WARNING: fluff, single mother
REQUEST: Could you please make a Ralph x reader?
Here you are my lovely! This took me a little while, as I had to think up a storyline, but the final product is pretty dang good if I do say so myself. I hope you enjoy it!
reader: human
For: TheMomFriend
You sighed as you curled into Ralph's embrace after a long day at work. Your son, a cute little boy named James, was tucked in his bed down the hall, probably already snoring away.
You pressed your forehead into Ralph's shoulder, closing your eyes. You let him wrap his arms around you and lift you into his lap.
"[Name] is tired," Ralph remarked, rubbing soothing circles into your back. You let out a soft murmur and pressed your cheek against his shoulder. "Yeah," you sighed, sinking further into his embrace. "I'm tired."
You were exhausted. You worked a steady job that paid well, but left you with an aching back and a sore neck every night. And on top of work, you had another important responsibility. Your son, James, the love of your life, was born six years ago. As soon as his father found out, he left you and James alone to fend for yourselves, making you a single mother.
At first, you were ashamed of being a single mother. You were ashamed of explaining yourself to people. You felt like you weren't good enough to be a mother because you couldn't keep James' father around. And then you met Ralph. You met him near a convenience store in downtown Detroit on a rainy day. It took you a while, but you quickly learned to trust and depend on Ralph. He replaced your old boyfriend and brought stability to your son's life. He was the father your son needed and the love of your life.
Ralph kissed the top of your head. You exhaled into the fabric of his knitted sweater. "Thanks, Ralph," you mumbled.
"You're welcome, [Name]," the android said soothingly. He folded his arms protectively over your frame and continued to press reassuring kisses into your hair.
You slowly opened your eyes and smiled softly at your son. "Hi, Jamie," you murmured. Your son grinned up at you and clambered up onto the couch. He wriggled in between you and Ralph on the sofa. "What's wrong baby?"
"I can't sleep," he mumbled. Ralph reached out and ruffled James' hair softly, enough to make it stick up all over. James reached his arms out for Ralph. The android smiled at the little boy and picked him up. Ralph set James down in his lap, and he curled into Ralph's arms. You smiled as you watched the android pull a blanket up over your son's back. You lay your head on Ralph's shoulder and leaned forward to kiss your son's cheek.
"Good night mommy," your son murmured. " Good night daddy."
Your jaw dropped and you stared down at your son. He was cuddled all the way into Ralph's chest and his eyes were closed.
"The little boy called Ralph daddy," he mumbled, running his damaged hand through James' hair. You smiled and rested your cheek on Ralph's shoulder. "He did," you murmured. "He called you daddy."
You kissed your son softly on the forehead. "Sweet dreams, baby."
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