Chapter 23 - Face to face with them

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   Kogoro was shaving on the train, while his daughter grumbled.
   -You wouldn't think of shaving at the last minute... On the day of a friend's wedding...
  -Oh, I didn't ask you! What did you want me to do? I didn't hear my alarm clock! I was up late last night, I had clients.
   He was drunk when he came home! Yoko sighed, smiling slightly as she ate.

   Ran asked the two children if they were happy to come. The detective grumbled at their presence.
   -I'm going to the toilet! announced the little brunette girl, putting her meal down in its place.
   She left the seats and headed for the door. It opened to reveal two men dressed in black. One with long grey hair, the other wearing a pair of glasses.

   Yoko immediately tensed up, unable to move. It was them. The men who had poisoned her.
   -Come on! Go look elsewhere, kid! Announced the one with glasses.
   -... Excuse me!
   She apologised in a panicked voice and stepped aside.
   What are they doing here?
   She concentrated on keeping her breathing normal, then stared at them as they went into the restaurant car. She didn't follow them, for fear of being spotted.

   She returned to her seat, using the excuse that the toilets were occupied. Then she grabbed Conan's hand and wrote with her fingers, in Hiragana, "man in black".
   -What?! the boy almost choked, before looking at Ran and Kogoro, who were looking at him strangely.
   -Haha... He laughed uncomfortably
   In turn, he traced the kanas, before handing over the microphone given to him by Agasa, which was connected to his glasses.
   He wants me... to watch them?!

   The men returned and sat down nearby.

   -Ran-nee-chan? Can I go and have a look at the scenery on the other side... please?
   -If you like, but don't hang around too long.
   -I won't!

   She stood up, gave Conan a look that meant he'd have to repay her for what he'd asked, and sat down next to the men in black, microphone in hand.
   -Ah, at last we can smoke! sighed the man in glasses, lighting himself a cigarette.
   Yoko made herself very small, without really moving.
   -It's an easy transaction! added the man who was smoking
   -Shhh! Moin fort Vodka!
   -It's all right! Nobody can hear us! Hahaha! Bloody Gin! Always so suspicious!
   Gin? Vodka? Aren't those alcoholic names? 
   -Two million just to get past that black briefcase... what could be in it? asked Vodka
   -Information about gold...
   -About gold... ?
   About gold?
   -But whoever uses this information can make more than two million... Says the one with the long silver hair
   -I see... that's why our client looked so happy...

   -At the moment, he's probably blissfully contemplating the landscape from the height of his seat... his last moments of happiness! The organisation doesn't need him any more! There's also a bomb in the wheel. A small bomb ready to explode if you give the case a big kick.
   Excuse me?! The brown-eyed girl held her breath.
   -But if he's dropped it now... ?
   -Not a chance! What's inside is too precious for him to drop. It'll explode at ten past three. Gin reassured him.
   -Is it a time bomb?
   -No, but at ten past three he'll press the detonator without knowing it and ten seconds later our client and the train will explode.

   Yoko put her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming. She glanced at Conan, who had done the same. She was reassured because if he had shouted, she would certainly have been spotted.
   The girl remained in her seat without moving. The train had stopped at Nagoya. Gin and Vodka got up and left. Conan decided to go after them.
   He mustn't!
   Yoko got up and grabbed his arm in front of the door.
   -There are more urgent things to do! she almost shouted.
   The door closed again.
   -I've still got things to ask them!
   -Ask who what? Ran asked.
   He turned round.
   -Er... nothing...
   -I take my eyes off you for two seconds, and now you two are doing something stupid! Come back and sit down!
   She took the two children by the hand and led them back to their seats.

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