Farewell, Penguins

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Hey guys. I'm writing this to say: this is the last time the story will be updated. I've had a great time writing and reading your comments, but I just can't think of anything else to write. I'm sorry guys. I love you, and if you ever need anything, just message me and I will respond. You guys helped me through my grandma telling me that I wasn't likable. That I'm always grouchy and that's why I only have one friend. If you've made it this far, hellooooooo *circles face* trickster. I'm just kidding with you guys, and if you completely hate me now, okay. But as long as you're reading, voting and commenting I won't stop writing. Goodbye, penguins.

                                             xxxx castielsbee

P.S: Only the grandma thing and the 'I'm going to keep writing thing' is true.

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