36). Secrets...

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Toby's POV:

My eyes fluttered open slowly. It took me a few minutes to adjust to the light before I looked around. I was in Tim's room, well in his bed, trapped in his embrace. Then all the memories from last night came flowing through my mind.

Holy shit we- we did it- I'm not a virgin anymore-

I heard someone groan so I looked up just to be met by a pair of tired hazel eyes. Tim smiled at me as I moved up and kissed his lips softly. We both smiled then snuggled into each other still completely naked.

~timeskip to 10 am~

Me and Tim were now heading downstairs, fully dressed and washed up. We walked into the kitchen not expecting anyone home, but boy we found quite an interesting sight in the kitchen. Both me and Tim just stood there at the doorframe staring at Emma holding a cup of coffee and leaning against the kitchen counter and a guy hugging her waist from the side.

Who the fu-


I heard Tim say.

Wait-  HOODIE?!

The boy backed away immediately and looked at us with a shocked face.

H: "T-Tim- hi-"

M: "What the fuck was that?"

H: "U-Uh-"

E: "Oh don't get mad Timothy. Just shut up and give me a break, I've been up all night yesterday well actually the both of us-... And guess why?"

Me and Masky looked at each other and blushed.

"W-We- u-Um- I-"

"Yes Toby, you were loud as hell"

BR said smirking and looking at me. Hoodie just stood beside her and rolled his eyes then leaned his head against her shoulder. I looked at both of them with a raised brow.

"Are you 2 a thing or something?"

BR shrugged and looked at Hoodie who was blushing and looking away.

"I guess you could say that?"

"What a-about EJ?!"

"... What about him...?"

Her tone of voice changed slightly, she seemed more sad and... Depressed. She looked away and I heard Hoodie growl quietly.

"EJ has been having a crush on you since you've got here..."

Her eyes shot up and looked at me with a guilty look.

"That bastard broke up with her after she showed her face."

I saw Emma look away then I saw a red tear slide down her face.

Was she crying?!


"I'm leaving."

And with that she stormed out.


The 3 of us stood there shocked and were just staring at the direction where Emma stormed off. Hoodie sighted and went after her.

"I f-fucked up..."

I said with guilt in my tone. Tim walked over to me and hugged me.

"It's ok, it's not your fault. Now let's eat something ok?"

I nodded slightly then walked to the freezer and started preparing some waffles. Then suddenly we heard yelling and a crash. Me and Masky ran to the direction where the crash came. We found Hoodie standing and Emma on the ground with a knife stuck into her side. She was growling as her eyes were both red and Brian's face was filled with rage. I ran to Emma helping her up and we rushed to the nursery.

"W-what the f-f-fuck happened?!"

Emma groaned and glared at the floor.

"He started talking shit about... About EJ..."

"Wait d-didn't EJ break u-up with y-y-you?"

"... Well not precisely... I-I had some problems... Listen Toby... There are a lot of things that I didn't tell you about me... And about what happened to me after I arrived..."

I looked at her confused and with a hint of worry in my gaze.

"Toby... I've..."

And with that she started talking about what happened.

Yes I ain't gonna tell ya what happened to her because you will have to find out in the BR book uvu


K k sorry, geeeeeez-

I looked at Emma shocked. I was disgusted and mad as hell. WHAT THE FUCK?! I hugged her tightly forgetting about the knife stuck in her side. She winced in pain but then a felt my sweater get drenched in tears. I sighted and picked her up, she was very light since she isn't that tall, and carried her to the nursery. I burst through the door to find EJ examining a corpse. He groaned and turned around snapping.


But as soon as he saw Emma he rushed over and took her from my arms.


He growled and I did as he asked. I sighted and sat outside the door of the nursery.

Hopefully Tim is taking care of Hoodie...

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