Chapter 142 - Bomber

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   -What's wrong with her? Ayumi asked, looking at Sato.
   -She's all frozen... Added Ai.
   -She looks like she's deep in thought... Yoko thought aloud.
   The group were in the company of the policewoman to reconstruct what had happened in a previous case. A bomber, having failed to kill Takagi, had taken Mitsuhiko's camera, because there was one thing we couldn't see. A mail truck. Its purpose was to rob the post office. It could have been avoided.
   -Sato-keiji, are you all right? Conan asked.
   Finally, she responded by nodding.
   -Now that we've finished, shall we go home? asked Mitsuhiko.
   The woman nodded and set off with the children to get back to the car.
   What was she thinking?

   After a few minutes' walk, the little group came across Takagi and Shiratori. The two men were surprised.
   -Sato-san! Is the reconstruction over? Takagi asked.
   -Yes, it is. And on your side? She replied.
   -We searched the shop but it seems to have been a false lead... Shiratori explained.

   A red herring?
   Conan looked intrigued by this too.
   We might as well wait until Shiratori leaves...
   Just as the former schoolgirl had thought that, the policeman in question got into his car. The detective took the opportunity to go over to Takagi.
   -Tell me... What are you investigating? he asked.
   -We got a call about a bomb threat... explained the policeman. Today is the seventh of November and it's the same day as the explosions that took place three and seven years ago... So we thought we'd check...

   Yoko turned her head to see her brother's panicked expression. Just behind them, in the next second, Shiratori's car exploded.
   Sato's voice rang out, before she rushed to the car. Yoko approached too, and soon saw Shiratori on the ground.
   -Sato-keiji! called the schoolgirl.
   The woman turned her head and saw Shiratori lying on the ground, his head bleeding.
   Everyone gathered round him.
   -Are you all right? Takagi asked.

   -Yes, I'm fine. I didn't manage to come out of it as well as you did... replied the injured man.
   -I'm going to call an ambulance! Anticipated the former high school student.
   She moved away and picked up her phone. In a very serious voice, she explained the situation as precisely as possible, fearing that no-one would believe her.

   Once this was done, the girl in glasses returned to her friends.
   -How's he doing? she asked her brother.
   -He's got a brain haemorrhage... Conan replied.
   Yoko looked at Shiratori, hoping that he would be treated very soon. She then turned her gaze to Sato, who was holding a paper tightly in his hands, with an angry expression.

   Conan and Yoko had discreetly climbed into Sato's car. Sato seemed to be deep in thought.
   -Why is the bomber after the police? asked the detective, breaking the silence.
   -Conan-kun?! Yoko-chan?! What are you doing here? she asked, surprised.
   -We thought it would be best to ride with you hehe! replied the young girl.
   -You can tell us, can't you? asked the young boy.
   -Seven years ago, there were two bombers... The bombs were planted in two luxury flats in the city centre... They demanded a billion yen and said they'd blow up the place if even one person was evacuated... One of the bombs was defused in time. But after much hesitation, we ran out of time for my second one and we had to meet the conditions...

   The two children listened attentively to the story. The woman explained that the first perpetrator had died after contacting the police. And the second bomb had ended up exploding, having been activated remotely.
   -So it's a case of revenge... sighed Yoko.
   Conan moved to the front seat. He then grabbed his badge and switched it on. So the three of them in the car could hear Ai explain a hypothesis. The location of the bomb. At South Haido station

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