You rode on the train while resting you head towards the window. You were dreaming and you see a vision that of a small tiny hand, like a child and then there's .....Ardyn?
You gasp and woke up from your dream and furrow your brows. You had strange dreams but the one dream was nasty.
It makes you wanna gag seeing his face.
Suddenly your ears picking up the sound of engines when you turn to the outside train to see the same woman with the red streak hair.
She was smirking and hop on top of the train and used her demon strength to crush the roofs making everyone frighten. Not letting to get innocent people to get hurt you got out and brake the glass and meet her up there.
The woman just offer you a grin and you took out your sword and your gun blade at her. "Sorry to do this, but you may have known who I am, but I'm going to ask yours. Who are you?"
The woman in red and black giggles. "No one special, Just to give you a nice beating!"
You and that girl fight jump to the mountains. "You seem to have demonic powers as I am. Though we do seem to use the same Dragon-Phoenix arts. So let me ask one more time, who the hell are you?"
The woman just laughs. "Same Dragon-Phoenix? I'm the real Dragon-Phoenix but darker from your world, Light Dweller. It seems you have a rusty mind."
You huff. "Yeah and I sure have a hard time to remember who are my enemies that keep on hunting me. Have we met somewhere? Should I know why?"
The woman smirks. "It would seem I know who you are better than you do."
"My interest are open to hear." You offered.
"Alright, then allow me to explain it by shear force unless you can stop me."
You both chase around and fought hard, clashing swords and summon out the burning flames while dodging kicks and punches. Knee breaks and arms swinging.
The woman licks her lips. "Now this take me back, so tell me Dragon-Phoenix, have I hit any damage goods?"
You shrugged. "I still got nothing, though I should jog myself if I jog out yours."
"Try as might." she dashed towards you and kick your blade when you hold it in place and kicked back.
She shot fire and you block them with your sword before pushing both feet planting them in shear force, knocking you to the pillars.
You got out from the dust and kept on fighting, but you did notice that your song of fury is starting to crack when you crossed blade. You see the vision of her and with a man with white hair and a blue coat, then another one was Noctis killing Lunafreya.
You gasp and hold your head in pain before pushing yourself away from that woman.
"You've really disappoint me, is that all you've got?" she taunts.
You scoff. "Maybe. I still got a few moves up my sleeves."
The woman giggles. "Is that right? Then show me what else you can do with those weak trinkets."
"Certainly." You went to attack but then it did not last long in the nick of time your black sword shattered. "Shit."
The woman jumps away. "Aw, such a shame. You're not ready. And by the way, my name is Nara. The Dragon-Phoenix of Misfortune. Remember me until you will soon be one with me. Until then, I gotta visit my hubby." she blew a kiss and disappears.
You grumble and by looking at your favorite sword, this mean you better go to the repair shop. Which means going back to the Gate's of Hell.
After visiting the Gate of Hell, you were met up with Rodin seeing different stuff. "This bar seems different."
"It's a temporary out post. SO what'll be? You here for business?" Rodin asked.
"These seem to be outdated and they have easily brake." You showed him you broken sword.
"These are real work of art. What did you do to them?" Rodin examines it.
"I just fought a damn crazy girl who seem to have the same Dragon-Phoenix powers as I am, but darker." You explained.
"You fought another Phegan?" You give a glare and he just shrugs. "I'll fix'em alright."
"Next time....make them a lot stronger so I can shear them to the core."
"Can I offer you a drink then?"
"No. I'm going back to DMC. Dante seems to wonder and I hope some improvement or I might put some more ammo." You left and head out.
{~Devil May Cry~}
After you reach to the shop you are welcome with silence and Dante literately left all the garbage. "Damn it, I got back and he never seem to pick up his own crap. The things I do is when you can't finish the job, do it yourself."
You went over to his desk and just pick up the pizza box and throw them to the trash before washing the dishes.
A knock at your front door alerted your attention as you where in the middle of packing away some dvds in the living room. You eyed the door cautiously and another knock got you to your feet. You pulled out your pocket knife and sauntered to the door cautiously. Slowly you opened it and the first thing that got your attention was...
"Well hello there beautiful, ain't you a sight for sore ey-"
You closed the door immediately on the tall white haired man who stood in front of your entryway.
Its 10 in the morning, and the streets already became active around your complex.
How did he get here?
You didn't even expect him to be up until 1:00 pm, much less to have the chance to visit your old home.
Sighing, you listen to the sound around you--soft music from your DELL, white noise from the fans and street outside the apartment.
Another knock snaps you out of your head-space and you grumble, opening the door you glared at Dante.
"What do you want? It's my day off." you stare up at the smirking half-devil.
A bouquet of flowers enters your field of view as Dante tilts his head.
"What, I can't visit my favorite partner in crime? Let me in." He speaks up.
He hands you the small bouquet and you give in. Shaking your head, you open the door fully for Dante as you take a step back.
Boxes and boxes piled up in your lonely one bedroom apartment. You scratched the back of your head looking around as Dante stepped in. He observed the state of your old home which was in disarray from being in the middle of packing. Most things, such as nick-nacks and outdated weapons where already stored in cardboard containers.
Pictures of friends, family, and loved ones still hung on the white walls. House plants donned nearly every surface, even being placed on some of the boxes. Dante admired the aesthetic, a far cry from his own dark shop.
You started to head into the kitchen, checking on your lunch?
Didn't matter, you were hungry.
"So, what brings you to my humble abode? I've been busy, if you haven't notice." You comment, chopping greens on your cutting board.
"Well, I had heard rumors of a pretty babe such as yourself setting a mission for herself towards...The Crown City--and thought I'd might see for myself." Dante responded, in the process of sitting at the dining table--eyeing you intently with his ever present smirk on his face.
You groaned "This again? Dante, I've been own my own and all I got was crazy chicks doing a demon fight, and while Morrison has been helping me find a league where the damn Crystal is, the whole 'Hi my main source of income is hunting monsters and demons, and its spotty at best along with my research on material culture about said demons' skit doesn't do well with merchants." You shook your head, finishing the prep work as you checked the oven.
Dante watched you curiously, seeing the way your hair was tied up, and your black assassins attire with a hoodie mach your dark hair. Though he has no idea why you have so much belts around your figure along with your thighs.
You two have been business partners for quite some time, and even better friends longer than that.
At most years you started hanging with him, getting drinks at your favorite bar in Red Grave and finding yourself on his couch on nights you didn't remember too well. At first you ignored his job field and his heritage as much as he ignored your interest in artifacts and ancient cultures. Obviously they overlapped more than you liked.
"Well, I'd hate to lose my favorite gal, outside of Lady. Besides, what would even happen if you do leave? Start doing contract work? Ooh, maybe work at a university!" He teased, leaning forward on your table as he poked the bouquet you placed in a simple vase.
"Ugghhh I could kill you right now Dante. This isn't helping" You glared. You cleaned your knife and pointed it at him warning. He laughed then notice something different.
"Hey, that reminds me, where's that Song of Fury?"
"It shattered." you deadpanned.
"What? How did that happened? I thought that sword was unbreakable."
"Well apparently, a crazy girl in red and black decided to brake my favorite sword and mocked me then she left to visit a guy in white with blues."
"What?" Dante was confused and you stop yourself cursing your words to scold yourself. You and your big mouth. "Could you repeat that? A guy in white with blues."
You gulped and look down. "This...might be a touchy subject but.....this girl name Nara....the one who I fought. I saw her memories and um....I recolonized the blue coat and a similar white hair as's...Vergil."
When you glance at Dante he seems to be slightly, visibly shocked or angry. "That's impossible. He stayed in the Demon World. Are you sure?"
You look down at your lap and nodded.
"He really did have sex did he?" He muttered to himself. "That bastard..."
Sighing, you zoned out again, staring at a picture frame next to Dante's mothers frame. I t was a picture of your ex-teammates and you were never in the picture since they never knew about your heritage.
Four of Noctis' closes brothers were everything to him, but what about you as if you were cast out, unwanted. Why weren't you treated the same as he did to his closes one when all you were trying is to support and never feel useless.
You wanted a family and friends like he does. Is that not hard to understand how you were different to him? What have you done to deserve this when all you wanted was to be accepted and to be normal. A normal person who wanted to be a friend of Noctis instead of acting like this is....a competition of power.
Still, those smiles on their face as if they were glad that you were left out and let you die by the hands of Ardyn.
You didn't want to think about it anymore.
A snap of a finger snatched your attention as Dante waved a hand "Hello, earth to (Y/n)? You in there?"
He looked at you, attention also shifting onto the photo. He grimaced, hearing the story of how your ex-team return to the Crown City and try to rebuild it's glory and many of the people in that picture were just a bunch of haters. However Cor was just being kind enough to send a memento to figure out if you wanna go back to Insomia.
Slowly, he got up and walked to you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. Though he would never admit it, he was worried about you.
He's known you long enough to tell when you're stressed, and the tenseness of your body under his touch only solidified the theory. You put your head in your hands, thinking.
"I don't want to go, but my head is battling endlessly that I should face my old home. I don't mind being as a Blade Runner, but it's just something that happens. I'm losing myself and if I don't face that person who has been hurting me...I'll never move on. I'm so scared." You admitted quietly, and if Dante didn't have great hearing he probably wouldn't have picked it up.
You lifted your head up to look into his ice blue eyes as he looked into yours. He was thinking, and you didn't like that one bit.
He hummed, and pulled you closer into a makeshift hug. You froze. Despite years of knowing him, a hug was something you not get often.
The most physical you two get was pulling and dragging each other through work, covered in blood and gore.
This was... out of character.
You curiously looked up at him, feeling his arms wrap around your form. You gently placed your hands on his chest, trying to keep some distance.
"Live with me." He mused.
"Live with me!" Dante states, removing you from his hold and grinning ear to ear--like he just had an epiphany.
"Live with you? Live with you?! Aren't I always living with you?! You just drag me in your room like it was nothing! I'm just nearly your roommate!" You cross your arms and stared up at him, confusion written all over your face.
"Now, I don't use my brain very often but hear me out. If one day we kidnapped the king I'll kick his sorry ass. I got a spare bedroom upstairs that I could use as a cell and you could just stay hang out with me, my lovely lady friend" He gestures to you with finger guns and you roll your eyes.
"Besides, it'd offset my costs if you pay rent, and... you can stay as long as you like? No lease, no strings attached. Anything is better than living in that tiny compact hotel, right?" He smirked, obviously pleased at his idea. Hell, you think he already imagined you there now.
"You make sound like you're taking revenge on a guy who you never met and make an assassination list for no good reason." You stated.
"Well he is Asshole Number 1."
"All the guys from the Crown City of Knight's are Assholes."
"But he's the biggest Asshole."
You throw your hands up in the air in exacerbation and turn to walk away from him, heading towards the living room as he trails behind you. You sit on the couch and contemplate. The idea nowhere near crossed your mind until now, and you felt your stomach drop even thinking about it.
Dante sat besides you and play with your long dark hair tangling the ends of it.
" I get you're trying to keep me here, but I don't know if sleeping under the same room at the shop is the best idea. Besides, aren't we a little old for this roommate nonsense?" You tilt your head at the white haired man who was now looking at you with the same curiosity.
He leaned against the wall of your living room, mindful of the decorations that still hung there. Dante chuckled, crossing his arms. "What can I say, the economy is in shambles."
You absentmindedly pinch the fabric of your black coat, thinking. It would help alleviate the stress of trying to find a way to face Noctis soon.
It wasn't a bad deal, if only a temporary one.
You clicked your tongue and looked over at the half-devil. "Well...I suppose it's not bad."
" and strawberry sundae? Dinner tonight?" His eye's are gleaming that he want's so badly you just can't say no.
And just like that, once the pizza had arrived, you indulged yourself, taking slice after slice until your stomach was full. Dinner had been eaten in silence, the whir of the fan above was the only noise in the room and for once you were content with the silence. You were sipping at the can of soda in your hand when Dante's voice filled the air.
"Babe, whatever you do....don't head back to the Crown City alone got it." He said. "That place is surrounded by soldiers who would be scared of the King Kong."
Your eyes landed on him and you couldn't help but feel on edge. He was already staring back at you with an intensity in his gaze - a firmness that was not to be argued with. You pursed your lips before turning your attention away from him.
"I have no reason to go back there. But I have to see the state of the people's well being if I don't do something."
"Then don't go picking any fights with Asshole Number 1." He clarified.
You sighed. "You're not really letting this go, are you?"
"I'm just making sure you don't pull a stupid stunt." Dante shrugs.
"You mean when you pulled a stunt after you rode on dangerous mountains and destroyed Lady's best rides and then you totally owe her cash up front?" You point out the event.
Dante spluttered his words. "That was one time! That ride was sick, and it easily kills all the demons instantly."
"By sabotage?'
Dante groans. "I'm losing to a woman."
You huff and finished up your pizza. "Bed time, I'll clean up and hit the hay. Night."
Just like that and both of you head to bed and just like that before morning arrives afterwords.
One day later you are reading an article about the Crown City. It's just as you thought, it was getting worse.
You've decided that once you head to the city you're going have to confront him, but first you must take out the demons.
It was done easily and you still didn't have your new black sword delivered. This is sure gonna take awhile. Suddenly while your were roaming around the streets, Dante was over there waiting for you.
He opened the passenger door for you before stepping away and heading towards the drivers side before slipping into his seat. You sat down, closed the door behind you and turned your attention to him.
"No luck on getting your Black Sword?" He asked with a small quirk of his lips.
He could see the deep scowl in your lips and shook your head. "Unfortunately, it's going to be long if I keep using my guns. But at least I had my game on."
"Good, 'cus your day is only getting better." He added with a confident smirk.
You pressed your lips together, eager to say something smart back, but you refrained from doing so, biting the edge of your tongue all the while still holding a smile on your lips.
You spent the car ride talking to him about how your day had gone, the interesting things you'd learned and the new people (customers) you had met while working.
Dante glanced at you every so often with a blank expression, but he listened attentively whilst commenting on little things here and there. It had taken you a while to notice that you weren't heading back to Devil May Cry as you'd thought.
Dante turned his attention to you and you offered him a single raised brow. "We aren't getting strawberry sundaes again right?" You asked.
He pouted. "I guess now we aren't. It's date night," he said obviously.
Date night?!
Your eyes widened and you stared at him as if he had six heads. Since when had you come to the agreement of such a thing? Well that didn't matter, you were flattered and a light blush dusted your cheeks.
You coughed, almost awkwardly, trying to get his attention to shift from you and you busied yourself with staring out the window.
"And sundaes aren't bad!" He pointed out offendedly.
You got out of the car the minute it stopped moving and you glanced at Dante, a soft smile on your lips.
"A walk on the beach at night? Romantic." You said with a slight smile as you folded your arms.
"I try," he boasted as he walked in step beside you.
The sun was setting in the distance, casting a perfect orange glow across the waves of the ocean. The warm colors touched Dante's features causing his eyes to shine deeply.
The flush in your cheeks darkened as you turned your attention away from him. He was so focused on you and you didn't know how to react. You felt like a school girl hanging out with her long time crush.
Despite the butterflies in your stomach, you couldn't help but feel confused and you bit your bottom lip in nervousness. You mustered up
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