Alex : I HAVE TO WHAT ?!
Roxette : Pretend you're pregnant for one week.
Alex : No.
Roxette : Yes.
Alex : My sisters will kill him. NO WAY.
Roxette : You have to.
Alex :Grrrrrr.
Roxette; Go on.
She goes to Harry's dorm. ...
Alex ; Hey.
Harry : Hi gorgeous. *hugs her. *
Alex : *smiles. * Hi Harry.
Harry :What's wrong ?
Alex : I am pregnant.
Harry : How?
Alex : Well , when a g-
Harry : I know that it's just soon.
Alex; I understand if you don't want to conti-
Harry : * runs to Ben and the rest. * I'M GONNA BE A DAD.
Doug : Nice.
Harry : *squeals. * I can't wait.
Alex's Pov : I am so dead after this week.
Day 2.....The girls are having a tea party.
Mal : So where is he ?
Alex ; I sent him to get random foods for my "cravings. "
Mary : Nice.
Harry: *walks in. * Okay I got the cheerios, grapes , pickles, cake , and frozen yogurt.
Alex ; You forgot the lemonade and soda
Harry :I am so sorry. *runs out. *
Girls ; *laughing. *
Becca : I can't believe how gullible he is.
Day 3 -
Alex ; * crying. *
Harry : What wrong? Do you need something? Ice cream? Tissues? Foot rub ? I could hook some one.
Alex; No its just , I haven't been pregnant that long and I look horrible.
Harry : No you don't.
Alex : Yes I do. *whines. *
Harry : *sighs. *
Day 4 .....
Alex : *asleep. *
Carlos : She kicked you out ?
Harry : Yep.
Carlos; Why?
Harry : I forgot to fluff her pillow.
Carlos ; Yikes.
Day 6 .....
Mal : One more day.
Alex : yay!can't wait.
Day ......7....
Harry : *wakes up. *Where is Alex? Oh no what if she is hurt ? *looks around. * Hailey, have you seen Alex ?
Hailey : In the culinary room.
Harry : Oh no ! * runs in. * Alex ! * pouts her milk for you. * This is way to heavy for you to lift.
Alex : Harry, relax. I'm not actually pregnant.
Harry : Wait what? Did we loose it ???*whines. *
Alex : No it was a dare.
Alex ; Duh.
Jay : *laughing. * Good one.
Harry : You knew ?!
Ben : Yep.
Harry : Unbelievable! *walks out. *