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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies.....

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..

Here you go;)..


Aina's pov :

You know? when you're trapped in a hell hole! with no way of going up or trying to escape from this hole for the nth time and you try everything but you feel helpless and cry over your weakness and fate! that's what I'm feeling and doing right now...


Nikah is a big commitment for everyone! and a very big day in each and every individuals life, but it is the most dreaded day in my life which is today! because I'm not getting married by my will but by force and I have no option to refuse! because my loved ones life is at stake...

And the funny thing is that! I'm rambling everything now when I know nothing can go back to Normal again, because guess what?? I just said my acceptance and signed my nikah paper or should I say my ruin paper!...

It's nothing like a normal wedding where people will happily say their vows, get married and the happily ever after! but it's the opposite what is taking place today on this huge mansion! Usually brides will be readied for her groom but naah! Here I'm in my normal clothes... no decor, no family members, no happiness, no smiles on everyone's face, literally nothing! except fear and worries....

Usually people will be on cloud nine today! because it will be a start of their new lives, but can I the same about me the answer is a big ta'boo!!...

Every criminal will be locked in their respective cells, but I'm forced to be in a wed"'lock"' with him the devil!

Hell devil!!

Everyone gave me a sympathetic smile, with worry etched in their faces and my Lil naina has no knowledge? that her mama got married today! as I said earlier it nothing looked like a nikah but like a deal or contract signing...

And I was graced by the devil himself today on the exact time just before the nikah saying "I accept" and signing the papers and we're done....

We were forced to move in to his mansion as he said " now you're a kings wife and daughter in law of king clan and you can't live in those cheap apartment so you're moving in with me in my mansion! " this was his exact words which irked the hell out of me...

When I forcefully said yes to him in the cafe, after sometime zoyi entered with a sleeping naina in her arms and she did not have a single idea of what just happened here few moments ago?...

When Mar told her the whole fiasco! she was shell shocked in her position and was fuming with anger more than me and she was ready to pounce on him...

But! she was controlled by Mar, it's not like she can do any harm to him right? because he's a freaking king! and I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts and now I was finding it difficult to explain it to naina, like what I'll tell her??...

My chains of thoughts were broken, when he entered my room not mine but his of course...

and he was standing there tall and proud in his crisp black tailored suit, without any trace of guilt on his face for ruining my life! and the most important thing is that, I don't know why he did this?....

He came towards my direction, his aura screaming danger with stoic face and cold grey eyes! which was devoid of any warmth and he stood before me, leaving some inches gap between us...

But I did not show him my worries nor fears or miseries, I too stood firmly, hiding my broken form behind a strong facade! I met his eyes bravely as soon as our gazes locked his eyes flickered, an unknown emotion was swirling in those silver orbs casting a spell on me, but it disappeared as soon as it appeared....

He cleared his throat and our magic spell broke, I cursed under my breath several times of how stupid I acted right now! I was embarrassed with my actions...

" what do you want now? you took every right from me, is not that enough for you! " I asked through gritted teeth, controlling my anger, while my eyes brimmed with unshed tears...

He put his hands inside his pocket deeply " already started acting as a wife! throwing tantrums at your husband, interesting! " he said amused with humor radiating in his voice....

" you know what? just forget it! " I said heaving a frustrated sigh, I want to be in peaceful environment for sometime...

" just tell me where is my room and I'm not interested in seeing your face! " I said dismissively, while folding my hands on my chest...

" me neither! but this our room did you forget? that we just got married! " he asked sensing my rising temper, which irked me to hell..

" no way! I'm going to share a room with a devil like you! " I said angrily while glaring at him...

" devil huh? I like that! and you're fiesty much but so bad, I like challenges! " he said, humorously...

" yes we are sharing my room and this matter is not up for discussion ! " he stated, dismissively..

" the hell you think of yourself ? There are more than 50 rooms in this mansion, then what is your problem?" I asked, exasparetedly...

" as you said "THE DEVIL " and for the rest of the rooms it's my mansion so my rules applies here! " he smirked in my direction and I sighed in my defeat, arguing with him is no option...

A knock on the door interrupted our heated argument, we both turned towards the direction only to get faced with my little angel, who was holding her hand with Mar and Mar looked worried....

" she was asking for you Aina and now I'll excuse you guys! " she said looking forth and back from me to him, abruptly...

" mama I was so scared! where were you and where are we? " naina ran to me, hugging my leg and bombarding me with her questions!...

Before I can reply he beat me to it " you don't need to get scared little one! your daddy is here and you're in your home! " he stated with something unique in his voice, which I can't describe and I was shocked....

Naina looked shocked and her eyes went wide, then she looked at him confusedly with furrowed brow and she neared him and he squatted down to her level...

" are you my daddy? but you're my friend right? " she asked innocently! and my eyes brimmed with tears....

" yes little one! I'm your daddy why don't you ask your mama? " he said while looking at my direction, with cold look...

" mama tell me! is he my daddy? " naina asked me, with twinkling eyes which I was dreaded so long to see.. two pairs of eyes boring into mine seeking answers and now technically he's his father, though not his biological father...

I just nodded my head, because I can't trust my voice anymore.. I hold back the lump in my throat and a tear slipped out of my eye, but I wiped it quickly...

Naina's smile broadened seeing me nodding my head and she jumped in his arms giggling wholeheartedly.. while he wrapped his arms around her, tightly holding her little body in his strong arms...

" yay! my daddy is here, I'm so happy I missed you so much! " she said hugging the life out of him, fearing he'll leave her and go..

" yes my princess! daddy is here and I missed you too! " he said and it was the very first time, I heard softness in his voice, which I didn't heard until this time, his gaze softened when he looked into her sapphire orbs...

" really? Am I your princess? " she asked him eagerly, and he nodded his head and a tiny smile was plastered on his stoic face...

She smiled broadly on hearing him Calling her princess " but I won't talk to you, I'm angry on you! you didn't came to See Me early! " she said pouting, while her eyes filled with tears....

" so? my little princess will not talk to me huh? " he asked, smirking at her...

" yes! I'll not talk to you! " she said, sure she's the stubborn one..

" not even when daddy shows you, your princess room? " he asked teasingly, to which her eyes widened in excitement...

" really? " she asked excited..

" really! but you don't talk to me right, so how can I show you? " he played, dumb with her..

" noo... I'll talk to you Pls show me daddy? " she asked pouting at him, and he smirked at her and he scooped her into his arms effortlessly and she squealed in delight! unknown to me but seeing naina happy with him made me happy too...

He was showing a different side of him, which he doesn't show to the world! it's only reserved for naina and when he began to walk, she stopped him..

" mama come with us! " she asked extending her arm and I looked at him, he was already looking at me with an unknown emotion..

I took her hand, because I can't wipe the happiness from her face! my baby looked so happy after a long time!...

He walked in the opposite direction of our room..

" close your eyes princess! " he asked looking at her in the very gentle way...

" but why daddy? " she asked pouting...

" because it's a surprise now come on be a good girl! " he said caressing her cheeks...

And she closed her eyes tightly, while he was saying her not to cheat by opening her eyes and she was giggling the whole time!..

And we entered her room and I was awestruck by the beauty of the room it was decorated in form of castle elegantly...

She loved Disney Cinderella movie very mmuchand it was like it....

" open your eyes princess! " he said and she opened and when her eyes landed on the room her eyes widened and a huge smile appeared on the face..

" so you like it princess ? " he asked her..

" I love it, yayy! thank you so much daddy, I love you! " she chirped, while she hugged him tight, it's not been even an hour with him, yet he won her easily....

He let her down, she ran and jumped in bed, while laughing and my smile broadened seeing her so happy...

" mama look I'm a princess! " she said when he put a crown on her head and she was smiling cheekily...

She neared the dressing mirror and started acting like a princess, while trying to mimic my actions, while doing makeup..

A laugh escaped my mouth seeing her cheekiness and she looked adorable my baby but when I looked at him he was staring at me with something in his eyes which I can't describe it...

Then she turned around and ran in his direction and he scooped her in his arms, " jazi-jiza she was stuttering and he corrected her, it's jazakallah princess! " but he stated it strangely! like he hated to say that word...

She kissed his cheeks and smiled at him, while he ruffled her hair and she hugged him tight and I was standing there witnessing the scene...

I understand one thing today! that he is a mysterious guy, he shows the world including me his cold and ruthless side! but when it comes to naina and minu, he shows a different Side of him...

I thought why he adored children so much?


Yay!! An update!

Sorry for late update guys!

Hope this chappy make it up-to you..

What do you think why he adores children too much?

Do you want Amaan's pov??

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See you soon sweethearts

- love Noha

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