Black Rose Part 7

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You opened your eyes, it was pitch black... felt like you were floating in a void when suddenly a hole underneath you opened and you fell straight through into a strange dimension. Sitting cross legged and folding your arms..oki where am i know? you thought. This place doesn't feel dangerous. 

"It is time"

Came the same voice, this time more clear, it was defiantly a woman's voice. You stood up looking around puzzled. A bright light shined in the distance, it didn't look like normal light, it had a strange feeling to it, it was warm and inviting. walking up to it,, you reach with your hands and held the ball of light to your chest. You eyes snapped open, as your wings appeared. Images shot through your mind of your mother who was a high priestess angel and your father, who was a lord in the demon world. They fell in love but due to it being forbidden both where hunted down and killed. Leaving you on the door step of the old lady that raised you. Tears streamed down your eyes as your questions finally got answers. Two shadowy figured appeared on either side and embraced you. The love of your parents was strong and it gave you strength.

You hair and eyes changed to white, your wings stretched out, glowing of power. Your fathers mite and your mother soft heart all balled up inside you.  But then you heard your mother's voice again..

"The one you love can be saved, but through a price that must be payed"

You wanted to turn around to ask her more but the ball of light in your hands started glowing blue. A flash of light exploded from the orb, suddenly you felt no ground under your feet. Falling with a thud on the ground , you held your head, it was spinning like crazy. Sitting up again, you noticed you where back in Red Grave City except things looked different. There where a lot more vegetation long where you gone??"

Jumping up, you bolted towards the nearest phone, well if they still work that is. But luck was on your side when you spotted one, picking up the phone you breath a sigh of relief hearing the familiar tone. Quickly punching in the Devil May Cry line you waited for Nico to answer. It felt like forever, till you hear a familair cheery voice 

"You whats up?"

"Nico its me" you said , you suddenly heard her drop the phone on the other side "Where have you been! Are you okay.. You got some real explaining to do to make us worry like that" She yelled , you could hear she was upset "Am sorry Nico, I'll tell you what happened late, now you have to tell me whats going on"   

"Whats going on is, the finally battle is about to happen, Nero is on his way to the top, while Dante is already fighting Urizen."

"What about V?" you asked nervously "V is also there...(Y/N) you know you where gone a month"

"A month" you shouted, how is that possible, it just felt like an hour or so but a month. Dammit "Nico there a way you could this side" You asked "I'll be right there, don't go anywhere"

You sighed, putting the phone back leaning against the phone box. A month, what happened during this time but at least V was still alive.

It wast long till you heard a bulldozer like sound as Nico came crashing through. Stopping the Van in front of you. Hanging out the drivers window she yelled "Well come on girl, we aint got all day". You smiled seeing her cheery face as you got up and jumped into the van.

After briefly explaining to her what you experienced you had Nico was for once quiet. "Wow and here I thought you where half demon like Dante"Nico said surprised. You laughed "Am surprised as you are, But that explain why you were gone for so long, time works differently in other dimensions, and who knows in which you where. "True" you didn't tell her much about your parents, feeling it was not time to talk about that yet.

Nico's van sped through the destroyed city, suddenly stopping in front f the demon tree entrance, two female figures where standing there "Well I'll be, its Trish and lady". Both of you climbed out the van to join them. "Well well where have you been?" Lady asked looking at you curiously "Long story , I'll explain later"

"Alright, we were just about to go in, so shall we ?" Trish said making her way inside the demon tree. But this was going to take to long, by the time you reached the top V might have not made it. Groaning in frustration, you looked up, closing your eyes and concentrated. A burst of feathers came from your back as your wings appeared. You grinned "I'll meet you guys at the top" with one powerful thrust you where in the air. You didn't know how you were flying, it seems to come naturally, but the feeling was exhilarating.

Reaching the top, you saw Dante battling Urizen with a new power like you haven't seen before. It was so powerful you could feel the pressure in the air change as their blades met. With a final jap to the chest, Urizen was defeated, laying on the floor in his own pool of blood.  That's when your eyes caught the site of V, he was making his way to the demonbut it looked like he was weak and exhausted and could barley walk but he pushed on climbing on top the demon and raising his cane in the air. Then It suddenly hit you... if he joins back with Urizen, V will disappear forever.



Note: heya my awesome dmc fwends am so sorry V updates is so slow, am exstreamly lazy lol but I will make up for it cause every story has an ending. pls vote and comment if you liked the chapter and update will be up soon XD  



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