Chapter 90 - Strange behavior

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-Time and time again you've come to my rescue. But who are you really? Yes... You, the nameless knight always dressed in black who comes to answer my prayers... Would you show me the face that hides behind this jet-black mask?
-If that is what my princess desires... This face disfigured by scars... I will show it to you under the moonlight...
Kogoro removed the bag from his head with a ridiculous smile.
-Otou-san ! Be a bit serious! I've only got two weeks left before the school festival!

Ran was practising with his father for a school play. Except that the detective couldn't keep a straight face with the scripts. It was a love story.

-Ran-nee-chan, if you want I can replace Kogoro-oji-san! I'd do better than him! suggested Yoko.
The latter took a blow to the head.
If we're not allowed to tell the truth...
The young girl put her hand on her head where she had been hit. The man grunted a little before returning to the script, wondering who had written such a thing. Sonoko was the author
Such a thing wouldn't surprise me of her...

-Eh, oh! Wait a minute! Then I read: "The knight and the princess exchange a passionate kiss"! But what? exclaimed the former policeman.
Yoko watched in amusement as Conan panicked at this news. He quickly asked who was playing the role of the knight.
-It's Araide-sensei, our school doctor! Of course, you met him during that famous case! explained the schoolgirl.
That case? Ah yes!

The girl with the glasses remembered a previous case where Kogoro had gone to see a doctor who had been found electrocuted to death. There, they had met his son. Conan had thought that Ran was in love with him.

Fortunately for the young detective, Sonoko was going to play the role of prince.

-Damn! Already?! Ran exclaimed, looking at the clock. I've got an early rehearsal tomorrow morning. I'll just have a bath and go to bed...
-By the way, there's a problem with the bath. There's no more hot water. Kogoro announced.
-Heeeeeeh?! exclaimed the two children at the same time.
-I wanted to take a bath too... sighed the boy with the glasses.
-All you have to do is go to the public baths...
-They're closed today! What can I do? Sonoko lives far away...
It's true that we're out of luck...
Conan suggested going to Agasa's house. The teenager agreed.
-It's late, so if you don't want to disturb anyone, take your bath together and don't linger...
-What the... Are you kidding?! Why should I take a bath with Conan?! But... well... it's not good for his upbringing... Yoko again, I don't mind...
Everyone was surprised by Ran's reaction. It was rather strange.
She's already taken baths with Conan... don't tell me...

Yoko and Ran were taking a bath together. The schoolgirl had once again refused to take a bath with Conan and had even refused to let the girl take one with him.

It's so weird...
-Ran-nee-chan, I've finished washing...
-... All right, then! I'll catch up with you in a bit!
The young girl quickly toweled herself off and did the same while getting dressed. She left the bathroom and headed towards Agasa and Conan.
-I've finally managed to detach myself from Ran... She's really weird... The way she looks at Conan isn't the way she should... And I almost feel like she's looking at me like I'm a stranger...
-Do you think that too? Shinichi told me the same thing... said the teacher.
Well, I think we have the same doubts...
-I think we're overthinking things... She'd say it...
-Say what?
Ran had arrived by surprise behind the children.
-We were talking about your play! You say the lines well! Caught up with Yoko.
We're in trouble...
The young girl sighed.

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