8). Roommate...

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Ticci Toby's POV:

It has been 2 weeks since I've started living in the Slender Mansion. I've managed to at least speak once to nearly everyone. I've even became close friends with BEN and Jeff, as for Hoodie we talked pretty often. But I haven't seen any sight of 2 people... Masky and this other girl, Clockwork. Hoodie told me that Masky was at home and he knew because they were roommates, but he stayed a lot in their room doing work. The only times he left were only to get some food or on missions. Hoodie also told me that Clockwork was away for a long lasting mission and she should be back soon.

I was sitting on my bed bored out of my mind. Everyone was out for their missions and I was left alone at home... All because my training hadn't started yet! Slender told me it was gonna start after a few days that I've arrived but aparently there were some complications and I couldn't start until next week... I was annoyed and mad but I had to deal with it.

I got up and changed into a grey hoodie and black pants then put on my black Dr. Martens. I grabbed my hatchets and a color spray can, shoved it into my hoodie's pocket then left the mansion, no one was home so I didn't bother to try to sneak out. I walked through the woods until I found a little circle of trees that in the middle had some free space. "Slender said I wasn't allowed to go killing but... He never said I couldn't practice throwing my hatchets". I placed down my axes and pulled out the spray can then walked up to a tree. I drew a circle with an X in the middle. I backed up and looked at it. "I swear I saw it somewhere before..." I shaked my head and walked to another tree and drew the same thing, I repeated those actions till there were a total of 10 drawings, each on a different tree and on a different height level. I smiled satisfied and walked to my hatchets grabbing them then taking a deep breath. I closed my eyes and opened them again, then...
A whistle and a slam. I looked at one of my hatchets planted in a tree... It was a perfect throw... Apart the fact that I hit the wrong tree- I sighted then did the same with the other hatchet and it landed right on the X in the circle. I smirked under my mouthguard and walked to the hatchets and pulled them out of the trees. I continued to throw my hatchets at the trees until I would hit the X in every tree even with my eyes closed. I was exhausted and decided to grab my stuff and walk back home.

I arrived at the Mansion tired and covered in sweat and... I was starving. I noticed everyone was home again so I decided to climb up to my window and roles in, hopefully no one noticed me getting back or me not being home... I put my hatchets down and undressed myself. I walked to my bathroom and took a shower then got dressed again in my comfy blue trousers and white hoodie. I looked at my hair and sighted as it was wet and hanged from my forhead messily. I ruffled it slightly getting some water out of it then grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to the living room.

As I walked in I was greeted by Jane and Sally, then Jeff and BEN. We decided to go play video games until Slender popped out of nowhere and tapped my shoulder.


I turned around and faced him

"yes sir?"

"I want you to meet someone"

I nodded then noticed a girl behind him. She has long brown wavy hair and a green eye. Her other eye seemed to be replaced by a pocket clock and a stitched smile ran on her cheeks, it looked like Jeff's not gonna lie. She looked at me and I noticed her blushing immediately. I ticked nervously at that, I wasn't really comfortable with girls... Slender then spoke up.

"Toby this is Clockwork."

I forced a smile at her. I really had a bad feeling about her... She just waves at me.

"She is the person sharing a room with you, I hope you'll get along well"

And with that he dissappeared.
"Wait WHAT?!" I looked at the girl who was already standing in front of me smiling brightly. I smiled gritting my teeth.

"I'm Clockwork! But you probably already know. Since you are my roommate you can call me Clocky or Cw~"

She said smirking. I could see right through her... I already knew what her intentions were... And I was uncomfortable.

"I-I'm Toby"

I said bluntly. And with that I turned on my heals and walked off with no interest on carrying on the conversation. I swear I heard her growl in annoyance as I did that and left her. I shackled my head and walked to Jeff and BEN.

"What took so long man?" Jeff asked a lil annoyed. I sat down next to him and sighted.

"S-sorry... Slender wanted t-t-to talk to m-me"

"About?" BEN asked.

"He w-w-wanted to introduce me to my *tick* r-roommate..."

BEN and Jeff looked at me confused.

"Ya don't seem so happy 'bout that"

"I-it's because I a-already dislike her"

I said laying back.

"Oh it's a girl? How come you dislike her?"

I glared at him then spoke up

"Because s-she clearly hasn't *tick* got any g-g-good intentions towards m-me... I could a-already *tick* tell she w-was interested in m-m-me... *tick* And it m-made me very uncomfo-rtable."

BEN looked at me weirdly and Jeff snickered.

"Mk... What's her name anyways?"

BEN asked. I ticked and replied without stuttering.


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