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Hey guys! I'm back and yes I'm alive, well kinda- AnyGAYs! I wanted to thank you all for reading my book and giving me all this support... It really really made me happy and helped me get more confident with writing. I wanted to inform you all that after I finished this book I decided to write a book about the masked blondie that appeared in the story, BR. I thought it would be interesting to see if anyone would read it even tho it is the story of my own OC... Basically all I'm trying to say is that if you enjoyed this story and my writing you guys could give it a shot? Anyways other than this I want to thank you all so much and hope you have a wonderful day or night~!

Hsy guys so it has been a year since I wrote the first chapter of this fan fiction. I am not so sure if this A/N had ever been published but here is an upload. First thing I want to say is that I am very grateful that all of you read this book and I hope that you actually liked it, seriously thanks to each and every one of you all. I never thought this book would get the reads it has gotten and I am absolutely mind blown by this. I am thankful although this is not why I am wriy this A/N. So I'm not so sure howany of you were actually interested in reading my OC's story book but to make it short, I don't think I will be writing that book. I have tried starting it but I couldn't get it together and have result which I was satisfied with since I kinda lost my interest for creepypasta... So if any of you were interested I am Very sorry... With this I am not saying that I don't like creepypasta anymore, don't get me wrong I still love it, it's just I'm not that crazy in love with it I just enjoy reading some fanfics about it but that's really it right now. Also what also drove me away from this fandom was that I got really into Demon Slayer and decide to write something about that but also in that case I couldn't bring myself to write something I was satisfied with. So I took a break from writing and concentrated more on my real life situations and my studies. Right now it's summer break so I decided to give writing another try and started making my Demon Slayer Academy Book. It is going ok so far so if any of you are interested I suggest you go check it out (although I just started it-). Anyways about my Oc, BR, and her story I don't think I will be writing it any time soon but that doesn't mean I won't in the future. To any of you who are interested just maybe leave a comment and I'll try to contact you if I ever write it one day. Anyways with this I just want to thank you all again and I hope you all have a wonderful day or night! Author Chan out~!

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