Dante tried calling you on the phone but you won't pick up, and which could mean that you must've turn off your ringer if you were to involve Dante in this matter.
"Damn it..." Dante hissed.
Suddenly Morrison drops by and greets him.
"Morning Dan-"
"Where is she, Morrison?" he cut's him off.
Morrison stop mid-track and sighs knowing that Dante is worried about you. "I was afraid you might find out. (Y/n) is in The Crown City with their new King of Lucis."
The devil hunter is not surprised but listen to some details anyways, he wants to get this show on the road.
"A friend of (Y/n)'s that stopped by a few days ago when you left? He's asking her to go undercover to meet the King himself. Something about a Crystal to destroy and probably harming his King and so on. Cor said something about (Y/n)'s power will save someone which confused me. Any idea what that means, Dante?"
"Maybe...."He'd thrown his red coat over his shoulders and headed for the door as he called over his shoulder: "So, Morrison where does this trash bag live again?"
"Didn't you hear me explain? It's in the Crown City, Insomnia. You'll never able to get there in 5 whole days."
"That's more than enough to nap the rest of the way." Dante picks up his guitar and head out the door before Morrison called out to him.
"Dante don't be an idiot! There's guards surrounding the kingdom and (Y/n) will probably broke the entrance getting killed."
"I don't care. Anything that the idiot girl gets herself, I'll drag her back if she doesn't come back."
"You really like her a lot huh?"
Dante scoffs. "So what if I did? Who else cooks my dinner for pizza?"
Dante hadn't even waited for a response as he continued out the door while Morrison just watched.
"He better get her back. His tab and all. Those two are quite made for each other."
{~With (Y/n)~}
"Your Majesty." Your voice which greeted the king sounded firm and strong.
Noctis didn't respond and instead continued to observe you. From the sight of you standing before him a surge of unknown caution washed over him, as if you were a threat of some sort.
Your eyes held their focus..There was no softness in that gaze. It was a look that conveyed determination and overwhelming ambition. He took note of your average appearance, giving away the fact that you were of ordinary standing. Although your face is covered with a veil.
You held you gaze at Noctis.
This was the king standing in front of you; the man turning the gears of the kingdom. The one who had your whole life on the palm of his hand.
Unlike the guards who you dealt with earlier, you definitely felt powerless under his presence as he stood tall before you at the top of the stairs which led to his throne.
The light shining through the large windows behind him gave him the silhouette of a god. His eyes that stared down upon were filled with authority and power. Yet they were so bleak and lifeless, like a part of him was slipping away.
Heavy and thick silence hung between the two of you like dense fog in the room, as you continued to stare at each other with the gaze of strangers, that aloof judgement with no strings. The atmosphere was unsettling producing a vague tremor to slither down your spine.
"You're majesty, I wish to speak to you about agents matters." You spoke first, shattering the silence "I want to address the problem that's occurring in the more run down area of the city. The slums as some people are more familiar to it being known as." You began.
"The situation is getting worse. Everyday more and more people are becoming homeless, they are either left shivering in the cold with only the warmth of their thin clothes. Some people don't even have jobs to feed themselves, let alone pay these taxes you are dumping upon us."
Your thoughts returned to the mother and child whom you saw on your way home a few nights before. You could hear the high pitched cries from the child she held tightly, echoing in your ears.
"There are children suffering because of this." You instantly thought of someone. "We desperately in a great need of your help."
You again waited for the king's response. This time he opened his mouth, but what came out wasn't what you were expecting.
"You will kneel before your king before you speak."
That didn't took you by surprise. The way he spoke was so straightforward, with no sense of emotion. His facial expression didn't falter one bit as he continued to bore his dark eyes into you.
Did your words mean nothing to the king? After everything you just said, all he cared about was you kneeling before him? Your fists clenched.
"But sir--"
"You will kneel before your king!" This time Noctis' voice grew louder, his dark gaze turned menacing.
Your eyes narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. You were right, there was no way he was going to listen to a filthy outcast like you. After 2 whole years, he's still the bastard who shattered you to the glass windows.
But two could play the game.
"In your dreams, punk."
Noctis was stunned by the straight forwardness of your response. His eyes narrowed into a icy glare.
"What did you say?" he hissed, his voice turning grave.
Your fists curled, and the anger radiated through you skin.
"I bow to nobody and I refuse to bow to a scumbag like you." you spat bitterly.
"How dare you defy me, you peasant!" Noctis snarled, looking down at you as if you were just another commoner begging him for pity.
But you weren't. Instead of lowering your head you lifted it, a stony glare carved into you dark eyes. Fury blurred your sight but you tightened your jaw and glared at him.
"How dare you call your own people as wasted trash." You retaliated.
"There are people dying out there while you're are sitting on your stupid throne and treating us as the carpet which you step all over!" Your loud, booming voice seemingly shook the room.
The burning rage hissed through your body like deathly poison. "You use power as an excuse, and for what? What are you so powerful about? You're are disgusting and that name of Lucis you bare are all shitheads from the start. You're all murderers!"
Noctis' fists began to clench and his jaw rooted. With one look the verdict was told. The fury and frustration that Noctis was trying to tame was slipping through his mask, and his face contorted into one overtaken by anger. Even Ignis didn't fail to notice his change in demeanor.
"Noct--" Ignis placed a hand on Noctis' shoulder in hopes to calm him down, only to have it get slapped away.
"No one gets away with speaking ill of the Caelum name!" Noctis roared.
However you didn't back away, and instead continued to stand your ground. You even dared to take a step closer.
"I can't take back the truth, Noctis Lucis Caelum." You muttered. "You're going to repeat the same mistake to your kingdom, just like the Original. You're an embarrassment to your kingdom. Regis should've known better than to leave Lucis into your bloody hands!"
That was the last straw for Noctis. Every word that came out of your mouth stung, only fueling the fire that burned inside of him.
Every violated phrase was like gasoline, feeding the ever growing flame. It was tearing his soul for what he felt was not human, it was twisted and distorted but it was something strong. The rage burned so bad like fire lacing his veins and creeping up his spin.
Suddenly, a bright burst of light appeared before you causing you to narrow your eyes. You've never thought you see this again.
All the weapons Noctis had at his disposal were encircling him like a protective shield. They appeared as though they had been carved out of crystal, glimmering and reflecting the light as they danced around him.
Holding out a hand, he gripped the sword which materialized before him. You watched as his once blue eyes turned a deep dark crimson in color. His lethal stare felt painful and piercing, as if his glare was tearing your heart apart.
"I'll kill you." Noctis hissed, and raised his arm, swiping it in one fluid motion until his palm was facing towards you.
Before you were able to react, the crystallized weapons began charging towards you at full speed.
You're eyes glow in blue and purple. You stood there with no fear, clenching your zither case and see what transpired as you made no movement at all. If he wants you dead, fine. Let's see who is the real murderer who can put him to the rubble.
"Noct! No!" Ignis and Gladiolus' voices yelled out in unison at the sight of what was going to transpire.
It was as if time had slowed and the sounds as well as your surroundings all blurred into one big mess, leaving only the charging weapons in your sight. As you waited to meet your doomed fate, they stopped. It never came.
The swords and spears hovering over your form before disappearing into particles of light.
You glared up at Noctis to see the sword which he held also disappear. "Gladio." he called.
"Yes Noct?" Gladiolus immediately replied. You'd forgotten that he was standing behind you.
"Seize her."
With heavy steps Gladiolus marched towards you who still remained on the floor and pulled you up by the arms with a vice grip before placing them behind your back.
"Piss off!---" you snapped and started to struggle against his grip.
"What do you want me to do with her?" Gladiolus asked.
"Take her to the prison where I can't see her." Noctis muttered. "She can rot in there for all I care."
You click your tongue while glaring at him.
Gladiolus was utterly shocked at Noctis' command but nevertheless he didn't question it.
"Let's go." He said roughly and pushed you along with him to the door.
"I always wondered what kind of person you were back then." you suddenly spoke up with your back turned. "But now that I see you, it pisses me off to acknowledge you as my king. You're a god damn son of a bitch. There is nothing inside you, nothing at all. I'll make sure you rot first to Crisis Core." you seethed.
"Get her out of my sight!" Noctis repeated this time a lot louder. Not once did he take a glance back at you.
"Of course Noct." Gladiolus obliged and continued to walk you out the large double door before it closed behind the two of you with a loud bang.
Without uttering a word to each other, Gladiolus walked you out into the castle courtyard where he opened up a secret passageway which led underground.
From there you walked down the winding stone steps, leading further beneath the castle. Each step you took was sent echoing through the stone walls. It became darker the further you walked with only the dim flickering lights on the ceiling to illuminate your path.
One misstep and you'd be sent falling down the stairs to your death. Eventually you reached the prison complex. The air inside was stale and dry and smelt somewhat putrid; it was like poison to your lungs.
There was sound of people, nothing but the eerie silence. The place was just walls upon walls upon walls, and giant empty cells. But that wasn't the worst of it, in here you could feel the icy grips of death.
"Hey," you said breaking the silence. "Can I just make one last phone call before you throw me in there?" You asked. "My family, they'll be worried about me."
Gladiolus didn't further question you. He felt bad handling you like this after what he just witnessed.
"Sure." he said, and led you to a room where the telephones were located.
As soon as you entered the nearest phone booth you quickly punched in Lady's number and pressed handset to your ear. Immediately after only a couple of rings, the phone crackled to life.
"Lady, it's me." You answered.
"(Y/n)!" Lady yelled. "Where the hell are you!?"
You winced at the loudness of her voice. But there was no time to waste. You only had a limited amount of time before the call was to be cut off.
"Hey, sorry my phone died so I couldn't tell you earlier. I found my source of information and I won't be at Devil May Cry for a very long." There was no way in hell were you going to tell Lady that you went to see the king and got thrown into prison.
Unknowingly, Dante is on his way to the Crown City.
From the other end you could hear Lady sigh in relief. "At least I know you're okay."
"How's Dante?" You asked.
"I don't know. I haven't heard from him and I watched him leave Redgrave with no reason."
"Shoot." You cursed and Dante may have been on his way and he's probably angry that you left without a word.
There was a slight pause and then Lady spoke up. "He really misses you (Y/n). He kept asking when were you coming back."
The guilt washed over you like a wave.
"I know." You murmured. "Tell him I'm sorr-"
But before you were able to finish, the line went dead indicating that your time was up. Breathing out a sigh, you placed the phone back on receiver and opened the booth door to exit.
"You done?"
You looked up to see Gladiolus standing before you with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Yeah." you nodded, and followed him back into the prison complex.
Dark, empty, cold, the empty cell stood silently at the end of the corridor. Gladiolus unlocked it with the keys he had hanging on his belt, you carelessly dragged your feet into your designated cell before he locked it shut.
The cell was a hollow cube of concrete, the walls were etched with tally markings from previous prisoners. Pushed against the wall was the bed with an old mattress, no cushioning and only one thin blanket.
There were no windows, so it was impossible to tell how much time had passed or whether it was day or night. It was enough to give one total isolation.
"Make yourself comfortable, I'm not sure how long you'll be in here for." Gladiolus said.
However you gave no response.
Gladiolus sighed and walked closer to the bars. "Look, I'm sorry for having to do this to you."
His face softened into one of sympathy and his voice turned sincere. He did genuinely feel bad for having to treat you this way after what he just witnessed. "Noct doesn't usually do this. He's just having a bad day right now, he's not thinking straight."
You scoff dishearteningly words. "Even if he's on the edge of the breaking point, he almost killed me. And I swear I'll never show mercy when he has gone far." You muttered.
Gladiolus eyed you with concern. As much as he knew that it was wrong for Noctis to send someone who is obviously into prison, he couldn't defy his orders.
He just hoped that you weren't going to be kept in there for a long period of time.
"You must be hungry, I'll get you some food." And with that, Gladiolus left you alone in your cell.
{~With Noctis~}
Noctis cursed under his breath. He felt drained, both mentally and physically. He wasn't expecting that to happen at all. The words that came out of your mouth were like sharp daggers, digging right into his chest.
The way you verbally blasted him did not fail to overwhelm Noctis. Just thinking back on it sent his blood curdling once more.
However for as much as he wanted to deny it there was a hint of truth in your remarks.
They revealed his weaknesses and pinpointed the suppressed fears Noctis had of kinghood. Yes he was a weak monarch. He knew people were suffering under his rule. And yes, Noctis did feel that he was making a fool out of the Caelum name.
'Do I even deserve the title of king?' Noctis would often question himself.
"That was really unnecessary Noct." Ignis commented.
What he witnessed wasn't the Noctis he knew; it was like totally different person. It was very unlike him to use the crystals power to harm an innocent person even if he was driven to pure rage.
So the fact that he activated Armiger Arsenal on on someone who meant no harm not only shocked, but worried Ignis.
Noctis huffed. "She asked for it."
Ignis frowned at the simplicity of Noctis' reason. "You almost killed the poor girl!"
This time it was Noctis' turn to scowl. "Well she deserved it!" He snapped. "She's lucky I spared her life and didn't kill her on the spot!"
"She wasn't even causing you any harm Noct." Ignis argued.
"She badmouthed not only me, but my father." Noctis seethed. "If that isn't a crime worthy of death, then I don't know what is."
Ignis sighed. "Noct, you're just being irrational now. I'm sure she didn't mean what she said."
"Don't tell me you're siding with her, Ignis?" Noctis hissed. "Are you asking to be thrown behind bars as well?"
"I'm not siding with anyone Noct," Ignis remained calm. "I'm just letting you know that your actions were just a bit too much. Especially throwing her into prison right afterwards."
Noctis tightened his lips into a line. He knew perfectly well that what he did was wrong.
"I know this whole king thing is overwhelming." Ignis continued." But you need to think things through before you take action. Your father would've been a lot smarter in handling this situation Noct. You still got a lot to learn."
"Too bad he isn't here anymore to teach me." Noctis muttered under his breath.
He looked down at the royal heirloom looped around his finger. He remembered his last moment with Regis and the smile he gave him before sending his son off to Altissia.
No one would've been able to predict that the king would've passed so soon.
Especially the young Prince at that time. Maybe if he never left to Altissia, his father would still be alive, and he wouldn't be left with having to protect his people.
'How could he leave me like this?' Noctis sighed, and sat up from his throne. He didn't want to think about it anymore. The budding headache he felt earlier was returning.
"Look I don't want to talk about this anymore. "
'There he goes again,' Ignis thought to himself 'avoiding the problem.'
He knew that habit all too well. It was something Noctis did ever since he was a young boy. But running away wasn't the answer anymore.
Noctis was no longer the young Prince he once was. He could no longer return to the times when responsibilities didn't have to be taken seriously and all the work was dealt with by the king.
He was the king now, and taking care of his kingdom was his job. Not Ignis', not Gladiolus', but his responsibility. It was a hard task and Ignis had full awareness of that.
But if Noctis didn't redeem himself now, he would crash and burn in an instant. And Ignis wasn't even sure if he would be there to save him when that happens.
{~With Dante~}
Meanwhile with Dante, he was laying around on the boat chilling out. The whole crew were on their way to the city and his mission was to make sure you're alive and get you back.
He hoped that you didn't see the Eye's of Etro. The thought of you would squeeze his heart.
Dante gets a well good nap but he just can't stop thinking about you.
He guessed that he should take the matters seriously and your life is on the line and find out who is plotting against you.
"My aren't you willing to save that girl even though you're a demon of the famous Son of
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