The beginning

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I don't think I will ever love someone again.
Or at least not as much as I loved him.

I would say I was a quiet kid, but if you asked my brother, he would probably tell you that I was the most annoying little sister ever. As all siblings, we cared for each other, but that didn't stop us from fighting most of the time.
My older brother always made sure I knew he was way cooler and better than me. He would rarely share his stuff or let me play with him. Especially when Pedri was here.

Pedri was this boy my age, who used to visit his grandparents in our neighborhood every holiday and vacation. He was not from here and lived far away from our city.

My first memory of him was when we were maybe around 8 and I was outside playing alone. I wanted to pick flowers for my mom, so I looked for the prettiest I could find.

That's when I saw it. The biggest, most colorful flower I had ever seen.
But there was a problem.
The flower was growing on our neighbors lawn. Mom had told me strictly several times not to enter other peoples property.
But of course my 8 year old self couldn't help it. I wanted that flower.

I started crawling towards it, because I thought maybe that way, the neighbors wouldn't see me.
I knew the people who lived there. It was an older couple, who would always wave and say hi to me whenever they saw me. They were good people. When I'm thinking back at it now, I am pretty sure I could have just asked them for the flower, and they would have easily given it to me.
But maybe the kid I was just found it more exciting the way I chose to do it.

As I got closer to the flower, I heard someone making a forced cough behind me. I froze in my track and turned my head around.

There he was.
The boy I would later daydream about for the rest of my life.

He was looking down at me with a questioning face. Back then i didn't know what to say, so I just pointed towards the flower with a pout. The boy saw the flower and went over to pick it up.
I thought for a moment he was about to steal it away from me, but instead he handed it over to me.
I got up from the grass, and brushed off some dirt from my knees. I looked down at the flower and then back up at the boy. I reached out for it and flashed him the biggest smile.

"Thank you!" I said, excitedly.
"No problem. I'm Pedri, and who are you?" He asked me curiously.
"I am y/n, I live over there."
I told him, while pointing over to my house across the street.
When I asked him why he was also walking on someone else's property, he told me that the house actually was his grandparents and that he was there to visit.

My first moment with Pedri got was unfortunately interrupted by my mom who called me from the front door of our house, telling me to come home for dinner. Pedri heard it and told me I should go, so I did.
I waved him goodbye and he waved back.

All the way over to my house, I remember smiling and feeling all warm inside.
As a kid, I didn't understand those feelings.
With the flower in my hand I thought to myself this isn't even nearly the prettiest flower I have seen.
The prettiest flower I saw that day, was straight up not possible to bring back home to my mom.

After that day, my brother found out about Pedri, and they became best friends. I would always try to tag along, but my brother wouldn't really allow it.
Still I would find my way to be apart of them and their fun. Pedri would also back me up and tell my brother that it was okay for him if I wanted to join them.

For me, Pedri was one of my dearest childhood friends. He looked out for me in a way no one else did.
He thought me all kinds of things too, such as how to tie my laces and how to fold a paper airplane.
Pedri loved to play football, so he would always show me the new tricks he had learned, he even tried to learn me how to do the tricks. I wasn't as good as him, but I wouldn't say I was bad either. I would always practice my football skills in private so that I could impress him whenever he came back to visit his grandparents.

Even as a kid, I was fond of him.

How could I not be?
He was strong and brave, and one of the kindest people I have met. He made me feel seen and would always cheer me up when I felt down.

It was this one time when I was 10 and we all 3 were together. My brother had been a little too mean to me that day, so I started crying while I ran away to hide.
Pedri had found me behind one of the trees in the forest near by.
He sat down beside me and comforted me. He told me that my brother was wrong for saying the things he said and that I was just as cool as he was, if not cooler.
I knew he was lying, but it made me feel a lot better.

As we all grew up, me and my brother learned how to share Pedri and not to fight as much as we used to. That way we could spend more time with Pedri when he came for the holidays.
We became a trio and we had lots of fun.

But unfortunately, the fun wouldn't last forever.

When I was 14, Pedri's grandparents got moved to a nursing home close to where he lived.
That meant he didn't have any reason to come back anymore.
It felt like a heartbreak.
When would I see him again?

I knew my brother was sad about it as well, even if he tried to not show it when we took our goodbyes with Pedri and his grandparents.
Me on the other hand didn't take it as easy, as I had tears streaming down my face.
Pedri tried to cheer me up like he would always do, by telling me that this wouldn't be the last time we would see each other. He made a promise to come visit us some time.

But that never happened.

We saved each other's phone numbers, so I texted Pedri for a while after, but since we never met, it was kinda hard to stay in touch and we just naturally slipped away.

Now I am 19, and I haven't called or texted him in 3 years. I have no idea what he is up to.
The last thing I heard was that he's playing football for some great team, but I don't really know much more than that.
I just know that I miss him, and that I still think about him from time to time.

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