After the Fall of the Guili Assembly and Guizhong's subsequent death, Morax and the rest of the Adepti, Including (Y/N), held the Rite of Parting to honor the fallen goddess' memory.
In the years since then, With the help of the Adepti and the Stove God, Marchosius, Morax led his people south of Mt. Tianheng, and Liyue Harbor was established.
Liyue Harbor
1000 Years later, the Archon War had come to a close after many grueling battles and lives lost. The victors took the seats of Celestia and became known as the Seven Archons.
While the rest of the Adepti were celebrating the end of the war and Morax becoming the Geo Archon, (Y/N) sat on one of the rooftops overlooking the harbor as his legs swayed back and forth.
He was thinking about everything that had happened, from when Asmoday killed him to his fight with Tiamat, which had claimed the life of Guizhong and destroyed the Guili Assembly. Eventually, he would recall a situation that occurred during one of the battles in which a young girl was caught in the crossfire.
As (Y/N) tore through hordes of demons alongside Xiao while Ganyu was firing arrows to cover them
(Y/N): These things just don't know when to quit.
Xiao: What do you expect? They're demons.
Xiao quickly dashed towards an oncoming opponent by using his anemo abilities.
Ganyu: Hey, uh, I get some backup over here, please?
(Y/N) and Xiao looks over to notice that numerous demons surround Ganyu.
Xiao: Go, I'll be fine over here.
(Y/N): Alright, if you say so.
(YN) sprouts wings from his back and flies over to Ganyu's location on the battlefield. After landing, he uses Dendro to create roots that impale the surrounding demons and sets them on fire using pyro. However, a giant demon quickly gobbles up Ganyu, much to (Y/N) 's horror.
(Y/N): Ganyu!
But before he can do anything, the demon starts to struggle for air until it falls over and dies. After which, (Y/N) helps a struggling Ganyu to get out.
Ganyu: W-what just happened?!
(Y/N): I think you just choked it to death.
Ganyu looks at (Y/N) mortified.
Ganyu: EHHHH?????
(Y/N) tries to hold back his laughter while Ganyu starts lightly hitting him in embarrassment.
Ganyu: S-stop it, it's not funny!
(Y/N): It kind of is.
Ganyu pouts while (Y/N) pats her head, causing her to blush.
Ganyu: Y-you meanie...
After the battle ended, (Y/N) was taking a stroll around the battlefield when he heard a loud crash from a nearby cave.
(Y/N): What was that?
Upon entering the cave, he walked deeper until he noticed a small girl with short light purple hair passed out. In the palm of her hands was a Cryo Vision.
(Y/N): Oh my god!
(Y/N) picks up the girl and uses his Aura enhanced Reverse cursed technique to heal the girl's leg, though she was still in pretty bad shape. The girl slowly stirred awake as her eyes opened.
Qiqi: W-what's happening?
(Y/N): Try to stay calm. Can you tell me your name?
Qiqi: I am Qiqi....
(Y/N): My name is (Y/N). Just hang on, Qiqi. I'm going to get you out of here!
(Y/N) quickly flew out of the cave, carrying the small girl with him to where the rest of the Adepti were.
(Y/N): Cloud Retainer! Mooncarver! Anyone, I need help over here!
Cloud Retainer flew down and noticed the girl in (Y/N) 's arms who was on the brink of death.
Cloud Retainer: Bring her over quick! One shall do what she can.
(Y/N) gently lay Qiqi down on a table while Cloud Retainer looked over her.
Cloud Retainer: Interesting...
(Y/N): What's her condition?
Cloud Retainer: She's on the verge of death, yet not quite there. One can see that she is caught in between.
(Y/N): Is there anything we can do?
Cloud Retainer: One has an idea, though it might not work.
(Y/N): Well, let's hear it then.
Cloud Retainer: The process should require a significant amount of adeptal energy.
(Y/N): Very well, if that's what it takes
Cloud Retainer: Hold on, one thinks we should get help from the other adepti, should anything go wrong.
(Y/N): alright, be quick, though. I don't know how much longer she'll last.
Cloud Retainer flies off while (Y/N) does his best to comfort the girl.
Qiqi: (Y/N)... I'm.... Scared...
(Y/N): I know, Qiqi... but you have to hang on for a little longer, okay? Be brave for Big Brother (Y/N).
Qiqi: Big... brother... (Y/N)...?
Qiqi starts fading out of consciousness while (Y/N) begins to panic.
(Y/N): Qiqi, Qiqi?! Stay with me Qiqi!
Qiqi gives no response as Cloud Retainer returns alongside Mooncarver, Mountain Shaper, and Madame Ping.
(Y/N): Cloud Retainer, we're losing her!
Cloud Retainer: Quickly, focus your energy on her. One shall do the same.
(Y/N) and the other adepti focus their energies on Qiqi's body as each begins to glow. Qiqi's body begins to float in the air as the energy swirls around her until she fully absorbs it. Qiqi's eyes bolt open and are glowing light blue as the air around her gets colder, and storm clouds start to form, releasing hail all around her.
(Y/N): What's happening to her?!
Mountain Shaper: The energy is causing her to go berserk.
(Y/N): Is there a way to stop her?
Mooncarver: There is one... but you might not like it. One will have to seal her away.
Mooncarver stops his hood into the ground as a talisman appears under Qiqi's hat, and the area around her begins to crystallize. Qiqi, now fully encased in amber, shuts her eyes as the ice storm dissipates.
(Y/N): What now?
Mooncarver: The seal one has placed will weaken the adeptal energy over time. However, one does not know how long that will take.
(Y/N): Well, at the very least, she'll live, right?
Cloud Retainer: In a way, yes. However, the state she has been set in means that she will neither be alive nor dead.
(Y/N): So, she'll be like a zombie?
Cloud Retainer: One is afraid so.
Flashback End
(Y/N) looked out towards the blue ocean, lost in his thoughts until Ganyu's voice called out to him.
Ganyu: (Y/N)? What are you doing up here? Why aren't you with the others?
(Y/N) turned to look at Ganyu, who was a little worried about him.
(Y/N): Hmm? Oh, I just needed to be alone for a while. Why are you here?
Ganyu: I came looking for you, silly. Mind if I sit with you for a while?
(Y/N): Sure, go ahead.
Ganyu sits next to (Y/N) in silence before (Y/N) speaks up.
(Y/N): Ganyu, do you believe in destiny?
Ganyu: Hmm, Well, I would like to think aspects of our lives are predetermined, but at the same time, I'm not entirely sure. Why do you ask?
(Y/N): It's a question that someone who I once held dear to my heart asked me. Back then, I thought our futures were made only by our hands, but now I'm unsure if that's the case.
Ganyu: What do you mean?
(Y/N): When I first reincarnated into this world, I didn't think much of it. I was just happy to be given a second chance at life. But after everything that has happened since then, I can't help but wonder why it was me who got sent here. If there truly is an infinite number of worlds out there, Did I end up here by coincidence, or was it predetermined, and if that's the case, what's my purpose here?
Ganyu: I can't answer your questions, but let me tell you something. Whether or not it was destined for you to be here or not, You're here regardless. However, I can tell you that we all are glad you're with us. You've helped us all more than you can imagine. You're part of our family, and we care about you... I care about you...
Ganyu's hand slowly inches toward's (Y/N)'s until it lies on top of his. The two look at each other, blushing intensely at the sudden action.
(Y/N): H-how am I even blushing?! I don't even have blood.
Ritsu: [Answer: Plot Convience]
(Y/N): G-Ganyu...
Ganyu: I-I'm sorry... I d-didn't mean to...
(Y/N): I-It's alright... I should probably get going.
Ganyu: R-right...
(Y/N) sprouts his wings and flies down while Ganyu looks on with longing in her heart.
???: That went well
Ganyu quickly turns around to notice Cloud Retainer behind her. Although she usually had a stoic expression, Ganyu could tell she was smirking internally.
Ganyu: C-Cloud Retainer?! How long have you been watching us?
Cloud Retainer: One has been here long enough. One thinks you should have told him how you really feel about him.
Ganyu: W-what are you talking about?!
Cloud Retainer: Ganyu, you can't keep denying your feelings for him. You're going to have to come to terms with it eventually.
Ganyu sighs and looks out towards the ocean.
Ganyu: You're right... It's just with everything he's going through... I feel like I would just be a burden to him...
TIMESKIP brought to you by Chibi Ganyu trying to hold Cloud Retainer's mouth shut to stop her from telling (Y/N) about her childhood
Morax: Ah (Y/N), there you are.
(Y/N): Hmm? Oh hey, Morax, what's up?
Morax: There's something I wish to discuss with you.
(Y/N): Alright, let's talk then.
Morax: I'll cut to the chase. As you know, the Archon War has concluded, and the seven seats of Celestia have been taken. Therefore, I have decided to hold your contract fulfilled.
(Y/N): Wait, really? But if I may ask, why?
Morax: When we first met, you expressed an interest in seeing what this world has to offer. I feel it isn't fair of me to hold you back when you've already done so much for us.
(Y/N) Are you sure about this?
Morax: I am. Now, if you hold your arm, I will fulfill your contract.
(Y/N) extends his arm out as Morax grabs it.
Morax: As the God of Contracts and the Geo Archon, (Y/N) Kaslana, I hold your contract fulfilled.
(Y/N)'s body glowed yellow until it dissipated.
(Y/N): So that's it, huh?
Morax: Indeed, though you should be aware that you'll remain as an Adeptus of Liyue even though the contract is fulfilled.
(Y/N): So what now?
Morax: You're free to travel to where ever you like. But might I suggest something to you?
(Y/N): Sure, go ahead.
Morax: As you may or may not know, the other Archons are currently in Liyue Harbor for negotiations between their respective lands. It just so happens that you may have been mentioned a few times in our discussions. It appears that the Electro Archon, Baal, has interested you and wants to invite you to stay in Inazuma for a while.
(Y/N): Hmm, Inazuma, huh?
Morax: Correct, that is all if you're willing to do so.
(Y/N) thinks over the offer while Morax waits patiently to hear his answer.
(Y/N): Ah, what the hell? Why not?
Morax: Very well, I'll inform Baal of your decision.
The Next Day
(Y/N) made his way to the docks after saying goodbye to the Adepti, who couldn't be there to see him off, Waiting at Liyue's docks were Ganyu, Xiao, Bonanus, Indarias, and Morax.
Xiao: So this is it.
(Y/N): Well, for now, at least. I'll try to return whenever possible, but it might be a while.
Xiao: Well then, If I don't see you, I'm glad to have gotten to know you.
(Y/N): Same here.
Much to Xiao's surprise, (Y/N) pulls him into a hug while he tries to squirm free.
Xiao: H-hey, let go of me!
(Y/N): Shhhh, just let it happen
The rest of the group chuckled, much to Xiao's dismay. After (Y/N) lets go of Xiao, he turns towards Bonanus and Indarias.
Bonanus: I-I'm going to miss you (Y/N)...
Indias comically cries out.
Bonanus: Uh, Indarias, don't forget about that "thing" we wanted to talk to him about in private...
Indarias: Huh, oh right? Can we speak to you privately for a moment (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Yeah, sure, lead the way.
(Y/N), Indarias and Bonanus walk over to a more private area for their discussion.
(Y/N): So what's up, girls?
Bonanus: W-well... the both of us want to give you something to remember us by.
Indarias: Y-you see, as Yakshas, our task is quelling the lingering hatred of fallen gods and demons. However, this task takes a toll on us, mentally speaking. Even now, it affects us, tearing away at our souls until we succumb to our darkness.
(Y/N): So that's why Xiao was acting as if this might b the last time we would see each other...
Bonanus: C-correct... It's an unfortunate fate that we, as Yaksha, must bare...
Indarias: So if the net time you're in Liyue, and you don't see any of us, It means we're probably gone.
The pair hold their hands to reveal two gems, one red and one blue, respectively.
Bonanus: T-these gems are a piece of our soul.
Indarias: As long as you have them, we will always be with you no matter where you are.
(Y/N): Thank you, girls. I'll be sure always to keep them close.
Indarias: One more thing...
(Y/N): Wha-
Before (Y/N) could finish, Bonanus and Indarias kiss (Y/N) on both of his cheeks. Off in the Distance, Ganyu notices and looks on in jealousy.
Bonanus: W-we should head back to the others
(Y/N): R-right...
The three made their way back to the rest of the group.
Morax: It was a pleasure getting to know you (Y/N). I do hope that our paths cross again.
(Y/N): As do I. Thank you for taking me in when I was lost all those years ago.
Morax: It's no problem. You'll always be welcome to Liyue.
(Y/N) turns to face Ganyu.
Ganyu: So this is goodbye...
(Y/N): We'll see each other again, that I can promise you.
Ganyu: Oh! I wanted to show you something.
(Y/N): Hmm?
Ganyu pulls out a golden ornament with a blue gem embedded within it.
(Y/N): Is that a vision?
Ganyu: Yep! It appeared to me when I decided to work with the Liyue Qixing.
(Y/N): That's amazing! Congrats Ganyu!
Ganyu started to blush and, at that moment, remembered what Cloud Retainer had said to her the previous day. Before realizing it, she pulled (Y/N) into a passionate kiss that lasted quite a while, greatly shocking the others. After separating, Ganyu and (Y/N) stared into each other's eyes, telling them how they felt about each other.
Ganyu: (Y-Y/N) I love you...
(Y/N): I-I love you too, Ganyu...
At that moment, (Y/N) was second-guessing leaving for Inazuma, but as he and Ganyu stared into each other's eyes, he knew that she would feel like she was holding him back if he stayed, and he didn't want to be a burden to her, with her new job starting soon. After all, they would see each other again.
TIMESKIP brought to you by Chibi Tsundere Xiao trying to escape (Y/N)'s hug
As the boat sailed off towards Inazuma, (Y/N) took one last glance at the others back at Liyue Harbor. (Y/N) notices Ganyu nod in his direction, as he nods back before walking off to the deck of the ship. (Y/N) then looks at the two soul fragments that Bonanus and Indarias gave him
(Y/N): I suppose I should put you two somewhere safe...
(Y/N) puts the two gems near his chest and absorbs them into his body.
Ritsu: [Notice: Soul Fragment: Indarias and Soul Fragment: Bonanus acquired]
(Y/N): Alrighty then. Tia, are you there?
Tiamat: Yes, Darling?
(Y/N): Can you put the two gems I just sent you somewhere safe?
Tiamat: Anything for you, my love!
(Y/N) makes his way to the ship's main quarters to meet the host who had offered him the trip to Inazuma
???: So you must be this (Y/N) I've heard so much about.
In front of (Y/N) stood two tall women with long purple hair that looked identical.
Raiden Makoto
(Y/N): Yes, that's me... and you must be Baal.
Makoto: Yes I am, but you can call me Raiden Makoto.
(Y/N): It's a pleasure to meet you, Makoto.
(Y/N) looks towards the other woman behind Makoto.
(Y/N): I didn't realize you have a sister.
Makoto: Ah yes, allow me to introduce you to my twin sister, Beelzebul.
???: You can just call me
Raiden Ei
(A/N): Another Chapter down. Funny thing is a lot of this changed as I was writing it because it took longer than I expected it to.
Next Chapter will be the first Inazuma chapter so look forward to that I guess. A certain mischievous Kitsune will also make her debut as the first of our MC's familiars. As well as (Y/N) becoming even more stupidly over powered because the author has a power fantasy.
Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chspter and thank you for continuing to read this book even if I take too long to update.
Word Count: 3003
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