Chapter 139 - Lost Devices

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   Conan took a moment to think about Yoko's words. Yoko shoved her hands into her pockets, unsure of what to say. It was Agasa who broke the silence.
   -Shinichi, do you think Chris Vinyard really belongs to the Men in Black? ? he whispered.
   -Do you? It's hard to say, but if he is... If he is, there's no doubt he's someone we're going to have a problem with...
   The detective's expression was serious, which didn't reassure his sister.
   -A problem? What on earth for? Are you still hiding something from us? asked the scientist.
   -No! No! I'm just saying that an actress is used to bullshitting, so she can easily put us on the wrong track! Explained the young boy.
   -In any case, we should be careful... There are too many suspicious people around us... sighed the young girl.
   -Don't worry, I've got it under control! Conan reassured her.
   After that, the former high school student announced to his friends that they had to go back. They grumbled a little but left the TV, which was showing a football match.

   Yoko held on to the bar she was glued to. There were a lot of people on the train back.
   We should have taken another train... thought the young girl.
   -Genta-kun, you really could have waited! she exclaimed, still clutching her helm.

   -Sorry I didn't want to miss the Big Osaka match! grumbled the boy.
   The rejuvenated schoolgirl rolled her eyes. Even Ayumi let out a sigh, which the girl in glasses could hear even though she couldn't see her friend. People were standing between her and her classmates.

   -Hey, you're crushing me, you idiot! shouted a man.
   That voice...
   -Just because you've won doesn't mean you can take everything for granted!
Yoko couldn't see anything, but she recognised the voice she'd heard earlier.
   But that's not possible...
   She puffed out her cheeks, her face pressed against the bar.

   A few minutes passed and the train slammed on its brakes, almost falling over, before coming to a halt. Everyone on the train got off. Then, in the middle of the carriage, the group found a body. That of the hooligan.
   Conan approached the body, before getting out.
   -Hakase! Call an ambulance and the police on your phone! Yoko, take photos for the police and make sure no one goes near the body!
   The two who had been given orders nodded and carried out their orders. The former schoolgirl put her hand in her pocket to take her camera.
   -... Eh... Eh ? Eeeeh?!
   -What is it, Yoko-chan? Ayumi asked.

   -My camera! I haven't got my camera! she squeaked.
   -Maybe it fell off when the train braked... Like my radio... Supposed Mitsuhiko.
   -But now I really need it...
The young girl's brown eyes were wet.
   I'll use my glasses...
   She took off her glasses to wipe her eyes and activated camera mode. She took a picture of the man before moving away from the scene and ordering the people in the carriage to get out. Once this was done, she scoured the platform in the hope of finding her camera.
   This is the second one I've lost...
   Unfortunately, she found nothing.

   The police had just arrived. Yoko had given her glasses so that the police could recover the photos she had taken.
   -So, Yoko-chan. Have you found, or have the police found, your camera?
   With tears in her eyes, she shook her head.
   -It's just a camera. You'll buy another one! Genta reassured her.
   -No! You don't understand! This is the second one I've lost and it's...
   The young girl didn't finish her sentence. She looked like a child.
   It's the second one I've lost, it's good for a while... I don't want to be without it for long!

   When she got younger, Gin took her camera from her. She hadn't taken the time to worry about it because of the situation she'd found herself in. But this was too much.

   -Don't worry. We'll find him! I promise, Mitsuhiko.
   She simply nodded in agreement.

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