison his brother in Angelgard as he ascended to the throne where he grows to hate his bloodline, his name absent from history books.
At the end with Ardyn sitting in the throne of the Citadel, smiling evilly as he patiently waits for Noctis to come and fulfill the prophecy.
{~Flashback Ends~}
You gasped as you were pulled back into reality.
"Somnus....." You cover your mouth in deep horror.
Suddenly, Noctis jumped onto the balcony, furious.
"What are you doing here!? What did you do to it?!" He shouted, running over to the star and putting the cover back on.
"Nothing!" you backed away
Suddenly you were strucked by his hand that came crashing into your cheek. A burning, stabbing pain spread across your face, like a fire burning its way through your skin. Shocked, you staggered back a few steps and held your cheek.
The blow had also hit your ear, which suddenly felt deaf. You could only hear faint sounds that transformed into an unrecognizable mix of noises and eventually into single dull ringing.
When you looked up again still holding your flaming cheek, Noctis looked at you maliciously, his hand raised.
Your cheek still burnt like hell, and you suspected that the person responsible for it, was standing right in front of you. Slowly your hearing returned to you, but still a slight noise remained while you stared at the king in horror.
"Do you realize what you could've done? You could've damned us all! Get out of here! Goooooo!" He bellowed.
Without saying another word, you ran out of the room in fear.
You can't believe what you just saw but now it makes all senses that the one who's responsible for starting a life cycle of hate was Somnus!
Now you understand why you have to destroy the Crystal if it will only be used for neither good or bad it won't end well.
Meanwhile Ignis and Gladoius were playing checkers, when they saw you running down the stairs.
"Ms. Evan! What are you doing?!" Ignis yelled out to you.
"Getting out! Away from this hellish nightmare!" You screamed.
"Stop!" Gladoius yelled, blowing a whistle.
The staff rushed into action to stop you from leaving. They locked the windows and doors to lock them in.
"Don't let her leave!" Ignis yelled.
"Stop her!" Gladois orders.
Suddenly the black dog Umbra ran ahead and started doing tricks before running out the doggie door, showing you a way out.
You grab your stuff from the coat rack and dove out the door.
"No, no. Please don't go! It's dangerous!" Gladoius calls after you.
"Oh shit!" Prompto cries out.
You speed run out of the castle and dash farther and farther into the woods, tears streaming down on on your cheeks when suddenly you trip on a rock making you hit the ground with such force you scrape yourself.
You wince while getting up having your shoulder hurt by just a small bruised. You looked around and you're surrounded by a bunch of large stones that formed a circle around you.
The pounding of your feet echoed throughout the cavern.
But then you remember that you left Dante back at the castle.
"Oh shoot! I should turn back around and save him!" You looked around as your mind drifted. The call from last night played back in your head and you felt a small frown stretch across your face.
Why does Noctis hate you?
Why would Dante care? He probably didn't, you thought. He's just your job partner. He's acting nice, you convinced yourself.
Noctis was too busy screwing other people, obviously. A sigh escaped your lips as you look back at the text. It was just pleasantries, right?
Refusing yourself to get more worked up than you already were, you turn around back to the long road back to the Crown City before grabbing your zither case.
Currently, you have a job to finish up and then you can give Noctis an earful.
After 20 minutes
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