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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..

Here you go;)..


Aina's pov :

I don't know ? why I did that but did I regret it, I asked myself ..


I'm such a idiot, what he'll think of me? acting like a jealous wife! when he opened the door for me I was ecstatic! whenever he's in public, all the female attention turns towards him, he becomes the centre of attraction of them, I can't blame them though! he's really handsome...

But my handsome!!

Where that come from my handsome seriously??

Jealousy speaking my conscience mocked at me..

I entered the cabin and zoyi was waiting for me there, she looked at me up from the file she was reading and smiled...

" how's naina aini ? " she asked standing up and giving me a tight hug..

" Alhamdulillah! She's doing good, she had been medicated at correct time yesterday! Otherwise only Allah knows what would have happened! " I said, smiling weakly at her...

" it's OK she's good now and only that matters and Ziya's procedure were done yesterday and they took her body to for the funeral process! " she said, looking sadly at me..

My heart pained remembering her death yesterday! but I trust Allah and his plans he's "العليم" the all knowing so he'll do what's best for us! I gave up my all worries because he's "الرقيب " the caretaker...

I simply nodded at her, then I looked at the schedule for Me, it was packed today probably I have a total 12 hour shift and that starts now..

I changed into my uniform and wore my coat and placed the stethoscope on my neck and made my way to check on patients and towards a hectic day..

It was past noon and now I have a surgery to perform, John was assisting me in this surgery! it's going to take a long time to end, probably 4 to 5 hours..

Removing Brain tumor is the most complicated surgeries! well brain is the most complex organ in the human body and doing an operation needs a lot of focus and concentration with patience and that's what we are taught in medical school! we have to give our best effort every single time there is no room for mistakes to happen, it's the situation of life and death...

I wore the scrub and put on surgical mask and sanitized my hands, then we entered the OT saying Bismillah... Surely Allah is with us..

" Dr. the patient had been given anaesthesia! " the nurse informed me and showed the report of his Blood pressure and it was normal...

All the equipments were aligned and I took the surgical knife to start the operation...

Finally after a long time, the surgery ended successfully! we were able to remove his tumor cells and the surgical processes drains out one's energy completely..

We were exhausted from the continuous standing from the past five hours but the satisfaction of saving someone's life, always outdid the exhaustion...

I entered my cabin and removed the scrub, gloves, mask and washed my hands with disinfectant and came out and our little Missy was busy in clicking selfies..

" Come on let's take one! " she didn't ask me instead she pulled me to her and took many selfies of us and one single pic of mine not that I have much in my phone though..

Amaan's pov :

" it's the last meeting of the day sir and you're free for the rest of the day! " ilham said looking at my schedule and I nodded my head curtly, while we were walking back from the conference room to my cabin and he entered his cabin which is attached next to mine, which has one side transparent glass for me to watch others outside my office...

I leaned on my leather chair and my phone began to ring, I picked it up and it was one from my personal bodyguards Liam...

" yes Liam ? " I asked flipping the file in my hand ..

" boss, we have some news for you about "the rat " ! " he said, In a sinister tone...

" finally they opened their mouth after four days of continuous torture! they are quite a time consuming watchdogs! " I said with a dangerous, look on my face...

" I'm coming in an hour, over there! " I said and cut the call...

" Bro! You need to see this! " zaman said entering my cabin and I looked at him, from the file I was reading..

" yes zamy what's it? " I asked him, he neared him and handed him a brown paper envelope ...

I teared and opened it and the contents Inside sent my temper flaring to sky level, my grey eyes darkened and face turned stoic, I was clenching my jaw to suppress my anger my fist slammed on the table..

She's fu**ing beautiful isn't she? Don't worry I'll have her just like I had her years ago and you can't stop me this time too..


" how the hell it happened ? How's he able to track her every moment, it's not good increase Security guards around her! " I said to zamy and he was talking to the guards on the phone..

It's getting more and more dangerous! the more I try to keep them away from this world, the more he want to drag her in this devious mess, she's mine! Mine alone! I'll not let anything happen to her ...

" bro where are you leaving now? " zamy asked me, as I stood up and picked my coat..

" to pick her up! " I said and he gave me his annoying smile, how I want to wipe that idiotic smile from his face..

" what about the meeting now? " he asked looking at his wrist watch..

" then what do you think I keep you here for? " I smirked in his direction and he just groaned mumbling not again and I left my office...

I brought the engine to life and roared towards the hospital, while I was thinking ways to wipe them off completely from this world. I can't take risks when it comes to them, if something happens to them then I'll never be able to look at myself in the mirror....

I parked my car and got out, then I walked into the lobby and what I saw next made me grind my teeth in rage, I put my hands inside the pocket and walked towards them, everyone was dumbstruck to See Me but I didn't give a damn about their looks...

Aina was standing outside her cabin holding a bouquet of flowers but I had no time to admire the beauty of flowers, because my whole attention was on the man that was standing in front of her, smiling at her lovingly...

I saw red! I was beyond angry now, I neared them with long steps and they were talking..

" you look breathtaking aini! You never changed still the same! " the ba**ard was cooing to her..

" jazakallah and stop flattering me mir! I'm immune to your flattery! " she said laughing at him, so they were on their first name basis...

" ah! you wounded me my dear! I missed naina so much and of course you too aini! " he said smiling at her...

" we missed you too mir --" I cut her sentence in half as I made them known of my presence, my blood was boiling already and this fu**er was flirting with her, didn't he know? that Aina is mine...

" there you are! I was looking for you! " I said in a clipped tone both their heads turned towards me instantly! and Aina's eyes held surprised and that fu*ker's eyes held shock, so he knows me! I smirked..

" wh--what are you doing here? " Aina asked me in daze, I narrowed my eyes at her, I neared her and pulled her close to me by her waist, she stilled at my touch but soon relaxed...

" obviously to pick my WIFE! " I said emphasizing on the word " wife " to let this fu*ker know, that she's mine!..

" what ? Aina you're married ? " his tone was shocked yet accusing..

" I--i " Aina started but I cut her off....

" why got any problem ? " I asked him but looking at Aina who was avoiding my gaze looking at him and not me...

" yes.. I mean no! I'm just shocked that Aina didn't thought to invite me! " he said looking at her with a heart broken expression...

" well ! Maybe she forgot! its not a big deal though! " I stated arrogantly and she looked mad while glaring at me like asking oh really?? ...

" anyway I have some important things to attend, see you later Aini! " he said completely avoiding me like I didn't exist there and Aina just nodded her head at him and he walked away...

Aina was trying to remove my hands from her waist but I just tightened my hold " what are you doing ? Leave me! " she hissed at me madly...

" what am I doing like seriously ? But what were you doing with that fu*cker ! " I asked with gritted teeth...

" he has a name and that is none of your business! " she chided me, with those Amber eyes blazing fire in my direction...

" it's my business mostly you're my business ! " my voice raised a little bit and she looked at me with hurt, that I raised my voice at her, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm me down..

" we'll continue this talk in our home, let's go! " I pulled her along with me and we walked towards the car park silently, I opened the door for her and she slid in silently..

The whole car ride was filled with tension! it was suffocating, I was already worried sick about her condition, first that threat note from that motherfu*ker! then when I saw her with another man, I lost it...

Finally we reached home! it was a strange feeling Calling my mansion a home! when did it become home for me?

Since they both arrived! My conscience mocked at me..

She got out and slammed the car door loudly indicating that she was mad but she was holding the bouquet of flowers close to her chest and I'm sure that the fu*ker had gave her...

I walked behind her closely once we entered our room, I snatched the bouquet and threw it in the dustbin..

" how dare you threw my flowers in the dustbin? are you crazy ? they were my favorite! " she yelled at me with so much venom dripping in her voice...

" tell me! did that bas*ard gave you this? " I asked her with clenched jaw...

" again I'm saying don't call him that he has a name it's miraj ! and yes he gave it to me and what is your problem! " she yelled, at me frustrated...

" don't utter his name from your mouth! I don't want that bas*ard anywhere near you! do you understand! " I told her, taking steps towards her and she walked back...

" and what makes you think that I'll listen to you? I know him from my childhood, he's my cousin for Allah's sake! I will meet him and you can't just order me to cut my ties with my only remaining family! " she whisper-yelled at me with tears in her eyes...

" then I'll not guarantee that I won't kill him! when I saw him next time! " I said with a devilish glint in my eyes and tears welled in her eyes..

But I just held arms tightly trying to make her understand my point! that no body touches or sees! what's mine! I'm sure my clutches will leave a mark for sure..

"P-plss leave me! " she begged me, while stuttering but I only smirked at her direction caging her inbetween my arms and the wall...

"you're mine Aina! remember that, only mine! " I seethed, in a very dangerously calm tone...

she just looked at me in complete shock and didn't replied anything..

"understood! " I growled at her and she shivered under my voice and just nodded her head, in defeat...


An update! How's the chapter guys?

Possessive Amaan!

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See you seen sweethearts!

- love Noha

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