Chapter 7 - The other criminal

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-Who are you?
Just when everyone thought the case had been solved, a phone call changed everything. The girl who had organised the fake kidnapping, Tani Akiko, with Aso-san's help, had really been kidnapped.

Yoko was too far away to understand the conversation properly, but apparently it was about the true/false culprit. The rest, however, she could hear.
-Papaaa! Help!!!
A child's voice on the phone. That of the kidnapped girl.
What are the chances of finding the girl without any problems?
Well... the young brunette wasn't in the best of shape. But she still hoped that Akiko would be found.
On the phone, the man began to get annoyed.
-Who's next to you? If it's the police..." the man lowered his voice before continuing, "you should know that you'll never see the girl again...
-I'm in the storeroom of a school, can you hear me?! I can see a big chimney through the window!
A noise was heard.
Has she been hit? Yoko worried.
The criminal finally hung up as the girl's father shouted.

-The storeroom of a school where you can see a big fireplace through the window? assured Kogoro.
-Yes, that's what she said... confirmed Tani-san.
-How can we find out which school it is? That chimney could be a long way from here... We don't have time to search every one in the area...
-Answer me! the father of the missing girl shouted at the butler. Where's Akiko? She's your accomplice, isn't she?

Yoko looked away from the men to Conan, who was mounting a dog and riding off on its back. Using it as a mount to go faster...

-Conan-kun?! Ran shouted
-Let the brat go! Kogoro ordered.

The brown-eyed girl tried to follow him, but was soon outrun. She kept moving in the same direction as the man playing her brother.
Ran grabbed the former high school student's wrist to prevent her from leaving.
-Do you know where your brother's gone? He told you, didn't he?
-... No... maybe...
She didn't finish her sentence.

-Do you know which schools have a view of a fireplace?
The discussion continued. Yoko turned her head towards the detective. If she could, she would help, but she knew absolutely nothing about the area. Anyway, what use would she be?
-... Ran... nee...chan...
-Maybe... the dog will... come back...
She wasn't sure, but it made sense to her. At any moment the dog used as a mount could turn up.
Ran put her hand on Yoko's head.
-I think so too.

Barking sounded. Everyone turned around. A wounded dog, holding a shoe in its mouth.
-It's Akiko's! exclaimed Tani-san.

The dog had returned, carrying the shoe of the kidnapped girl.
Where's Kudo Shinichi? There was no time to wonder.
-Let's follow that dog! He'll lead us to her!
And everyone ran off. Yoko stayed a little behind, both for lack of speed and because she didn't feel comfortable.

They soon entered a warehouse.
-But there's no chimney here! Kogoro exclaimed.
And that was true. The rejuvenated schoolgirl looked around. Mostly buildings. But one was taller, and had a side view.
Is this the chimney in question?

She grabbed Ran's sleeve to tell her what she thought, and after listening to her, the teenager entered the building, where noises could be heard. Yoko had followed her. She looked at the girl with the long brown hair. Once she'd entered the room, she'd stopped the villain from hitting Conan, and was in the process of knocking him down with karate.
She's scary!

The kidnapped girl was freed. Conan asked Ran how they had found the place, and she explained everything. Then the criminal explained that he had found Akiko-chan alone in a hotel. Then the father, daughter and steward explained everything to each other. She had asked Aso-san to help her stage the kidnapping so that Tani-san would close his business to spend time with her. In the end, he decided to take his daughter to Australia.
All's well that ends well...
-Thank you very much Mouri-san! You're an excellent detective! It was a good idea to let go of the dog to find my daughter! Jumbo is very attached to Akiko...
Kogoro began to throw flowers at himself.

Back in the car, Kogoro was very proud. It had been a good day in his opinion.
-By the way, Dad... those children..." began Ran, one hand on Conan at his side and the other on Yoko in his lap. Agasa hakase asked me if we could keep them for a few days...
-Yes, so what?
There was a silence and Kogoro looked at the children. Yoko looked away uncomfortably.
-All right then! I don't know why, but I feel like I work better with these kids! he announced, patting the kid with glasses on the back.
Kid... eh... I've fallen pretty far... Living with strangers...

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