5). A New Sister

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No one's POV:

During the Tea Party Toby found out a lot of stuff about Sally and Jane. They talked about a lot of things like their favorite food, hobbies and various interests.

Ticci Toby's POV:

Getting to know Sally and Jane was pretty fun I must admit. Sally was already like a little sister to me and I loved how she didn't ask about my ticking thing. Same goes for Jane. In the past people kept asking me stupid questions like "is there a cure?","can you control it?","do you do it for attention?" and many more... Honestly I hated it but I had to deal with it. But here no one seemed to bother, well I did meet only 2 Proxies but they seem nice. Jane was really nice and mature, not to mention she was beautiful. Anyways after the Tea Party we changed back into our clothes and left Sally in her room. Me and Jane chatted all the way to the kitchen. We stopped at the counter when she asked me.

"Hey Toby want anything to eat?"

I looked at her and immediately replied

"D-d-do you have a-any waf-fles?"

Jane nodded smiling and I think my face lit up because a giggle escaped her lips. She turned around and started making me waffles. After a few minutes the waffles were ready and she poured a lot of syrup on them. I smiled but then remembered the mouthguard. I instantly froze, I hadn't taken it off since Slender gave it to me.

No one's POV:

Jane looked at the teenage boy confused.

"Hey Toby something wrong?"

No reply.


Jane waved her hand in front of Toby's face and he immediately snapped out of it.

"W-Wha- *tick* o-oh sorry..."

The boy looked down and started fidgeting with his fingers.

"Toby is there something wrong?"

The boy stayed silent for a few minutes then replied

"I-I have t-t-to s-show you some-*tick*-ing... P-promise m-m-me you w-won't freak o-o-out or make f-fun of m-m-me?"

Jane sighted and nodded.

"Whatever it is Toby, I won't make fun of you. I promise"

Toby nodded and moved up one of his gloved hands to remove the mouthguard revealing a huge gash in his left cheek that showed part of his teeth. Jane looked at the boy startled.
She looked at Toby and the boy looked away covering his left cheek. Jane immediately reached out to Toby and turned him to face her and smiled softly.

"Toby you don't have to hide it. Honestly it makes you look unique and it shows what you've been through. Besides it can't be as bad as Jeff's face-"

Toby looked at her then without even realizing what he was doing he hugged Jane tightly. She returned the hug and patted Toby's back. They parted away and Toby looked away.


"no need to apologize hun. Now eat those waffles or they'll get cold"

Toby smiled and started eating the waffles happily.

"Mmmm~ T-they were d-delicious thank *tick* y-you S-Sis!"

Jane giggles at Toby's comment and smiled.

"no problem little brother~"

Toby looked at her as she said that then realized what he called her.


"oh shush I don't mind you calling me that"

"o-oh... Well c-can you b-b-be... my n-new s-sis?"

Jane smiled and nodded then asked a question that Toby did not want to hear

"Wait- new sister? You use to have an older sis?"

Toby's expression immediately changed from happy to dark and depressed. Jane immediately regretted asking him those questions.

"I'm sorry Toby you dont have to tel-"

She was cut off by Toby

"I-it's ok... And y-yes I u-u-use to have an *tick* older s-sister... S-she... She's dead n-now..."

And with that Toby's eyes started to fill with tears. Jane hugged him and rubbed his back as Toby sobbed onto her shoulder.

"Shhhh it's ok Toby... I'm here"

Toby just kept crying into her shoulder until he calmed down and looked at a concerned looking Jane with his puffy red eyes.

"if you want we can talk about it in your room yeah?"

Toby didn't reply and just nodded. They got up and walked to Toby's room where they sat down. The boy took a deep breath then started talking.

"H-her name w-w-was Lyra... A-and... S-s-she died i-in a c-car crash..."

And with that Toby started explaining to Jane his life living with his abusive father, all about his diseases and what happened after Lyra's death. Jane just listened without interrupting Toby. After he finished he felt relieved and sighted.

"I-I-I've never t-t-talked about this t-to anyone... Not even my therapists..."

"Toby... I'm so sorry about what happened in your life... And I'm so happy that you're here with us and that you choose to talk about this with me"

"t-thank you f-for listening J-Jane... *tick* Y-you really a-a-act like an older s-sister even if *tick* we d-don't know e-each other tha-at well..."

"it's no problem Toby, really"

And with that Jane hugged the teen boy and they stayed like that.

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