06. new life , n. eubanks

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y/n's pov

i stared down, not believing what i was seeing. eighteen year old me, a positive pregnancy test in my hands. i had missed my period, not thinking anything of it until my hunger grew, nausea took over me multiple times, and more symptoms leading to one thing. i was pregnant. a few tears trickled down my face, happy and sad. noen and i were still kids ourself, what are we going to do with one more? will i be a single teen mom?

"stop overthinking y/n" i said to myself.

noen was currently at chick-fil-a, picking up dinner. we had been together for three years, completely in love. would this change it?

𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑝

"love, i'm home." i heard noen say, the door to the apartment shutting. i picked myself up, placing the test in my, well noen's, oversized hoodie pocket.

"hi love." he said when he saw me, placing the food down and pulling me into a kiss.

"hi baby." i smiled, not knowing if it was fake or not.

"can i ask you a question?" i asked, trying to hide my shaking hands.

"of course, what is it?"

"what would you do if i were to get pregnant?"

"like, now?" he questioned, looking at me.


"uh, i mean, i don't know. it's really early, but i was planning on having one in the future with you anyways." i lightly smiled at the last part.

"why are you- wait." i think he was catching on to what i was about to say.

"are you....pregnant?" he looked me into the eyes.
i sighed, pulling the test out of my pocket, sliding it in front of him. he looked at me, then the test, examining it for a second.

"wow." uh oh. that didn't sound good.

"i-i'm sorry. you can me mad i-" i got cut off with his lips on mine.

"i know it's early, but it was going to happen eventually. i'm not mad, i promise. we can get through this. i love you so much."

"wait what? you're not mad?" i was surprised.

"of course not. i'm gonna be a dad, you're gonna be a mom. i love you." he pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me. i smiled, getting teary eyed.

"i love you so much." i said, wiping my eyes.

"and our new life begins."

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