Chapter 1 - Isolated Book

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Never judge a book by its cover is what people say always. But rarely do they abide by it. In most cases, it is those glazy title and cover which attract a reader. Unfortunately this book though filled with beautiful content could not attract its readers.

Initially it felt good when people hesitated to even look back at its spot on the rack. This was the case for months where readers did not bother to even pick and read the initial few pages. Deep inside it knew that this phase will eventually change one day. Patience was all that the book had in it to reach the hands of a right reader who could not only read it but can enjoy its beauty too.

Months passed without even being noticed like something of this kind existed. Every time it chose to stay at the corner of the rack waiting for someone to pick and read this book. It never felt unworthy but always longed for a reader who could take that effort to atleast surf through the pages. There were times when this book was even unnoticed by the shopkeeper that he rarely made an effort to even change its position. Still the book did not lose as it knew there will be someone who will flare up its beauty. Though we choose to be optimistic, there are times we need someone by our side to fuel this positivity.

Weeks turned into months which turned into years without even being noticed. Even the shopkeepers did not tend to bother about this book as there were none who came forward to read this book... leave alone buying. They decided this book does not possess the potential to attract its buyers. After all this was just another book in the cluster of books so they decided to ignore. The book started feeling low as unlike those shopkeepers, it cannot leave itself alone as it meant its life. Doubts of not being interesting to read began to sink inside. This beautiful book unable to find the right reader started to lose hope. Optimism slowly started to fade but still it had patience.

Great things do take time and that too when it is a creative piece of work as a lot more is demanded for success than giving your best. Dust started to fade the beauty of its face so did the feeling of this book. There was a sigh of relief after few weeks when the shopkeeper made effort to cleanse the rack along with the books. Dust was removed thereby giving this book a new life. Though there were none to appreciate the quality of this book, it still felt good when this man made effort to bring back the shine. The book found its spot back again at the dead corner of the bottom most rack.

Accepting the reality, it came to a conclusion that it was meant to stay this way. Little did it know that the perfect reader is no longer away and she is the one who will soon and forever change the fate of this potential book.

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