Chapter 9 - Cloud Nine

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So this is more of a filler chapter. Hope you like it. Vote and comment please :)

Dominik's Bedroom --------------------->>>>>>

“Get up meine leibe. If we were in battle right now, a group of rogues would pound on that beautiful ass of yours by now and we can’t have that can we?” Dominik shouted as I am still lying down in the mud covered obstacle course the pack uses for training. I gritted my teeth and mentally scolded myself, I did ask for this.

It’s been a month now since I’ve lived with Dominik and his pack and Maddie lived with Giovanni and his coven. I was hesitant to leave Maddie but I told myself that it was for the best. She was infatuated with Giovanni and he worshipped the ground she walked on. Was it weird that a 16 year old girl was with a hundred year old vampire? Yes, but what can you do but be happy for her. She finally had that smile that was sincere and genuine and I couldn’t be happier. Well that was a lie. I found a mate of my own and I’m on cloud nine.

Well not currently since I’m covered in mud, cuts and scrapes all over my body, and I’m sure I’ve got bruises all over my body. Not exactly my idea of cloud nine, but like I said earlier, I asked for it. You see, Giovanni’s coven and Dominik’s pack have declared war on Jonathan’s band of rogues. I found out from Giovanni that the ancient that killed our parents and raped me was Jonathan. He lost his familiar and he lost his mind. He was actually the catalyst that cause humanity's downfall. He had broken every rules in the supernatural world after the demise of his familiar and caused an uproar not only on the vampire side but also on the werewolf side. Jonathan had the biggest coven and it took just about every single supernatural to take him down. After several battles, he fell. Subsequently, his coven left him and he was thought to have died.

Turns out he has been banding together rogues and banished vampires together to build another army to take over the supernatural world. Bad times are coming soon and I needed to be prepared. I asked Dominik to train me like he trains his pack, but he refused until I pulled out my secret weapon against him. I pouted my lips, quivered it, brought a little tear in my eyes and begged and whimpered to him. After about 2 seconds he agreed, I still laugh at the memory. Big bad Dominik was brought down to his knees by his human mate. Everyone that view the scene burst laughing at their Alpha being tamed. According to his beta and everyone else, Dominik has always been a strict but fair ruler. He’s always been business but ever since I’ve come to live in the pack, Dominik has started to loosen up and be more lenient to his pack.

He was still ruthless when it comes to training though. The obstacle course was made for werewolves so imagine a human going through it…yea it’s hard. I thought I had been in shape but apparently not.

“You asked for this meine liebe. So get those perky ass and up that wall.” I stuck my tongue out at him and he merely chuckled. I got up and brushed off as much mud as I could and proceeded to climb the 30 ft wall in front of me. Thanks to my experience with climbing trees, climbing the wall was a piece of cake. Going down was another matter. I stared down and pursed my lips. Now how was I going to down? I can’t jump. But then I remember the two small pocket knives in one of my cargo pant pocket. I took them up and readied each in my hand. I stabbed one in one spot and the other below. After getting some good leverage I climbed down, un-stabbing one knife and stabbing it back into the wall at a position lower. It took me just a few and I finally got down. I huffed and wiped the sweat coming down my brows after storing my knives back in my pocket.

“Resourceful squirt. Gotta hand it to you, that was pretty smart to use the knifes as a make-shift holder,” Travis said as he patted my back.

“Thanks Travis,” I replied back to the big hulking man in front of me. Travis was Dominik’s beta, second-in-command. Travis stood tall, about 6’2 and he was full of muscle. He had sun-kiss skin giving it a chocolate brown glow under the beating sun. His brown hair was messy but look stylish at the same time. His face was covered in stubbles that he forgot to shave this morning. His 6-pack abs was covered in mud and if I wasn’t with Dominik, Travis would definitely catch my eye.

“Travis is right meine liebe, that was really resourceful,” Dominik said as he walked towards me. He gave me a bone crushing hug as I felt every inch of his muscle all over my body. I took in his scent and it sent a tingling sensation to my lower region. Snap out of it Mather! “Let’s get cleaned up ok and eat some food. It’s almost dinner time.”

I didn’t realize time had gone by so fast. I’ve been out here since morning. I replied with a nod and he led us back to the pack house. We walked to my room. He and I still slept in different rooms. I’m not that kind of guy now! I went to my bathroom to take a shower, while Dominik laid across my bed. Last I saw was him sprawled on my bed rolling around marking his scent all over my sheets. He said since that I won’t let us sleep together yet, he had to mark his scent on me somehow. So him marking my sheets was the next best thing that way when I go to sleep and wake up the next morning I would smell like him. I can’t tell, I think I smell like me, but then again I don’t have werewolf senses.

I turned on the hot water and once it got right temperature, I took of my dirty clothes and put them in the hamper. I walked in and mewled when the hot water reached my body. I was in heaven. I still haven’t gotten used to working plumbing and hot water. “Liebe, if you keep making those noises I don’t think I can’t control myself,” Dominik shouted from the bedroom. I rolled my eyes mentally and washed my body, sans mewling noises. After scrubbing all the dirt and mud off my body I finished my shower and dried myself off with the towel from the warming rack. I got into the walkin closet connected to the bathroom and pulled out clean boxers, a white tshirt, and some gym shorts. After combing my hair I made my way out to my mate who was still mewling and sprawling across my bed. Again I mentally eye rolled at his childish action.

“I made the bed already. I can’t believe your messing it up.” I snide at him like he was a child.

“It’s your fault for not letting me sleep next to you. You know all my actions are because of you right?” Dominik said as he continued to mark the sheets with his scent and sniffing in my scent at the same time.

“Well I was going to talk to you about that. Maybe I can move…” and before I could finish my sentence Dominik already ran out the room with all my pillows and whatever stuff I had and brought it, to what I’m assuming is his bedroom. I mentally chuckled at his response.

I felt just as happy was he was though. I’ve only known Dominik for a short while but in those short while I’ve shared with him everything about myself and him with me. It felt right sharing all those secrets, fears, dreams, hopes that I’ve bottled up ever since my parents died. He listen to my every word and I couldn’t help but tear up at the memory. No one has ever looked at me the way Dominik looks at me.

Dominik shared with me his story. He told me how he became Alpha after his father felt that it was time for his son to take over. He was only 18 when that happen and I couldn’t help but felt proud of him. He’s been leading his pack for 10 years now and he was amazing at it. I felt sad for him too though because he never got a chance to be a kid. He was groomed to be a leader from the very beginning and he had no time to be a child. So I made it my mission to somehow make up for those times, to show him fun. 

I got the rest of the stuff that Dominik forgot and dropped on the way to his room. Since he was Alpha he got a floor to himself in the pack house. I reached his room, well our room now, and when I entered I couldn’t help but laugh when I see Dominik frantically cleaning up all of his dirty clothes on the floor along with dirty dishes and empty leftover containers.

“Shit meine liebe, I’m so sorry the room is such a mess. I didn’t think you would be moving in today or else I would have had this room spotless,” he said as he continued to pick up his mess. I smiled at his childish behavior. You would think a strict and order-oriented Alpha would keep his room tidy, but boy was that far from the truth. He took care of everything and everyone else in the pack but himself. That was going to change. He didn’t know it but I was going to take care of him just like he took care of the pack.

After a few trashbags and room spray later, we were both able to make his room look presentable. We changed the bed spread and took out all the trash. I was even able to wipe the floor and counter. Without all the mess, his room was a sight to behold. He was a four poster bed on one side and a tv hung up on the wall opposite that. The wall opposite the door was all windows and you could see out to the pack ground and to the forest. He had a small couch with body pillows next to the window that you can definitely take naps in. I scanned the walls lined with pictures and I couldn’t help but smile as the memory of my own family came into play.

I missed them but I’m beginning to feel like I’ve found a new family with Dominik’s pack. They’ve been nothing but accepting and loving to me. I felt arms around my waist and my back was against a wall of muscle. I felt Dominik trailing my neck with kisses and I closed my eyes and threw my head back, resting on his shoulder, quivering at the sensations he was bestowing upon me. “You smell so good meine liebe. I’m going to take a shower ok and we can grab some food after.” I couldn’t even form a coherent response so I just nodded my head. Dominik surprised me by lifting me up onto his shoulder and threw me onto his bed on my back. “Hmmmm you look so good laying like that,” Dominik said as I bit down on my lips and gave him my sexiest smirk that I could muster. He groaned out loud and fought the urge to ravage me. I’m not ready to be intimate with him yet, but he has been patient and understanding and I couldn't be more thankful about that.

He closed his eyes and turned around, giving me a full view of his back and ass. Hmm those pants are caressing everything in all the right places. He took off his shirt and walked to the shower. I couldn’t help but check him out as he got out his pants and was not standing in nothing but those cotton soft boxers.  He kept the door open, which I knew he did on purpose, trying to tease me. I couldn’t help but check him out as I’ve done numerous times. He always catches me though and I can’t help but blush beet red when he does. I closed my eyes and mentally calmed myself. I heard the showers running and I knew that I was safe to open my eyes again.

While I was waiting for him to finish, I decided to call Maddie. I always call her everyday just to see how she was doing. I missed the little kid and I wanted to see her. I took out the phone that Dominik got for me and dialed her number. After three rings she finally answered.

“Hey kid, how you doing?”

“Mather! Stop calling me kid will you! I’m not a kid anymore.”

“Haha sorry, old habits die hard.”

“So how are you Matther? Oh, Giovanni says hi.”

“Tell him I said to watch where he puts his hands on you, but I’m good.” I could just picture Maddie blushing as soon as I said that.

“Shut up, Giovanni has been nothing but a gentleman.”

“He better or else he’ll feel the wrath of an overprotective big brother. I miss you.”

“I miss you too Mather. Can we see each other soon?”

“I’ll ask Dominik if we can meet up ok?”

“Ok, I can’t wait” We talked about everything and anything, mostly what she has done for the day. She told me about her time with Giovanni and I can't help but smile and the way she sounded. She sounded happy and fulfilled. I've always wanted that for her, it was just surprising that what caused that was about a hundred year old vampire. But as long as she's happy, I'm happy. 

“I’ll talk to you later kid, I love you.”

“I love you too Mather.”

I hung up the phone and in perfect sync Dominik was out of the shower with nothing but a towel tied around his waist. He was drying his hair with another towel as he made his was to his walk in closet. I couldn’t help but check him out. I’m sorry ok! He’s hot!

“Dominik, can we go see Giovanni and Maddie,” I asked as he was getting dressed.

“Sure thing, meine liebe. We can go tomorrow if you’d like.” I nodded my head and procedded to text Maddie of the plan. She replied back immediately saying that Giovanni also agreed and for us to come over to their place. I told Dominik and he agreed. He jumped onto the bed on top of me and kissed me on the lips. He broke away from the kiss and looked straight into my eyes. I saw nothing but happiness in his and I felt the same. I really was on cloud nine and I couldn’t be happier.


So I want to ask a favor? Could you please comment on what you guys like about the story and what you don't like? This way I can improve. Thanks!

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