The Wand

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"There it is," Acxa said as she pointed down a hole in the floor with a railing around it. Below them was the wand, floating in a blue light.

"Whoo!" Rolo exclaimed as he ran to a gate to their right and opened it, the stairs leading down to where the wand was. Keith, Matt, and Acxa followed after him, smiles on their faces.

There it was. Just out of reach, ready to be grabbed. However, Keith could sense that there was magic around it.

"Rolo, don't!" Keith exclaimed as Rolo ducked under the railing to go and grab the wand. "Wait, no! No! Don't!" as Rolo went to grab the wand, a force knocked him back over the railing and an alarm started to go off.Keith, Matt, and Acxa cried out and covered their ears as the loud alarm sounded off.

Unknown to the four teens, the security guard had been woken up from Keith's spell by the alarm going off.

"A force field and a siren?" Matt called out as he helped Rolo off the ground.

"That's just a little excessive," Rolo said with a wince as Matt helped him stand up.

"Let's go!" Keith called out as he ran out of the room, the others following after.

It was that this moment that the security guard was also running around the building, flashlight in hand, trying to find who ro what had set off the alarm.

"Hurry," Acxa said as they rushed down the stairs to the first floor. As they ran past Haggar's spinning wheel, the phone at the desk started to ring. Keith's eyes widened as he realized the security guard who be coming to answer the phone.

"Come one you guys," Keith called out as they ran out the door they entered through. Matt however, stopped and answered the phone.

"Hello?" Matt asked as he answered the phone. "Uh, uh, just give me one second. One second," Matt said in a deeper voice this time as he started pressing buttons on the pad beside the phone. With that, the alarm stopped going off. "Uh, yeah, yeah. No, false alarm. It was a malfunction in the, uh, in the 714 chip in the breadboard circuit. Yeah. Okay. Say hi to the missus."

"Matt!" Keith called out as Matt hung up the phone and ran to the door.

"You're welcome," Matt said as he ran out and closed the door behind him. Just as the security guard ran in. With their mission a failure, the teens ran back to the dorm area of the school.

"Way to go, Rolo. Now we have to go to school tomorrow," Keith said with a glare to his friend.


The next morning, the teens were in their first class of Remedial Goodness 101 with Shay. Today, Shay was wearing a black pencil skirt with a black leather belt, a white halter top blouse, and black heels. The only same things she was wearing were her necklace, bracelet, and earrings.

Keith was wearing black jeans with holes in the knees, a red t-shirt, black leather jacket, black leather boots that stopped below the knee, and a black belt. Along with his black fingerless gloves of course.

Acxa was wearing a black halter tank top, washed black boot cut jeans with a ripped knee, black ankle heeled boots, a black leather jacket, and a black belt.

Rolo was wearing a black tank top ripped a little bit on the edge, red camouflage jeans with two zippered pockets, grey boots that stopped halfway up his calf. He also wore his signature black vest, silver chain belt, black fingerless gloves, and brown hat with goggles on top.

Matt was wearing blue jeans with ripped knees, black and grey quarter sleeve shirt, black boots, black studded belt, black fingerless gloves, and his signature black coat and hat.

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart?" Matt, Rolo, and Acxa had never been so bored with a class in their life. Keith however, was distracted by drawing the wand in his notebook. "Acxa," Shay said with a smile as Acxa raised her hand.

"What was the second one?" Acxa said to which Shay smiled and silently sighed to herself.

"Oh, okay. Anyone else?" as no one put up their hand, Shay turned to Keith who had been getting all the right answered today. "Keith?"

"C, give it a bottle," Keith said as he glanced up from his drawing.

"Correct. Again," Shay said with a smile.

"You are on fire, bro!" Matt said with a smile as he and Rolo turned to Keith.

"Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun," Keith said with a roll of his eyes.

"Oh," Matt said as he nodded his head.

"That makes so much sense," Acxa said with a nod of her head.

The teens attention were brought up when a girl squeaked and ran past them. She was lightly tanned with short blonde hair cropped into a shoulder length bob. She was dressed a light pink dress with a silver belt around her waist and white heels. She also wore a silver jeweled headband, gold hoop earrings, and a silver necklace with a heart pendant..

"Oh. Hello, dear one," Shay said with a kind smile as the girl walked up with a clipboard in hand, her purple eyes staring in fear at the teens sitting in the desks staring at her.

"Hi. You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation," the girl said as she handed the clipboard over to Shay.

"Everyone here remembers my daughter, Romelle," Shay said with a smile as she passed the signed clipboard back to her daughter.

"Mom, no!" Romelle said with a soft glare to her mother.

"It's okay. Romelle, this is everyone," Shay said as she turned her daughter around to face the teens.

"Hi. That's okay, don't mind me. As you were," Romelle said as she made haste out of the room.

"Ahem. Let's continue. You find a vial of poison. Do you, A, put it in the king's wine? B, paint it on an apple? Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?" Shay was surprised when everyone(minus Keith) put up their hands. Rolo pulled Matt's hand down and held it down with a smirk on his face.

"Oh! Ooh... get off," Matt said as he tried to free his hand, but was stopped when Shay called out Rolo's name."


"C. You turn it over to the proper authorities," Rolo said with a smirk directed towards Matt.

"I was gonna say that," Matt grumbled with a glare towards the other boy.

"But I said it first. Come here!" Rolo said as he pulled Matt into a headlock and pinned him down to the desk, all the while giving him a noogie.

"Come on, who said it first? Who said it first?" Rolo asked as Keith and Acxa rolled their eyes at the pair.

"Ow! Stop! Ah!"

"Boys. Boys!" Shay called out as she hit her stick against the table beside her ,which quickly gathered the boys attention. "I am gonna encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field with Coach Kolivan."

"Oh, no. That's okay. Whatever that is, We'll... We'll pass," Matt said with a smile on his face as Rolo got off him and sat back down in his chair.


"Rolo, Lance you're offense today," Coach Kolivan called out as he blew his whistle. Kolivan was dressed in a pair of black pants, a grey t-shirt, black jacket, and black running shoes. Around his neck he wore a silver whistle and on his head was a black baseball cap."Lotor you're defense, and Taylor you're the shooter today."

"Right, coach!"

"Hey. Hey! Hey, you. Lost boy!" Kolivan called out to Matt who had not yet put on hsi helmet and was a little confused on what to do. "Put your helmet on. Get out of the kill zone! Come on."

"Kill zone?" Matt asked himself as he put his helmet on and stepped out of the red are of the field.

Coach Kolivan blew the whistle and the game started. As the boys played, the cheerleaders on the side who practicing their routines cheered for them.

Seeing as Rolo was on the side with blue coloured pinnies(I literally had to google to remember what those were called from gym class), he pushed down any yellow coloured player who had the ball. Coach Kolivan and the assistant coach turned to each other with surprise on their faces.

Rolo ran into the "kill zone" and Taylor, started shooting at him with the disk shooter. Rolo, however, jumped and dodged every single one that came towards him. Rolo caught the ball thrown at him with his stick, he knocked down another yellow player and caught the ball once more.

"Rolo, it's me!" Matt called as he saw his friend coming towards him. "It's Matt!" Matt glanced down and for some reason forgot he was wearing a yellow pinnie. "Wait, stop, Rolo. Stop!" Matt cried out as he tossed his stick towards his friend to try and stop him. Ony, Rolo jumped over it, and he still had the ball in his stick.

"No, no, no, no. No!" Matt yelled as he pulled up his shield as Rolo threw the ball at him. Matt fell down and Rolo bounced off his shield and captured the ball once more. However, in the process he had knocked down Lance(who was on his team) as well who had been going to the ball at the same time.

Rolo picked up the ball and scored into the net. The cheerleaders erupting into cheers, except Nyma. Nyma was worried about how Lance had fallen and was hit by his own teammate.

"Ahh! Oh, yeah! Come on, let's go! Oh! Whoo! Whoo, whoo! Oh! Oh!" Rolo cried out as he pulled off his helmet, gloves, and broke his stick with his knee.

"What just happened? Who is this guy?" one of the players asked as Coach Kolivan blew the whistle.

"You! Get over here!" Kolivan called out as the assistant coach called for a short break. As Rolo ran over to the coaches, Lance helped a shaky Matt off the ground. "What do you call that? I call that raw talent. Come find me later. I'll show you something you haven't seen before. It's called a rule book. Welcome to the team, son," Kolivan said as he patted Rolo's shoulder. "You ever thought about band?" Kolivan asked as he turned to Matt which drew laughs from the team.

"I'll work with him, Coach Kolivan," Lance said as he placed a hand on Matt's shoulder.

"All right," Kolivan said with a sigh. "Let's run that again."

"I'm rotten to the core"


An hour later, Lance, Nyma, and Lotor laughed as they walked out of their last class of the day. Lotor was a player on the tourney team along with Lance. Lotor had pale skin, white hair, and indigo purple eyes.

Nyma had changed into a light blue dress, a pink cardigan, and white heels. She also had with ehr a pink purse and pink sunglasses. Lotor changed into a pair of beige slacks, a white shirt, and white blazer. Lance had changed into a pair of blue pants, a white shirt, and blue blazer.

"Those kids are trouble," Lotor said as he nodded his head towards where Keith and Acxa were at their lockers. Acxa bid Keith goodbye and headed off while Keith stayed at his locker.

"Come on Lotor, give them a chance," Lance said with a roll of his eyes. Nyma scoffed and pulled off her sunglasses.

"Oh. No offense, Lancey Bear, but you're just too trusting. Look, I know your mom fell in love with an evil side of your father who turned out to be a prince. But with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy. That boy's mother," Nyma said as she held LAnce's hands in her own and softly glared at Keith who was reading over his notebook.

"I think you're wrong about them. I'll see you later.," Lance said as he pulled away from Nyma and walked towards Keith. Nyma huffed, put her sunglasses back on and walked away with Lotor beside her.

Keith sighed as he grabbed his book and closed his locker, jumping when he saw Lance suddenly beside him.

"Hey," Lance said with a smile.

"Hey," Keith said back as he unconsciously fixed his bangs.

"How was your first day?" Lance asked as he remembered that Keith's schedule didn't hae a class this block.

"Super," Keith said with a huff.

"You should really think about taking this talent off the locker and into art class," Lance said as he studied the "Long Live Evil" spray paint on Keith's locker. "I could, uh, sign you up. What do you think?"

"Way to take all the fun out of it," Keith said as he noticed Romelle hurriedly walking away from him and into a quiet hallway. He sent Lance a teasing smile and walked in the same direction as her.


"Hi! It's Romelle, right?" Keith asked with a smile as he caught Romelle fixing her hair in the mirror. "That name suits you well, Romelle."

"That's cool," Romelle said with a snervous smile and went to walk away.

"Don't go!" Keith called out which made Romelle freeze in place. "I guess I was just kind of hoping to make a friend," Keith said with a soft smile. "You probably have all the friends you need though, huh?"

"Hardly," Romelle replied with a frown.

"Really? I mean, with your mom being fairy godmother and headmistress?" Romelle sighed and shook her head. "I mean, not to mention your own, um... personality," Keith said with a chuckle.

"I'd rather be pretty. You've got great hair," Romelle said as she studied Keith's hair which was pulled into a ponytail.

"You know what? I have just the thing for that," Keith said as he pulled out the spellbook from his backpack. "It's right... Ah, here," Keith said as he flipped through and found the spell he needed. "Beware, forswear, replace the old with brand new hair," Romelle cried out as she felt the spell working and slowly turned to the mirror behind her.

"Oh my god," Romelle said with wide eyes and a smile on her face. Her hair had grown longer and was now styled in town long pigtails behind her head.

"Wow! You almost don't notice your... Other features anymore," Keith said with a smile as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Do my nose!" Romelle said as she pointed as the spellbook and then her nose.

"Oh, I can't. I've been practicing, but you know, I can't do really big magic. Not like your mom with her wand. I mean, one swoosh from that thing and you could probably have whatever features you wanted," Keith said which made Romelle frown and shake her head.

"She doesn't use the wand anymore. She believes the real magic is in the books. And not the spell books, regular books with history and stuff," Romelle said with a sigh.

"What a rip," Keith said with a harsh chuckle.

"Yeah," Romelle said with a nod of her head.

"You know, she used magic on other people, people who weren't even her real children. Doesn't she love you?" Keith asked softly.

"Well, of course she does. It's... It's just, you know, tough love. "Work on the inside, not the outside." You know, that sort of thing," Romelle said to which Keith nodded.

"That's the face!" Keith said as Romelle frowned and her eyes glazed over a little bit. Romelle flinched back at Keith's sudden outburst. "Yeah, and then just look as If your... your heart is about to break."

"What?" Romelle asked in confusion. Keith smiled and held up a finger then demonstrated for the girl.

"Oh, mother, I just don't understand why you can't make me beautiful, too."

"Think it would work?" Romelle asked in curiosity.

"Yeah. I mean, that's what everyone else did, right? And your mother Bibbidi-bobbidi-booed the living daylights out of her," Keith said which drew a laugh from Romelle. "And, hey, If your mom does decide to, you know, break out the old wand, invite me."

"If I can convince Mom, you're so there," Romelle said with a smile on her face.

"Yay," Keith said as he softly clapped his hands.

"Bye," Romelle said as she grabbed her purse and headed off.

"Bye, "Keith said as he waved the girl off. A smile on his face as he headed back to his and Acxa's room.


"Any chance he's in line for a throne?" Acxa asked as she stared at Lotor. Narti glanced up from where she was taking notes and followed her gaze to Lotor. "Anywhere in line?"

"Lotor, Zarkon's son," Narti said with a sigh. "Lotor inherited the charm, but not a lot of there there, know what I mean?" Narti asked as Lotor just stared at the ceiling.

"Looks like there there to me," Acxa said with a smile as she continued to stare at Lotor.

"Acxa," Mr. Iverson called out which drew her attention to the board. "Perhaps this is just review for you. So tell me, what is the average atomic weight of silver?"

"Atomic weight?" Acxa asked to which Mr. Iverson nodded with a sigh. "Uh, well, not very much. I mean, It's an atom, right?" Acxa said with a laugh which also drew a laugh from Lotor. Mr. Iverson rolled his eyes and asked her to write the equation on the board.

As she walked up, Acxa pulled the magic mirror out of her backpack.

"Let's see, "Acxa said as she picked up a piece of chalk from the board. "How do I find the average atomic weight of silver?" Acxa asked and she glanced down to the mirror and made it seem like she was thinking. "That would be 106.905 times .5200, plus 108.905 times .4800, which, Mr. Iverson, would give us 107.9 am."

""Amu"?" Narti asked in confusion before a smile was brought to her lips as Acxa's mispronunciation.

"I forget. Always a mistake to underestimate...."

"A villain? Don't make it again," Acxa said as she put the chalk down and headed back to her seat. As she did, Lotor handed her a piece of paper and watched her sit down. Acxa opened it to find a note from Lotor.

"Meet me under the bleacher at 3?"

Acca looked back to Lotor and nodded. The pair then spent the rest of the class staring at each other. Narti sighed and continued to write down the notes for the class, making a copy in the time she had left because she knew that Acxa wouldn't be copying them down if she was staring at Lotor the entire time.


Later that same day, Lance had been working with Matt on the tourney field.Luckily, neither had a class right now so they were able to work as long as they needed to.

"Okay. Matt, we're gonna do some sprints. You ready?" Lance asked from the other side of the field. Matt nodded from he was on the other side and Lance blew the the whistle and started the stop watch.

"Oh! Ah! No, wait!" Lance looked up from his watch and was surprised to find Matt already at his end of the field. However, he didn't notice the little dog behind the running and screaming boy.

"Sweet!" Lance called out as Matt crossed the painted white line.

"No! Ah!" Matt yelled as he continued to run away from the dog, even after he passed the line.

"Matt?" Lance asked as he turned to the other boy in confusion. It was only when he saw Matt being chased by the dog that Lance chased after him. "Matt!"

The dog ended up chasing Matt right into the forest trails. Matt saw a tree with a rounded stump where a street used to be and quickly climbed onto it, hoping the dog would run past when it didn't see him. However, that was not the case because the dog saw him right away just sat and stared at him.

"Matt!" Lance called out as he ran towards the pair.

"Lance!" Matt called out as he watched the dog with fearful brown eyes.

"Whoa-Whoa-Whoa!" Lance said as he bent down to pick up the dog.

"Lance, help me! This thing is a killer! He's gonna chase me down and rip out my throat. This is a vicious, rabid pack animal!" Matt exclaimed as he pointed to the dog who just whimpered at the name calling.

"Hey, who told you that?" Lance asked as he ran his fingers through the dogs

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