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I guess I fell asleep on the ride but when I woke up in the morning Sam was in front of the car taking a picture of dean who was asleep on my shoulder. I shook him awake, "Dean, wake up." He jerked awake and sat up. After he realized that he was sleeping on me his face turned light pink and he said, "Sorry Cas. I guess I fell on you in my sleep." Sam repressed a laugh and then knocked on the window. Dean jumped a bit then glared at him. Sam and dean went inside to get showered and dressed and I went out to get breakfast.

Deans POV

"You guys looked so cute in the car, I got a picture if you want it." Sam says in a teasing manner as he came out of the bathroom. "Oh fuck off Sam, I'm gonna shower." Once under the hot running water a stood in a daze thinking about Cas. What will I do? What could I say? I like you Cas or hey Cas wanna get dinner? No he wouldn't understand what than meant. Ugh. I showered so long overthinking conversations in my head and by the time I was finished Cas was back with food. I walked out in jeans and socks while rubbing a towel over my wet hair, "Hey cas what's for breakfast?" He stared a moment and then picked up a bag to hand me, "omelette with bacon." I grabbed the bag quickly from his hands and chowed down on my delicious food. Once every crumb was down I asked, "So where to start in the case?"

Cas' POV

Two days later the case was finished and dean needed stitches in one of his arms, he wouldn't let me heal him. While Sam and Dean were cooking dinner in the bunker I quickly flew over to a store to buy a pie, a gift to appreciate Sam and Deans efforts. I waited at the table with my pie for dinner to be done. I would help but since I don't know how to cook I feel I would just get in the way. Eventually they made it out to the table and sat while I announced, "I got pie." Deans eyes lit up as he said, "I love you," in a whispery voice as if caught in a gaze due to the presences of pie. I smiled lightly and handed the pie to the stary eyed child. His smile grew and then he cleared his throat and set the pie aside. Sam then says, "So who wants to say grace." He earns a glare from dean and giggles a little as he starts to eat his food. A little later I went to get more beers. I stopped before entering the room again because I heard Sam and dean talking.

Deans POV

Cas got me pie, I'm really falling this man, "Dude, Cas got me pie. God I am so happy right now." With a big grin on my face I thought of the perfect angel. "Geez dean, you love struck enough, pull it together before he comes back or your secrets gonna come out just like you." Sam says.  I toss a butter knife in his direction and yell, "Shut up you ass." Cas walks back in then with fresh beers, "why are you throwing knives at Sam?" I glare at him, "Because he's being a jerk." I turn my attention back to Cas, "what did you get lost in there what took so long?" He blinked and sat as he casually said, "No I was, what do you call it? Eavesdropping?" My expression dropped and my heart started racing. Did he hear Sam say lovestruck or his gay joke? I hope he didn't hear any of that. Sam decides to speak up, "what did you hear exactly?" Cas shrugs his shoulders, "just that Dean was happy about pie. Why?" My face flushed, he heard the whole thing. I grabbed my fork and the pie and excused myself to my room, "Cas help Sam with the dishes would you?" I asked in the calmest voice I could manage.

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