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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...

Last update...

Third persons pov:

" Because I can't live without you! " Aina said while looking into his eyes, Amaan couldn't believe that she miss him like he misses her whenever he's not around her! he never thought that even after his worst behaviors she cared for him immensely..

" But why? Even after I treat you worst, you still care for me? don't you hate me? " he asked placing his hands on top her which was cupping his face in a soft grip but she smiled faintly at him, not knowing if she should tell him that she loves him but she didn't want to make a fool out of herself! she still don't know if he was speaking to her in regret or something was more in the picture..

" I guess that's me! no matter what you did but my heart didn't seem to hate you! " she caressed his cheeks, because she had noticed in the past days that whenever he yells at her, he will turn his face as not to see her expression but once she noticed him closing his eyes and cursing himself for hurting her because she always believed that there is more to the story, when it comes to him...

Amaan felt more guilty by each passing minutes, he felt suffocated by his own guilt, she was too good to be true! " I already forgave you for whatever you did, it doesn't matter now! " Aina said pushing him deeper in his self hatred pit but she always felt that holding grudges against someone because of their mistakes will never let you live in peace! it'll ruin your inner peace ...

After all it's our Prophet Muhammad character! no matter how much his enemies hurt him or his family he always chose to forgive others! if he can forgive the wrongdoers who was his enemies! then why can't we forgive our loved one just because they did a mistake to hurt you intentionally or unintentionally...

To human is err.... We are bound to make mistakes, No one is perfect except Allah so be the big person and forgive them! because the first to forgive is the strongest! it was ainas thoughts and it's the way she was brought up, so she can't stay mad at anyone for longer making her the darling of their home! she was the perfect combination of mature yet immature...

" No! I don't deserve your forgiveness! don't forgive me easily, let me earn your forgiveness! I want to make it up to you, angel! " Amaan said while shaking his head " I don't want to see tears in your eyes, I hate it when you cry but I hate it more when I'm the reason! " he said while gritting his teeth, Aina's heart fluttered at his endearment! he wanted to try, he wanted to make it up to her, which was a biggest step in their relationship...

" But I already forgave you! you don't need to do that but don't hurt me next time, please! " she said as tears slipped from her eyes and he immediately wiped her tears in instant and hugged her tight, he buried his face in her neck and inhaled her scent ,which drives him crazy! " I promise you Aina! I won't hurt you ever, I will protect you with my life! " he promised her while hugging her tight and Aina smiled at his words, his words gave her the sense of comfort and love which she always craved in his arms..

Then he pulled himself back and sat beside her on the couch, she was amazed at how fast their situation changed from avoiding each other like plague to sticking to each other like leech now...

" I know it's hard for you to forget what I did! but I promise you, it'll be the last time you will ever shed a tear because of me and kings keep their promise, no matter whatever costs! " Amaan said while wiping her face for the nth time this night and she gave a weak smile to him but nodded anyway...

" I believe you! " she said playing with her hijab, while he took the plate of schezwan pasta and twirled it in his fork and he brought it to her mouth but she shook her head, she didn't felt like eating but one glare was enough from him, she opened her mouth like a lost kitten and began to eat..

" did you ate? " she asked him Questioningly " I'll eat it later, Now eat! " he said feeding her another morsel but she glared at him, the same way like he did to her and he raised a brow at her amused...

" you look breathtaking while threatening, angel! " he said smirking at her..

" learned from the best! " she flicked her hijab proudly and a chuckle escaped from his lips and Aina gasped because it was the first time ever he chuckled! he looked so handsome with his dimples popping out and there it goes her heart again melting at the sight! beating erratically fast but she snatched the fork from him and took the pasta and brought it near to his lips..

Amaan froze in his spot, he had forget when was the last time someone fed him or even showed him this much loving gesture! he never received this kind of tender affection after their death, she waved her hands in front of him and his trance broke, then she fed him a morsel and he gave her his affectionate smile which is only reserved for her...

After eating their dinner, the maids took the food tray back to the kitchen and Aina removed her hijab and she walked inside the walk in closet, Amaan had changed into his night wears, she began to rummage through her pjs then her sight caught Amaans T-shirt which she was wearing that day and got scolded from him, she took it and began to hang it in his side when he caught her hand..

" what are you doing? " he asked softly .." I'm keeping your T-shirt back, remember you yelled at me for wearing your tees! " she said normally but for Amaan it strike a nerve, she didn't want him to feel guilty...

" I'm sorry Aina! it was a lie, I want you to invade my closet and wear whatever you want, heck! my tees suited you more than me, when you walked in I was gobsmacked in my position! I would trade anything to see you in my tees but I yelled at you -" he was cut off by Aina keeping her fingers on his lips...

" OK OK I got it! " she said laughing a little, Her laugh sounded music to his ears " but why did you wore it? " he asked eagerly..

" when you were in Italy, you never called but I was missing you like crazy! I wasn't able to sleep, so I wore your tee, your scent made me calm and it felt like you were with me! so I wore it! " Aina blushed but said anyway sheepishly...

Amaan felt more guilty but her revelations made him proud too " but I don't need it as I have you with me! " she said hanging it in the closet, as soon as the words left her lips, she was pinned to the closet door and hungry lips covered her soft cherry petals, she stilled for a second then she felt his lips moving against passionately soon she began to respond to his wild kiss, he was devouring her like she's his last meal! she raked her fingers in his hair tugging it, if it was not for Amaan pinning her to the closet she would've collapsed now as her knees felt like jello..

After kissing her to his satisfaction, he left her lips both were breathing hard keeping their foreheads intact! while both had their eyes closed then he opened his eyes and looked at her, with her open hair she looked so tempting that he can't keep himself from kissing her! with swollen lips she looked more beautiful but he smiled when he saw his pendant on her elegant neck...

He traced his pendant in her neck and she shivered and opened her eyes and looked at him " you still have this? " he asked in his husky voice making her tremble with anticipation but her answer made him fell more in love with her " I never removed it in the first place! " he smiled making her breath hitch in her rib cage, no matter how many times she see him smiling? it still felt new to her...

He placed a sensual kiss on her neck just above where the pendant was lying, she shivered and bit back a moan which was about to escape her lips " I love it when you wear it! " he pecked her lips one more time and released her from his cage..

She was flushed from the tip of the toes to the root of her hair, her cheeks were deep red as if she was not putting a tomato to shame! She splashed cold water on her cheeks to lessen her redness and to cool her temperature down, then she changed in her outfit and came out...

Liam was reporting him about the incident and about the CCTV footage and he had to take a look into it, then Aina climbed the bed and looked at him while sitting, he ended the call and looked at her " I need to go! " he said not explaining much to her as he didn't want to lie to her..

She pouted at him and he groaned, he's a sucker when it comes to puppy face whether it'll be minu, naina or Now his Queen, she'll be the death of him he thought! then he climbed the bed beside her and she instantly snuggled into him, it didn't felt awkward anymore with him, in fact she's far more comfortable in his presence ...

She put her head on his chest and he patted her back in a soft manner while she cuddled with him, in his embrace she felt content! she felt loved! in no time Her harsh breathing turned into soft, his heart beat lulled her to sleep but he was wide awake! his condition became 100 times worse now...

He was tired fighting against his will! now that he finally have her in his arms, he'll protect her with his life! he can't risk her life now, because she's his life without her he's a lost soul! then he slowly detached himself and pulled the duvet over her sleeping form and pecked her soft lips one more time, then he made his way towards his study...

He'll not let anything happen to his Queen or princess! even if he has to give up his own life....



Last update! How was the chapter guys?

They're coming close! Love is in the air!! ;)

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See you soon sweethearts

- love Noha

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