Chapter 5

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"Does no one have anything better to do than ask me about the incident?" Nathan ground out through his teeth, feeling the intense stares he was getting from everyone in his science class on his back. Even the teacher could hardly concentrate on the science video they were watching, looking like he wanted to ask Nathan a million questions. He was a lot like Issac and obsessed with supernatural stuff, despite being a science teacher.

"Um, hey Nathan," the girl sitting to his right whispered as she leaned over to talk to him, everyone seeming to lean closer to hear what they were saying though they didn't need to. The room was dead silent other than the quiet video trying to teach them about plant sells. "Is it true the wolf had rabies and you had to get a million shots?" she asked, Nathan rubbing his temples with his fingers.

"Part of me wishes the wolf just finished me off," Nathan thought with a long sigh when the bell rang causing Nathan to jump out of his seat yelling, "Finally!"

With the bell signaling the end of class, and letting Nathan dart out of the room before his class could crowd around him to ask him a million questions, Nathan only had one more class before school gets out and he could go home. Unfortunately for him, it was P.E. with Coach Brunt who everyone hated. He used to be in the military as a drill sergeant but now he was retired and decided to work here to keep busy, but he treated his physical education classes so seriously, working his students to the bone. It's why everyone hated him except for the football team and the other sports teams who had won more games than ever after Coach Brunt took over. Except the coach wasn't exactly the sentimental type who currently had his arms crossed over his chest while glaring down at Nathan who was trying to hand him a doctors note excusing him from participating in P.E. class. Everyone in the gym who was sitting on the gym floor were staring at the two, talking quietly amongst themselves or secretly taking videos and pictures on their phones.

"Coach Brunt?" Nathan called carefully, waving his note a little urging the man to take it but the coach merely stared at him some more looking less than impressed for some reason. "My doctor said I can't do any extraneous activities for a while so I have to sit out of class for a while," Nathan explained, attempting to read the doctors explanation out load since the coach wouldn't even glance at the note when Coach Brunt finally took it from Nathan and started ripping it to shreds. "Hey!"

"Do you seriously think I'm going to fall for this sham foolery? I get all kinds of fake doctors notes from you weak ass punks trying to skip out of class and I'm not about to let you slack off just because you don't feel like it. Give me twenty laps around the gym!" Coach Brunt barked, pointing in the direction for Nathan to start running, but the brunette just gawked up at him almost too dumbfounded to say anything.

"Sir, I've been in a coma for the past three months. I have dozens of stitches and I'm still getting back my strength. I can't go running and exercising so soon after my discharge," Nathan explained, cringing a little seeing the pulsing vein starting to throb on the coach's forehead as he glared down at Nathan seeming to loom higher and higher over Nathan as he talked. "Oh boy. Hope he doesn't blow a gasket," Nathan thought as he prepared for the coaches yelling but oddly enough, he just clicked his tongue.

"I heard about your little accident. You might have been able to dupe everyone else but if you think I'm going to believe a half assed story like you getting attacked by a wolf, you're clearly looking down on my intellect," Coach Brunt said and gestured with his chin for Nathan to start running.

"I was in the hospital! Why do you think I was in there for so long?" Nathan asked, getting frustrated with the coach.

"You got any proof," Coach Brunt asked with a smirk when Nathan pointed down at their feet where his doctors note was laying in pieces.

"You ripped my proof to shreds without even looking at it," Nathan ground out, pissed.

"How would I know if it was a fake or not? You could have written one yourself even though you're perfectly fine," Coach Brunt said teasingly, clearly mocking Nathan believing the boy truly was pulling his leg.

"You could have called the doctor who wrote his number on that note if you had any questions or concerns about my situation," Nathan ground out. He wasn't sure why he was getting so angry, normally he would have just 'ran' the twenty laps, aka walking it no matter the coach barking orders at him, and putting very little energy into class but he felt so unbelievably angry and frustrated for some reason. Maybe the whole day was catching up to him and he would be the one blowing a gasket.

"Just fall in line, kid, and stop making a big fuss over nothing," Coach Brunt said dismissively and Nathan just snapped.

"You want proof? Fine! Here's your stupid proof," Nathan cried out before suddenly dropping his backpack onto the floor, shedding off his jacket before ripping off his shirt in front of everyone who gasped dramatically. Coach Brunt fell silent, speechless for the first time ever which was almost equally as shocking seeing Nathan's bandages wrapping all around his mid section. Everyone was also shocked seeing a blood stain above Nathan's hip who cursed under his breath as he noticed it too. "This is normal! I just need to change my bandages and clean the stitches," Nathan announced as he carefully leaned down to grab his things heading toward the locker room.

"Wait, you can't-" Coach Brunt started to say, snapping out of his daze, when Nathan glared at him over his shoulder.

"Can't what?" Nathan snapped, daring the coach to object it seemed. When Coach Brunt didn't respond, clearly startled by Nathan's rather bizarre attitude, Nathan turned back heading for the locker room. Halfway there, Nathan started to sweat realizing what he'd just done. "Did I seriously talk back to Coach Brunt?" Nathan asked himself and quickened his pace before the coach could rip his head off.

Once in the locker room, Nathan set his things on one of the benches before digging through his bag for his fresh bandages and the cleaning supplies the hospital had given him when he was discharged. Nathan carefully unwrapped the bandages he had on, throwing them in the trash, before he started gently cleaning around his stitches per the nurses instructions. It was easy doing the front, using the mirror since it was hard looking at his wounds properly without it, but doing his back was extremely tricky to do by himself. "Should I see if Issac can come help me?" Nathan wondered as he struggled to maneuver his hand around behind him, using the mirror best he could but he was struggling. When he heard the locker door open, he nearly jumped out of his skin expecting Coach Brunt to come charging in to yell at him. "I'm sorry, coach! I don't know what I was thinking!" Nathan freaked, trembling all over, when he saw an even more shocking sight. "Zaxton?" Nathan said, surprised.

Standing next to the lockers was none other than Zaxton, staring at Nathan without saying a word. Zaxton was very handsome in that annoying "I wish I looked like that" sort of way that annoyed average looking guys like Nathan. Especially since it seemed like Zaxton wasn't interested in any of the girls at school even though they were obsessed with him. He had dark brown hair with sharp eyes that seemed boar into you even with a simple glance. It was a strange thing to think of when looking at a high school student, but Zaxton had this kind of presence about him that was heavy in the air, all kinds of people drawn to him and even the most rowdy of kids in school who ignored the rules seemed to respect him even more than the faculty. It was also rather strange to see Zaxton here of all places when he didn't have P.E. class this period. If Nathan remembered girly gossip correctly, Zaxton was supposed to be in History class so... why was he here?

"Maybe he had to use the bathroom?" Nathan thought, looking away from Zaxton after the silence had grown too long and uncomfortable. At least for him. Zaxton hadn't moved or reacted at all, standing as still as a stone making Nathan wonder for a moment if he was a cardboard cutout for a moment. "He's not like everyone else, wanting to check out the real 'boy who cried wolf' like everyone else, is he? Cause I might just punch him," Nathan muttered to himself, his hand holding the bandages clenching into a fist getting angry again when Zaxton finally moved causing Nathan to jump a little. "Holy crap! Give a guy a warning before you start moving!" Nathan ranted internally, going on a whole monologue about how the King of Saber High shouldn't make any sudden movements among the commonfolk as Nathan focused more on his cleaning when he felt a warmth radiating behind his back causing Nathan to freeze.

Zaxton was standing right behind Nathan who looked up at him through the mirror. Nathan was half turned toward the wall trying to see his back, looking toward the mirror, when Zaxton's hands gently gripped his waist turning him so he was facing the mirror completely. Zaxton took the bandages and tools from Nathan, who stared blankly at his now empty hands, before Zaxton started gently dabbing around Nathan's stitches causing Nathan to jolt a little with every brush of Zaxton's fingers against his skin. Neither of them spoke a word, Nathan feeling incredibly awkward and confused, stunned into silence while Zaxton worked. When he was done with the cleaning, Zaxton set the cleaning supplies on the sink and took a moment to just stare at Nathan's back, his face unreadable, but he seemed almost... sad? That wasn't the exact word Nathan was going for as he stared at Zaxton's face, trying to figure out what he was thinking, but Nathan couldn't figure out what word would more accurately describe the vibe around Zaxton. Before Nathan could figure it out, Zaxton reached out with one hand and pressed it against Nathan's back causing the boy to let out the squeakiest screech, startled by the insanely warm hand touching him.

With that screech, Zaxton's eyes shot up to look Nathan in the eye. That was really surprising but for some reason, Nathan felt overwhelming emotions threatening to consume him making Nathan gasp slightly. He almost felt faint, his legs trembling underneath him, before he quickly ripped his gaze away from Zaxton's panting heavily as he tried to calm himself. "W-what was that?" Nathan asked himself, breathing heavily when Zaxton gently slid his hand up to Nathan's shoulder, using both his hands to lift Nathan's arms up, wrapping the bandages around Nathan like an expert who couldn't help but watch in silence like a confused child. When he was done, Zaxton removed his hand from Nathan and turned around, walking back the way he had come leaving Nathan to stare after him even after he was long gone.

"What in the world was that about?' Nathan asked aloud, dumbfounded.

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