C H A P T E R 2

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Tenten woke up and opened her eyes, she saw bright lights. She was wondering where she was, and heard a woman talk. She noticed the familiar voice, it was Sakura. "Tenten you're finally awake. You scared us, how are you feeling?" Tenten's body felt sore. "I'm fine thanks Sakura. What happened?" Sakura replied "You got poisoned. But luckily you got here in time. If you came later you would've died." Tenten asked "Oh, how did I end up here?" Sakura responded "Neji carried you here-" She heard other familiar voices, it was Neji, Lee, and Guy sensei. Lee asked "Tenten thank gosh you're awake. You scared all of us. How are you feeling-" Guy sensei said,"You scared us Tenten. Do you still feel pain anywhere?" Neji was relieved when he saw Tenten awake. Tenten smiled and replied "I'm feeling better Lee, thank you." She looked at Neji "Neji, Thank you for carrying me to the hospital. I'm very grateful." Neji just nodded.

"Sakura, when can I leave?" Tenten asked, trying to sit up. Neji helped her. "Thanks Neji." He nodded back at her. "You can leave whenever you want. You're recovered. But come back if you're starting to feel nauseous or feel any symptoms again." Tenten got up and thanked Sakura and left. Sensei asked Tenten if she was alright, and she told him she's absolutely fine. Sensei left, and it was only Lee, and Neji. Tenten's stomach growled. "Do you guys wanna eat, I'm hungry." Lee also told her that he's hungry. Neji just nodded. They went to the Ichiraku Ramen. When they sat down Tenten put her hands in her pocket. She didn't have enough ryo (also known as yen or money). Neji saw it and said "I'll pay for your guy's food." Lee's face lit up. "Really? Thank you my youthful friend!" Tenten smiled and thanked Neji. They ordered Miso Tonkotsu, they enjoyed it. Lee thanked Neji one last time and said bye to them. "Thank you Neji! I have to go home now, my mother and father would be wondering where I am. Goodbye my youthful friends!"  Tenten also thanked him "Thank you for the wonderful meal, Neji. I also have to go now, goodnight." Neji nodded. "Do you want me to walk you home? It's pretty late for you to be walking home alone." Tenten politely declined it, "It's fine, thanks though. I can walk home by myself." Neji asked, "Are you sure? It's dark, outside and it's not safe." Tenten nodded, "Yes I'm sure, I can walk home by myself, you should also get going. Night!" She left smiling cheerfully. Neji looked at her disappear from his view and left.

Tenten It was 7:00a.m when Tenten woke up. She overslept but didn't care since she didn't have a mission today. She decided to stay home and do house chores. She planted her own vegetable garden in front of her yard. She lived outside of the village, it was very peaceful. There was a river nearby, and Tenten enjoyed watching the view there. After eating she started her chores. She washed her clothes, hung it on the rack, and other chores. She also trained, since she had nothing else to do. It was noon, and Tenten decided to buy some groceries. When she walked out of the groceries store she saw Lee. He was walking on his hands by himself. "497, 498, 499, 500!" "Hello Lee, How are you?" Lee got off of his hand stand, "Hi Tenten! I'm doing great, I was just doing some exercise, you?" They talked for a while, and she decided to invite Lee over and eat with her. Tenten felt lonely, and wanted some company.

    While they were walking through the forest, Tenten saw Neji practicing. She saw Neji and waved at him. Tenten yelled at him, and he looked over. "NEJI OVER HERE!" Neji then walked over. He wondered to himself. "Are they dating or something. Does Tenten like Lee?" Lee tapped Neji on the shoulder. "Neji, are you listening? Tenten asked if you wanted to come over to her house and have dinner." Neji nodded, and thanked Tenten for the invite. It was Neji's first time going to Tenten's house. The house was small, it was outside the village. They were walking on the worn out paths. Neji saw a river near her house. He wondered if she lives with anyone.

    "We arrived!" Tenten said happily, she unlocked the door with her keys. "Come on in guys! You two can look around the house." Lee smiled, "Thanks Tenten, your house looks so cozy, and the inside felt so comfortable." Tenten was chopping the pork, and washed some vegetables. Tenten was making sweet and sour pork chop, and rice. Neji looked around the house, "So she lives here alone... " There were two rooms, and a bathroom. The first room was probably Tenten's room, it was kinda plain, but nicely decorated. On the vanity it had two picture frames. One of the photo frames was a picture of Sensei, Lee, Tenten, and him. They were all so happy, and the other picture was a little girl who is probably Tenten, and another stranger. Neji guessed it's probably her mom. He wondered what happened to her.

    Dinner was ready. Neji and Lee thanked Tenten, for inviting them over for dinner, and started eating. Lee was so happy, he loved the food. "Thank you so much Tenten, I can't believe you can make this amazing dish!" Lee ate a lot, and Tenten smiled cheerfully. Neji was very quiet while he was eating. They all finished their meals. "Neji, did you enjoy the meal?" Neji nodded, "Yes it was very appetizing thank you for the meal. I appreciate it." Tenten smiled, "No problem! I'm glad that you enjoyed it." They talked for a bit. "Tenten... do you live alone?" Tenten nodded, "Yep! But sometimes I get lonely... so thanks guys for coming over!"

    It was getting pretty dark so Neji and Lee thanked them and left. It was cold outside, but it would only be polite for Tenten to walk them out. Neji and Lee told Tenten before leaving that there's training tomorrow and not to miss it, and left. Neji knew Tenten would be going back to her empty house alone with no one, and it bugged him. Tenten went back inside, she took all the dishes, and washed it. After, she took a hot warm shower and combed her hair down, and got ready for bed. Her hair was dark brown, long and straight. She got changed into her sweatpant and her white crop t-shirt. Then closed the door, and turned off the light around the house. She made sure the door was locked, and went to sleep.




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