A/N: I've decided I'm going to change up how the story is written. Mainly actions will no longer be italicized, only thoughts or voice overs will be. I might go back to the first two chapters and alter them to add visuals and fix the formatting. Also, I have written the character bio and harem list, but I'm saving them until the end of the first arc because it will contain spoilers.
Normal Text: Character interactions
Italicized Text: Thoughts
Upon entering the large bullhead that was to take us to Union Academy, I found a spot to sit down at and got comfortable for the long trip ahead. Most people talked to others, while I was sitting there all alone like a lost cat. Then, suddenly, I was deep in thought, and a female voice broke me from my trance.
???: Mind if I sit here?
(Y/N): N-no, go ahead.
I looked at the girl while she sat down. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, moderately bulky golden armor, and a blue dress underneath. She looked at me with a smile which made me feel flustered.
Alice Zuberg
???: I'm Alice Zuberg
(Y/N): (Y/N) (L/N)
Alice: So.. which course did you apply to?
(Y/N): Uhh, the huntsman course. What about you?
Alice: Oh, same as you. Maybe we'll be on the same team.
(Y/N): So, I'm assuming that you have a semblance then?
Alice: Yea, It's called Sacred Arts. It allows me to manifest anything within my imagination into reality. However, it has constraints, such as not manifesting anything beyond human comprehension. What about you?
I stiffed up at the question she was asking me. When I was accepted into Union, I knew the difficulties that would come for someone who doesn't have any special abilities.
(Y/N): Well... the truth is I don't have any special abilities.
Alice looked at me, a little confused. The thought that somebody who was powerless entering Union was something that she ever imagined possible.
Alice: Well... that's interesting. How did you ever manage to be accepted into Union?
(Y/N): Ah well, most of my life I spent training to make up for my lack of power. The majority of my experience is mainly are derived from stealth and my ingenuity. I do know some of the basics, enough to be able to kill Grimm and such. But I doubt I would be able to take down a human opponent.
Alice grabs her chin and thinks for a moment. Suddenly, she looks up at me with a smile
Alice: Well, If you want, I'm willing to help train you so you can fight better.
I look up at her with a shocked expression while thinking over her offer. Then, after thinking it over for a minute, I look up at her with a bright smile plastered on my face.
(Y/N): Really? Well, in that case, how could I say no to a generous offer from a pretty girl. Thank you, Alice!
Alice looked away and started blushing while I was still smiling at her.
Alice: So cute... Wait... did he call me pretty?!?
Alice proceeds to recompose herself from her flustered state.
Alice: So we should probably start your training after the initiation. That way, we better understand where we can fit the sessions in between our class schedules. Have you unlocked your Aura yet?
(Y/N): I told you I don't have one...
Alice: You have a soul, yes?
(Y/N): Well yeah, but...
Alice: Every living being that has a soul has an Aura, regardless if you have a semblance, quirk, or soul perception. This is one of the most fundamental keys of knowledge for anyone in Union, and you should know this!
I look up at Alice with a sheepish grin while she looks a little annoyed at me.
(Y/N): Ehe
Alice: What do you mean "ehe"!?
Alice looks at me, rolling her eyes but quickly shifting to a smile.
Alice: Here, close your eyes and focus your mind.
(Y/N): Well, okay if you say so.
Alice puts her hand on my chest, and she starts to glow a bright gold while my body burns white. Then, complying with her instructions, I close my eyes and clear my mind to focus on my soul.
Alice: For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, the infinite in the distance and unbound by death. I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee.
Afterward, I saw Alice looking a little pale and tired. I started to get worried about her condition.
(Y/N): Alice? Are you okay?
Alice: Yeah, I'm fine... It seems you have a lot of Aura. Unlocking it drained my own.
Alice: That's an understatement... his Aura is off the charts. It's unlike anything I've ever seen...
Alice and I continued to talk until we started getting close to Union Academy. Then, suddenly, a hologram of a blonde woman with glasses appeared on a screen, replacing the current news broadcast that was playing.
Glynda Goodwitch
???: Hello and Welcome to Union Academy.
Blondie: Who's that?
I looked over and saw a tall girl with long blonde hair and a rather sizable bust and a more petite girl who had short black hair that ended with a red fade and was wearing a red cape.
???: My name is Glynda Goodwitch
Blonde girl: oh
Goodwitch: You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to our prestigious academy? Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future huntsmen, heroes, and meisters, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with knowledge and the training to protect our world.
The hologram disappears, and a tall boy with wavy blonde hair runs by, groaning and looking like he will be sick. I roll my eyes as Alice lightly chuckles. Then, the blonde girl from earlier starts chasing the girl in red around, leaving a small trail of puke behind from her shoe.
*TIMESKIP brought you by chibi Alice training (Y/N)*
As the Bullhead landed, the students started to pour out into the courtyard of Union Academy; the blonde boy ran out past Alice and me to a nearby trash can.
(Y/N): I'm going to check on him. You go on ahead.
Alice nods at me and walks towards the school as I walk over to the blonde kid as he finishes vomiting.
Jaune Arc
(Y/N): Hey, you okay?
Blonde Kid: Y-yeah... I get sick quickly when it comes to air travel...
(Y/N): Well, the names (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)
Blonde Kid: Jaune Arc, short, sweet, rolls off the tongue - ladies love it!
I look back at Jaune with a deadpan expression and a little skeptical.
(Y/N): Do they?
Jaune: They will! Well, I-I hope they will. My mom always says that... never mind.
I walk with Jaune until I spot a short kid with messy green hair starting to trip.
Izuku Midoriya
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Suddenly, I grab the back of his jacket's collar to stop him from falling on his face and pull him back up to his feet.
(Y/N): Phew, gotta watch where you're stepping
The broccoli-headed kid looks at me a little dizzy and embarrassed while I give him a slight smirk.
(Y/N): The name's (Y/N) (L/N) and this is Jaune Arc
I point back to Jaune, who gives a little nervous wave. Then, finally, Broccoli-head regains some of his composure and stutters out.
Broccoli Head: I-I'm Izuku Midoriya.
As I'm shaking Izuku's hand, a large explosion sounds off in the distance, and we decide to see what all the commotion is. Lying in a small crater is the girl in red who's muttering to herself as I approach and reach out my hand towards her.
Little Red: Welcome to Union...
Ruby Rose
(Y/N): Hey, you need a hand? I'm (Y/N).
Little Red: Ruby
She reaches for my hand as I pull her back up to her feet. She looks at Jaune, recognizing him from the Bullhead.
Ruby: Aren't you the guy who threw up on the Ship?
After Izuku and Jaune introduced themselves to Ruby, She started showing off her weapon, a rather large scythe that could transform into a sniper rifle. Jaune showed his simple sword and a retractable shield. Izuku didn't have any weapons on him since he enrolled in the hero course. As for me, I showed off my katana, a pair of handguns that use dust rounds, a small combat knife, and a stun baton powered by electricity dust. We kept walking until Jaune realized that neither of us knew where we were going.
*Timeskip brought to you by Ruby, Izuku, Jaune, and (Y/N) doing the Konosuba Dance*
Upon entering the main amphitheater, The blonde girl that was on the airship waves to her
Blondie: Ruby! Over here! I saved you a spot!
Ruby turns to the rest of us apologetically.
Ruby: Oh! Hey, I-I gotta go! I'll see you guys after the ceremony!
Izuku and I nodded at her while Jaune looked a little upset. Then, I started to scan the crowd until I noticed Alice and walked over to her. In the distance, I could hear Jaune, who still hadn't seen that Deku and I had left him.
Jaune: Hey, wait! Ah great, where am I supposed to find another quirky girl to talk to? Well, at least you two are still here-
Jaune was cut off upon realizing that Izuku and (Y/N) had already left and walked away disappointed.
*Back with (Y/N)*
Alice: You sure took your time. You're lucky I saved a seat for you.
(Y/N): Hehe, sorry, I got sidetracked... On the bright side, I made a few friends already.
Alice: Oh really? Well, you'll have to introduce them later.
We continued talking until three figures walked upon the stage. The first was a tall man with white wavy hair and glasses. He was holding a cane and a coffee mug in each of his hands. He was followed by a figure dressed in all back who wore a white mask and had cartoonishly large hands. The last was a small bear or mouse creature wearing a business suit and had a large scar running down his left eye. Finally, the man known as Ozpin stepped forward to a microphone.
Ozpin: I'll keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume that knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only take you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.
Ozpin and the other two headmasters, Lord Death and Nezu, walk off the stage, leaving the rest of the audience confused by Ozpin's words. Then, the blonde teacher known as Glynda Goodwitch steps forward.
Glynda: You will each gather in one of Union's ballrooms, depending on which course you are enrolled in. Students in the hero course will report to Ballroom A. Those enrolled in the huntsman course will report to Ballroom B. Lastly, students enrolled in the meister course will report to Ballroom C. Tomorrow, your initiation will begin, be ready. You are Dismissed.
(Y/N): Well, that was... interesting
Alice looks at me with a smile and chuckles.
Alice: Well, we better head to the ballroom and get some rest.
I nod in agreement and follow her and the rest of the huntsman students to the ballroom.
*Timeskip brought you by chibi (Y/N) and Ruby eating cookies*
I looked over and saw Ruby and the blondie and decided to walk over to continue our chat from earlier.
Alice: Well, we better get some rest. We do have a big day tomorro- Hey, where are you going!
I turned around and looked at Alice.
(Y/N): Don't worry, I'll be right back.
I continued walking over to the two while Alice pouted. As I was approaching the pair, I could hear them discussing some of the friends she had made.
Ruby: Shut up! I didn't get to take my friends with me to school. It's weird not knowing anyone here.
Blondie: What about Jaune? He's... nice! There you go! Plus one friend! That's a hundred percent increase.
Ruby: Pretty sure Weiss counts as a negative friend. Back to zero...
Blondie: There's no such thing as negative friends. Besides, there's also (Y/N) and Izuku, right? So that's three friends and one enemy. Not a bad start!
Blondie notices me walking towards them and gets a flirtatious smirk on her face.
Blondie: Speaking of which~
Yang Xiao Long
(Y/N): Aiya, forgot me already, Little Red?
Upon hearing my voice, Ruby looks down, embarrassed and blushing as red as her cape, which Yang doesn't fail to notice.
Blondie: Well, hello there, handsome, you must be (Y/N)~
(Y/N): That is my name, yes.
Blondie: Well, I'm Yang, Ruby's older sister!
I looked at her a little confused until it finally clicked in my head.
(Y/N): I'm assuming you're half-sisters? You two look nothing alike.
Yang: Cute and smart, you're correct. We are half-sisters.
Ruby looks across the room to see a girl with black hair with a bow in it leaning against the wall, reading a book.
Blake Belladonna
Ruby: That girl...
(Y/N): You know her?
Ruby: Not really. She saw what happened this morning but left before I could say anything.
Yang: Well, now's your chance!
Yang grabs Ruby's arm and starts to drag her over. Ruby looks back at me with pleading eyes, to which I respond with a shrug and begin to follow them.
Yang: Hel-loooo! I believe you two may know each other?
???: Aren't you...that girl that exploded?
Ruby: Uh, yeah! My name's Ruby! But you can call me Crater... Actually, you can just call me Ruby.
???: Okay
Deciding to break the tension between the group
(Y/N): What's wrong, Ruby? Cat got your tongue?
Upon hearing those words, the girl tenses up, and her bow briefly twitches, something that nobody else besides me notices.
(Y/N): Hmm, I wonder...
Yang: So... what's your name?
???: Blake.
Yang: Well, Blake, I'm Yang, Ruby's older sister. I like your bow!
Blake: Thanks...
Blake looks up at me, expecting me to bother her like Yang and Ruby are.
(Y/N): I'm (Y/N)
Blake: Pleasure...
Yang turns to both of us, signing out of frustration.
Yang: Yeah, this girl's a lost cause.
Ruby: What's it about?
Blake looks at her, a little surprised.
Blake: Huh?
Ruby: Your book. Does it have a name?
Blake: Well... i-it's about a boy who was separated from his other half. The boy's other half is searching for him so that they can become whole again.
Yang: Oh, yeah... That's really lovely!
(Y/N): Hey, I think I've read that one before.
Blake turns to me with a faint smile until Ruby speaks up.
Ruby: I love books. Yang used to read to me every night before bed. Stories of heroes and monsters... They're one of the reasons I want to be a Huntress!
Blake: And why is that? Hoping you'll live happily ever after?
Ruby: Well, I'm hoping we all will. As a girl, I wanted to be just like those heroes in the books... Someone who fought for what was right and protected people who couldn't protect themselves!
Blake: That's... very ambitious for a child. Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale.
Ruby: Well, that's why we're here! To make it better.
Yang: Oh, I am so proud of my baby sister!
Yang scoops Ruby up into a hug while Ruby squirms and kicks to get out of
Ruby: Cut it out!
(Y/N): There you go, Ruby!, That's four friends now!
Blake and I start lightly chuckling at the scene of sisterly affection.
Blake: Well, Ruby, Yang, (Y/N), it's a pleasure to ha-
Blake is interrupted by a girl with white
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