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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Third person's pov :

It's been two days and still no clue about the whereabouts of Aina, kings search squad was spread all over the suspected countries but still nothing.

Just one day more until Emanuel finish his promise of killing Aina and Amaan was still clueless about the puzzle? he wrecked his brain but he got no answer?

Where it all started?

The once lively mansion looked lifeless because Aina was not there, smile was vanished from everyone's faces, everyone was worried for their Queen's well-being.

All the workers were fond of Aina because of her kindness and soft nature, she never raised her voice at anyone she treated everyone with utmost respect that Made everyone adore her.

She was a ball of sunshine as zamy said, she was their happiness but alas it was no where to be found Now! the most disturbed and heartbroken person was her husband.

It's been three days since he started searching for her like a mad man, he had always been a calm and collected person in every tough situation since his childhood but now nothing made sense to him, until he'll have Aina in his arms his soul will not rest but the Main question is where is she?

He didn't ate any of his meals properly, only living his life on caffeine, no one dared to force him because he was like a raging storm no one was able to control him.

How could he eat when he doesn't know if his angel ate anything or not?  If she's fine or not ? In What condition she'll be now? All these questions making him difficult to breath.

He took his phone and looked at Aina's smiling face a faint smile on his lips " I'm sorry angel please forgive your hell devil he couldn't protect you! " Amaans voice broke as he kissed her pic with so much affection, gosh! if only she was with him now he wouldn't have fought with her, he'll never take her for granted anymore.

He learned his lessons well and now he's regretting it, he can only pray for her safety now.... pray? That felt strange on his lips, if he prayed to Allah will he keep her safe even after he committed all the sins? his faith was still weak!

His eyes were blood shot red due to lack of sleep, he can't sleep because his angel will be living in nightmare, he can only hope for her safety but little did he know it's too much to ask for.

" Boss our prime suspect is that he's around the chemical plantation on the outskirts of Hamptons ! " Liam and Nathan entered the base, where all the hackers were busy tracing the locations without a wink of sleep.

Amaans body alarmed at the mention " our detectives and agents have informed that many of his men were spotted outside the plantation, especially Mike his most trusted second in command!" Nathan said but still amaan was not sure because they haven't seen Emanuel it may be his trap to capture him?

" Amaan...... sister in laws location that we was last traced near the plantation and now the signal is entirely gone! " Samar completed as he took of his headset and corrected his glasses.

" Then it's settled no matter whether it's a trap or not, we're eliminating Emanuel for once and all! " Amaan said a terrifying tone and everyone nodded their head because the devil is out for blood!.

" Everyone get dressed, we're meeting here in 10 minutes for final briefing! " Amaan said as everyone scattered to get ready for their mission.

Mehr, Zoya,mar,maria all the ladies in the house was worried sick, Mar had already collapsed Two times. Her health has become sensitive and every one prayed for Aina's safety that she should be fine.

Mehr zipped zaims black leather jacket as he kept a gun in the bandolier, he took another two guns and slid it on his back.

" You'll come back safe with aini remember no stunts! " mehr said gripping his collar and he snaked his arms around her waist pulling her close to himself.

" No stunts and I'll be back I promise! " as he kissed her deeply promising her.

" Take care of everyone and especially you my love will ya? " he asked as he caressed her tummy where a new life was growing, they wanted to share the good news with everyone but seeing the current situation they kept silent, he looked at her affectionately as he kissed her cheeks she was his love of life, his everything! mehr knew his husband's full potential still she was scared for his life but she nodded and smiled at him. " come back soon! " she hugged tightly for the one last time before departing...

Zamy tightened the bulletproof vest around him as he wore his jacket and slid the sharp knives in his ankle holder's and guns in his back, he was full of anger and in guilt, he couldn't let the history repeat again..

He couldn't be able to see his brother heartbroken if something happened to her bhabs, when he was tying his shoe laces zoya came forward, she was hesitant to talk to him but she couldn't stop her thoughts from worrying about him, zamy was shocked to see zoya approaching him he stood up confused but the happiness lit on his heart was unable to erase.

" Take care of yourself please don't do anything reckless and come back safe! " she pleaded him unknown to her that his safety mattered to her the most, zamy couldn't stop the rush of emotions in his heart, when was the last time when someone cared about him or asked him to take care his health? His heart was bursting with happiness and with her words he finally knew that she's the one for him. His angel!

He smiled a genuine smile after a very long time, he was touched deeply by her kind words " I will come back safe Insha Allah! and when I'll come back I'll ask you a question and you will answer honestly! will ya? " he asked and she gasped at his sudden question but she nodded anyway not knowing what he'll ask?..

Zamy smiled one more time looking back at her and she smiled back at him making his heart go wild, but when he turned his face back he was unrecognisable, he looked scary because there's big mission ahead of them?

Wait for me Zoya..I'll be back..

Amaan adjusted his Bluetooth on his left ear as he tied the watch with inbuilt tracker on his wrist he securely placed the guns in the bandolier, he walked inside naina's room who was asleep with minu, he smiled at his princess who was the tiny version of his Queen, he bended and kissed her forehead as he pulled the duvet properly " I'll bring your mama back princess, I promise! " he ruffled her hair, how much she cried in the past two days for not seeing her mama he only knows..

Yesterday amaan was out for searching Aina and no one was able to control naina, she was full on crying he immediately came back to the mansion and naina jumped in his arms mumbling I need mama! and he couldn't do anything about it.

He was the only one who was able to calm her down, she refused to ate anything she was cuddling in his arms all the time fearing if he will also leave her, his heart pained hearing consoled her when tried to feed her she refused she told him if he ate with her then only she'll..

His sly girl always caring for daddy!..

That was the only time amaan had a full dinner and she slept in his arms completely sprawled on him just like how Aina does! He smiled at her sleepy face but his smile disappeared  when he came back to reality that she's no more here with him  where she should've been!..

He exited out of nainas room and as per his saying all the men had assembled for the briefing, their plan was clear it was a suicidal mission kill or get killed! No mercy tonight...

" Get all the medical facilities and equipments ready in my mansion! " Amaan spoke in his Bluetooth..

They were searching for Emanuel all over the world but he's been under their nose all the time!


Samar activated the private frequency of the Bluetooth system, so that they can be stay connected with one another...

All the snipers took their positions surrounding the plantation, agents and guards on the other end, Amaan zamy, zaim, Samar loaded their guns with silencer, Nathan & Liam had auto riffles ready to attack, Regan and Prescott also joined them despite being shot, they couldn't handle the guilt they still blame them for not being able to saving their madame!..

It was midnight, no people were around the old plantation, the sky was pitch black without moon making the atmosphere go blinding, all put on their glasses with night vision it was impossible to see with normal eyes, as Samar hacked and cut off the whole power supply of the plantation..

Liam and zamy were in front leading the team inside with Nathan and Zaim after them..

Amaan, Regan, Prescott were surrounding Samar as he hacked Every CCTV cameras from his iPad pro as they were moving forward....

Bodies after bodies landed on floor as the shooting began in the dark, they gave no time for the enemies to recover from the shock that they are under attack, the team was split into three for searching for the prime suspect Emanuel..

" Way is clear bro you can move forward! " zamy spoke twisting one guards neck the other direction as a sound of cracking bones popped harshly..

" over " Amaan replied..

" Guys looks like they got to know they are under attack! " Samar spoke as he noticed the fast movements of approaching guards with guns in his iPad, as he can see all the CCTV footage on his iPad ..

" Snipers on point ! " Amaans lips curled as they snipers worked effortlessly eliminating every single one of them..

" this better be his fu*king hiding place if not I'll burn this whole goddamm place! " amaan snarled shooting one men on his leg and stomach...

Zamy and Liam attached themselves parallel to the walls, as they knocked the locked wooden doors one men opened and Liam shot right between his eyes as he landed on the floor with a thud, that made his fellow members shiver before they can took their guns out they shot them all finish...

As per the rule no mercy was shown tonight!...

Amaan and other members were moving forward while Zaim and Prescott were shooting the approaching men, zamys bullets ran out he groaned but he took his knife out and stabbed the guard right on his throat as blood seeped out of him..

" Bull's-eye zamy! " Zaim grinned and zamy winked back at him " oh my god I'm stuck something is sucking me in help me... " Prescott screamed her leg was stuck and something like a plank was open and she fell in the pit, zamy and Zaim rushed to her rescue but it was late as the floor become flat again..

" Amaan a situation here we lost Prescott! " Zaim panicked " don't worry nothing happened to her because we just lost Nathan too just Her heart rate is raised she's still alive I can track her she's in underground !" Amaan replied as they hid behind the desk as the shooting was on its peak, he loaded his gun and started shooting again..

" East and south side is clear, no sign of suspect I repeat east side is clear! " the guard on the other side informed them..

All the men were scattered around the area, every one was trying to find Emanuel Amaan was restless they were still unable to locate Aina.

Hang in there angel...

finally Amaan found him as he was standing in front of him all alone with a sinister smile on his disgusting face..

" well.. Well..  It's the same dog isn't he? " Emanuel mocked Amaan who stood motionless I front of him..


On the other side...

" The ba*tard is trying to find his wh*re but he'll never be able to track her! " Emanuel laughed with Mike his second in command..

As he entered the dungeon where Aina was locked up, she was laying on the floor trying to figure out what's happening to her..

She felt like the world is spinning around, she tried to remember herself! Who is she? Where is she now? She was panicking while crying hard and pulling her hair then everything came back from she being kidnapped and being locked up in the dark dungeon with no water and food..

Amaan? Where are you? please save me! he'll be devasted without her she knew it, she was crying for her naina how she'll be doing without her...

Her dress was tattered, her hands, feet legs were scratched covered in dust with bleeding lips a bruised face and wounds of cut and slit covering her entire body..

Her eyes baggy, hair messy, she was looking like a completely tortured person from every angle, she begged them to leave her when they stabbed or slitted her skin or whenever he kicked her stomach like soccer ball continuously..

Emanuel laughed seeing her almost unrecognisable condition, he signalled Mike as he took another injection as he filled with the liquid, Aina screamed and begged him to leave her but he forcefully twisted her arm and began to inject her like he was doing from the past two days...

" Please leave me alone! " she begged as she was drifting in and out of consciousness, she began to see things in darkness as she began to hallucinate them...

She was getting overdosed shots every eight hours, she will scream at the top of her lungs but no one will hear her voice, she will slap herself so that she won't fell unconscious  she tried to break free from the chains but nothing was happening..

She did everything thing but her heart rate were always increased pupils dilated, she was laying on the concrete floor she was looking around her trying to figure something but only darkness was there making her shiver in fear...

She woke up again after three hours where I'm I?  She didn't know anything " what is my name why I'm being kept here? " she pulled her hair out in frustration and started crying loudly..

" I don't remember anything! who I'm I? Where I'm I? " she screamed while crying because she felt suffocating being kept in complete darkness from three days ..

" Somebody please tell me who I'm I? " she hiccuped as her voice mellowed down wailing and drifting again in and out of darkness she was having seizures and no one to help she fell on the floor as she again lost consciousness..

Emanuel laughed " raping her wouldn't hurt that ba*tard as much as making her go through toxic psychosis will! It'll kill him slowly in guilt that he couldn't able to save her just like his sister !" Mike laughed along with him because his boss was evil.

" He'll never be able to solve the puzzle or find her he's going to die without seeing her! " Emanuel smirked seeing Aina who was on the verge of loosing her life..

Because he's the reincarnation of devil!



An update!  How was the chapter guys?

😭 Did I told you guys that we're almost nearing the end of this 📖

poor Aina she has to suffer so much 😩

Don't forget to vote and comment a lot

See you soon sweethearts

- love Noha

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