Chapter 29 - An unknown visitor

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   -Yoko-chan? Have you heard from your parents? Ran asked, leaning against his bedroom window.
   -... Not really... replied the girl concerned, looking away.
   It would be nice if I had a mother!

   It was already late, and the two girls weren't asleep. Ran had suddenly asked this question, which had surprised the young girl. She'd completely forgotten that Agasa had said that she and Conan's parents were in America, and that they'd get the two children back once they were settled.
   -Do you think your brother has any? the schoolgirl asked.

   The girl with the glasses didn't reply. She just looked at the detective's daughter, always looking outside. That is, until she turned round.
   -Are we going to sleep? Ran suggested.
   The little girl nodded.
   When the light went out, she couldn't help thinking about what Ran had said.
   She'll end up having doubts again at this rate...

   The next morning, Yoko woke up earlier than Ran.
   Six o'clock?! That's much too early... sighed Yoko.
   She decided to get dressed as quietly as possible, before going to get something to eat. Then she went outside to get some fresh air. It was a habit the young girl had acquired whenever she got up early. And that day, it was snowing.

   When she went inside, she saw a strange person on the stairs. She was dressed in black with short hair.
   A customer? It was only about eleven o'clock...
    Yoko decided to walk past her. The child nodded to say hello. The lady grabbed her wrist.

   -Wait a minute, little one...

   The girl with the glasses was pulled back a little so that she was behind the lady. She missed a step as she stepped backwards. She let out a little scream, but managed to catch herself.
   Ran opened the door.
   His gaze turned to the stranger.
   -Hello, dear. I'm sorry to bother you so early. Let me introduce myself..." she began, taking out a card... My name is Edogawa Fumiyo.
   -Edogawa... You're Yoko-chan and Conan-kun's mother?!
   That's impossible!

   The strange lady confirmed Ran's words, explaining that she'd met Yoko on the way. Yoko had missed a step when she rushed to warn her brother. Then she asked if the schoolgirl could fetch Conan while she put the brown-eyed girl in the car.
   Who is she?! She's not my mother! Far from it!
   Not knowing how to act, and lost in thought, she got into the car. When the lady went to fetch the boy, the girl in glasses tried to run away.
   Crap! She's locked the car!

   She gritted her teeth as she saw Conan arrive a few minutes later. He was banging against the window.
   -Conan! Calm down! Let's try and understand the situation! shouted the young girl
   Yoko started stamping her feet. She was trying to control herself, so as not to get too stressed. But it was still difficult.

   The car was moving. The detective agency was no longer visible. Conan was in the front seat.
   -Who are you? ? asked the young boy.
   -I told you. I'm your mother!
   -That's not true! My mother's name is...
   -Kudo Yukiko!
   The lady's reply made Yoko stop moving. She didn't even know who the former schoolboy's parents were.
   The woman explained everything about Yukiko.The fact that she was an actress, that she married a writer and so on...
   What am I supposed to do now...
   -Isn't this... Kudo Shinichi?
   The girl began to panic. How did she know the identity of the detective?
   Damn it!

   She looked around for something to stop the car. She got an idea when she spotted the seat adjustment mechanism. She grabbed the seat adjuster and pushed the backrest forward with her feet. Immediately afterwards, she grabbed the handbrake. The car slid to a stop in the middle of the road. Conan took the opportunity to get out and when Yoko tried to follow him, she was caught.
   -This is as far as you go, Enoshiya Kyoka...
   No... impossible!
   The woman put a handkerchief over her mouth. The young girl tried to struggle, but ended up being put to sleep.

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